
  1. 通过房地产虚拟营销,可以使房地产动态联盟主动适应外部环境的变化、迅速捕捉市场机遇、实现敏捷制造、实现盟员企业间的优势互补、资源共享、共同分担营销风险和成本。

    Through virtual marketing , the dynamic alliance is able to adapt to the change of outside environment , to catch the market opportunity rapidly , to realize agile manufacture , to realize inclusiveness , and share of risks and costs .

  2. 没有足够的市场数据及没有足够的网站流量是他们共同面临的营销挑战。

    Not having enough marketing resources and needing to drive more traffic to company Web sites were the other highly ranked marketing challenges .

  3. 本文研究提出:银行组织合法性的获取依托于社会网络,银行社会网络的扩散有助于组织合法性的提高,两者存在一种互动共生机制,共同促进银行营销绩效的提高。

    This paper proposed : the legality of access to banking organizations rely on social networks , the proliferation of social networks can help banking organizations to improve the legitimacy , there is an interaction between the two symbiotic mechanisms to jointly promote the improvement of performance of bank marketing .

  4. 所有权形式、专用资产投资和关系规范共同影响农产品营销渠道治理安排。

    This Study found that the ownership forms , special assets investment and relationship norms affected the governance arrangements of agri-products marketing channel .

  5. 目前,子典凭借“互利共赢,共同进步”的营销理念,在全国已建立了庞大的销售渠道,并以稳健的速度迅猛发展。

    At present , on the based of concept of " mutual benefits and cooperation ", Z point has set up enormous sales channel and develop at a amazing speed .

  6. 作为今年七月科技头脑风暴会议的预演,《财富》在本周一晚上邀请了三位来自大型企业、才思出众的智囊来到拉斯维加斯,共同探讨科技和营销之间的互动关系。

    As a preview to our brainstorm tech conference in July , fortune gathered three of the sharpest minds in big business in Las Vegas on Monday night to discuss the interplay between technology and marketing .

  7. 为了提高中小企业的市场竞争能力,必须以共生营销理念为指导,积极促进中小企业建设营销平台,通过营销平台来实现共同市场研究、共同开展品牌宣传和市场推广、共同开发营销渠道。

    It has great importance for the small and medium enterprises to construct marketing platform guided by the idea of coexistence marketing , by which they can realize mutual market research , brand propaganda and promotion , and develop marketing channel to enhance their market competition ability .