
  1. 本文希望通过借助SNS挖掘进口葡萄酒深厚的文化底蕴和关系推广诉求,以解决进口葡萄酒传统营销策略中忽视品牌推广、忽略文化传播的问题。

    This paper aims to dig imported wines rich cultural heritage and promote relations demands by means of SNS , in order to solve the imports wine problem in the traditional marketing strategies that ignores branding and cultural transmission .

  2. 将这一本构关系推广到多维弹塑性大变形,用于解决金属成型问题时,受变形大小的限制;

    The constitutive relation for two dimensional elastoplastic finite deformation can be extended and can be used to solve the protem when the metal forging processes with the restriction of the degree of deformation .

  3. 依据塑性力学全量理论,将岩体单轴压缩的非线性软化本构关系推广,得到复杂应力状态下圆形硐室围岩塑性区的等效应力与等效应变关系;

    According to the entire theory of plastic mechanics , the relationship between equivalent stress and equivalent strain of circular chamber plastic zone in the complex stress state is deduced from nonlinear softening constitutive relation of rock under uniaxial compression .

  4. Arrhenius模型与Z值模型的关系及推广

    The relationship of the Arrhenius model and Z-value model

  5. 其次研究了对应的对偶关系,推广了Hsia,W.S.和Lee,T.Y.(1988)文中集&点映射情形时的相应结论。

    And Lee , T. Y. ( 1988 ) on set point maps case .

  6. 给出函数类Hω和有界变差函数类BV之间的关系,推广了Torriani的结果。

    In this paper , we give the relation between the class H ~ ω of function and the class of bounded variation function , and generalize the results of Torriani .

  7. 本文考虑了随机设计情形下一类普通的异方差回归模型,在这个模型中,假定回归函数与方差函数之间的关系服从推广的广义非线性模型。

    A general heteroscedastic regression model is considered in a random design setting .

  8. 目的建立一种基于拟序关系的推广的粗糙集模型。

    Aim To establish a generalized model of rough set theory based on quasi order relation .

  9. 研究了函数的一阶及二阶右导数与函数凸性的关系,推广了数学分析中的有关结果。

    This paper discusses the connection of one step or two step right derivative and protruding property of a function .

  10. 在结点互异或结点重合时,将函数差商与其导数之间的关系式推广为关于两个函数的情形。

    Thie relationship between divided difference and derivative of a function can be generalized for two functions which the knots are distinct or the knots are coincident .

  11. 本文探讨了双控制数和其它控制参数的一些新关系,推广了[1]的一些结果。

    In this paper , new relationships between dd ( G ) and other domination parameters are explored and some results of [ 1 ] are extended .

  12. 讨论了非奇异环与DQC-环、强素环、正则环之间的关系,推广了关于非奇异环的有关结果。

    This paper deals with some relations between nonsingular ring and DQC-ring , strongly prime ring and regular ring . The results improves the theorems of nonsingular ring .

  13. 本文给出了球面数字空间的定义和特性,建立了基于流型的球面数字空间的基本拓扑模型,将Egenhofer等人的4交关系模型推广到球面数字空间。

    Then we discuss the basic topology model of spherical surface digital space . In the end , the 4-intersection model was generalized to spherical surface digital space .

  14. 本文利用模糊数的嵌入定理,讨论了模糊微分方程初值问题的近似解和解的关系,推广了前人已有的结果。

    In this paper , we discuss the relations between approximate solutions and solutions for the initial value problems of the fuzzy differential equations by the embedding theorem of fuzzy number space .

  15. 我们对文献[1]中的平面曲线的切线与渐近线之间的关系予以推广,得到密切多项式与渐近多项式之间的类似关系。

    To extend relation between the tangent line and asymptotic line of plane curve , which had been described in literature [ 1 ] . We have obtained similar relation between the osculating polynomial and asymptotic polynomial .

  16. 建立了混和图的特征值与匹配数、直径以及拟悬挂点数的关系,推广了简单图上若干关于特征值分布的结论。

    In this paper , we establish some relations between the eigenvalues and matching number , diameter , and the number of quasi-pendant vertices of mixed graphs , which extend some known result of simple graphs on eigenvalues distribution .

  17. 本文给出了区间周期系统平稳振荡的概念,建立了区间矩阵稳定性与区间周期系统平稳振荡之间的关系,推广和改进了文[1]的结果。

    In this papers we introduce a new concept of stationary oscillation of interval periodic systems . A relationship between the stability of interval matrices and the stationary oscillation of interval periodic systems are established and the results of paper [ 1 ] are extended and improved .

  18. 其主要思想是利用推广的格林关系来描述推广的Rees矩阵半群及其半格。

    The main idea is to discuss generalized Rees matrix semigroups and semilattice of this kind of semigroups by generalized Green relations .

  19. 本文第一章主要对Rees矩阵半群进行了推广,研究了推广之后的Rees矩阵半群的刻画,其主要思想是利用推广的格林关系来描述推广的Rees矩阵半群。

    In this dissertation , we first generalize Rees matrix semigroups and study the abstract characterizations of generalized Rees matrix semigroups . Further , The main idea is to discuss generalized Rees matrix semigroups by generalized Green relations .

  20. 维护与开拓客户关系以有效推广设备应用;

    Maintenance and develop customer relation to promote components of rig effectively ;

  21. 关于分离性和同胚关系的一些推广

    Some Generalizations on the Separability and Homeomorphism

  22. 维护与开拓客户关系以有效推广射频微波,电信,航空测试与测量仪表;

    Maintenance and develop customer relation to promote RF , navigate test and measurement instruments effectively ;

  23. 从产品开发与市场的互动关系谈行销推广

    Product Development and Marketing

  24. 级数和无穷乘积关系的某些推广和一类递推算法的收敛性

    Extensions of the relations of series to infinite products and the convergence of a class of recursive algorithms

  25. 制定调整农业经济关系和技术推广及强化农业主体、粮食保护等其他法律。

    They also established a series of laws of agricultural economy relationship and technology application and agriculture subject and food protection .

  26. 结论递归系统模型增加了模型拟合效果的可解释性,能较清晰明了地显示医院指标间复杂的层次关系,值得推广。

    Conclusion Recursive structural model can make results more explicable , it is a useful statistical tool for data with complicated hierarchy indexes .

  27. 跟着数据库理论的深入研讨和发铺,人们将经典关系数据库理论推广与改造得到了非经典关系数据库理论。

    With the development of database theory , popularizing and reforming the classical relational database , we got the non-classical relational database theory .

  28. 浩沙健身俱乐部对外的促销方式主要有广告、公共关系、营业推广和人员推销几种。

    Gallant sand fitness club external marketing methods mainly advertising , public relations , sales promotion and marketing of several officers . 6 .

  29. 本文引入了取值于局部凸空间矢值测度的几种抽象有界变差函数,研究了这几种抽象有界变差函数的关系,并推广了相关文献中的结果。

    In this paper , we have given some kinds of bounded variations of vector measures with valued in locally convex spaces and studied the relations of these bounded variations .

  30. 此间不乏有一些成功地利用公共关系活动来推广企业品牌的案例,比如海尔、中远洋、联想等。

    In this new era , people witnessed many a case where PR activities successfully promoted the corporate image , among which are the cases of Haier , COSCO , Legend etc.