
  • 网络relation resource;relational resources;relationship resource
  1. 关系资源将在企业的运作中发挥越来越多的作用。

    Relation resource will play a more and more role in the operation of enterprises .

  2. 为抑制因社会关系资源不足而出现的城市贫困现象的蔓延,运用社会关系资源应成为制度性城市反贫困措施中的重要构成要素之一。

    To control the urban poor caused by the lack of relation resource , we should regard the use of social relation resource as one of important part of the urban anti - poor system .

  3. 瘤胃微生物生态群落是一个非常复杂的生物网络体系,有着巨大的基因资源以及丰富的生物关系资源。

    It has been proved that the rumen microbial is very complex .

  4. 基于战略网络视角的企业关系资源

    Firm 's Relationship Resource Based on Strategic Network Perspective

  5. 酒店销售人员拥有酒店正常经营所需的广泛外部关系资源,是酒店与外部组织交流的桥梁。

    The hotel sales employees have the widespread external resources which the hotel normal management needs .

  6. 农民就医过程中具有社会资源特性的关系资源是寻求医疗利益行为者的一种行为产品。

    Guanxi resource with characteristics of social resource is a behavioral product of people seeking for medical interests .

  7. 将资源指标分为技术资源、营销资源、战略组织资源、实物资源、关系资源,将核心能力分为外部关联能力、市场整合能力、技术整合能力、战略管理整合能力。

    The resources are divided into technological resource , marketing resource , strategic resource , material resource and relational resource .

  8. 质性研究中的关系资源利用与身份介入差异&基于个案研究的社会学研究方法思考

    The Use of " Guanxi " and Taking of Different Status in Qualitative Research : Social Research Methodology Discussion Based on Case studies

  9. 男人则更善于将仅仅几面之交的人变成自己关系资源的一部分,并且通过这些关系保持一个更高的私人关注率。

    Men are better at developing passing acquaintances into a network , and better at maintaining a high personal profile through these contacts .

  10. 对于外部营销,提出设立市场部、建立客户经理制的办法来对企业的客户关系资源进行管理。

    For external marketing , the author advises that the market departement must be established to manage the relationship between the enterprise and the clients .

  11. 其次,对内部资本市场人力资本资源、财务资源、信息资源和关系资源的获取途径分别进行了探讨。

    Secondly , this paper discusses some approaches of gaining internal capital markets human capital resources , financial resources , information resources and relation resources .

  12. 从一定层面讲,土地资源能否实现可持续利用直接关系资源、环境和社会的可持续发展。

    The sustainable development of resource , environment and society depends on our ability to use land resources in a sustainable way at a certain level .

  13. 大学生的社会关系资源与创业存在显著相关,大学生外部条件对创业价值观的形成有很大影响。

    University students ' social resources is significant correlation with entrepreneurship , college students ' external conditions has a great impact on entrepreneurial values . 5 .

  14. 由于关系资源与关系网络对城市贫困文化的形成与自我维持、延续发挥了其独有的作用,因此,关系资源的运用将成为未来城市反贫困的重要形式。

    And the applied form of relation resource is changed . Social relation resource plays a special role in the formation and maintenance of urban poverty culture .

  15. 很有可能,他们会更愿意推荐你一份新的工作或者一份亮眼的推荐资源(如果他们本人就是你的人际关系资源)。

    Chances are , they 'll be more likely to recommend you for a new job or provide a glowing reference if they 're personally vested in you .

  16. 关系资源一直被认为是提高绩效的重要因素,建设项目背景下的关系引起了广泛关注和研究。

    Relation resources have always been considered to be important for performance improvement , and the relationship under construction project background has been subject to a considerable amount of research and attention .

  17. 对商誉的关注,起始于人们最初对于商业关系资源的识别与保护的愿望。而随着经济社会的发展,它已经成为任何企业无法忽视的方面。

    The attention paid to this issue maybe caused by the initial interest on distinguishing and protecting goodwill , and then become hardly ignorable by any entity as the development of economy .

  18. 由于物质资源、社会关系资源和自身人力资源的缺乏,阿q只能以打短工维持生存,但他具有认真工作的经济理性;

    Owing to the lack of material resources , social connections and personal qualities , a Q could live only on temporary work though he had an economic rationality of diligence at work .

  19. 客户关系资源是证券公司最为宝贵的财富,而建立健全客户服务体系是发展、维系和巩固这一关系最直接、最有效的手段。

    Customer Relationship resources are the most valuable asset securities companies , and establish and improve customer service system is to develop , maintain and strengthen this relationship the most direct and effective means .

  20. 具体包括:财务资源、人力资源、制造能力、技术创新能力、管理组织能力、营销能力、声誉资源、关系资源和企业家能力。

    In detail , these firm resourcesinclude : financial resource , human resource , manufacturing capability , technological innovation capability , administrative capability , marketing capability , reputation resource , relationship resource and entrepreneurial competence .

  21. 社会资本作为社会关系资源,它的生成与社会关系是同步的。现实的人、物质生产实践和交往实践以及人的需要共同构成了社会资本的生成依据。

    As a source of social relation , the generation of social capital follows up that of social relation closely , and basises itself on realistic human being , material production praxis , communication practice , and human demand .

  22. 决定职业声望高低的因素包括教育、收入、权力和社会关系资源四个方面,与职业声望高度相关的不仅有教育地位、收入地位和权力地位,还有社会关系资源。

    Education , income , power and social resources are the four factors influencing occupational prestige . Therefore , occupational prestige rating is not only related to education income , and power status , but also to social resource status .

  23. 在对中国企业海外并购无形资源整合的研究中,本文又重点关注了人力资源、企业文化与企际关系资源的整合,着眼点在于矛盾的主要方面。

    This paper pays close attention to the integration among human resources , corporate culture and inter-enterprises relationships resources in the study of enterprise M & A intangible resources integration , so as to focus on the main aspects of conflict .

  24. 通过分析本文认为,邢台市政建设集团核心竞争力的影响要素是资质资源、人才资源、战略信息资源、战略关系资源、组织与管理机制等战略资源。

    Through the analysis of this thesis , the influence factor of the core competence of the Xingtai Municipal Construction Group are qualification resource , talents resource , strategic information resources and strategic relationship resources , the organization and management mechanism and other strategic resources .

  25. 从社会资本的视角出发,可以发现,农民的人际关系资源短缺、特殊主义的信任观以及合作意识的匮乏等消极性社会资本阻碍了农民收入的增长。

    From the social capital 's paint of view , it may be discovered that the peasantry 's income increment could be blocked by the passive social capitals such as the shortage of human relationship resources , the particular confidence and the deficience of coorperation conscience .

  26. 为此,本研究将IT资源分为IT基础设施、IT人力资本和IT关系资源三类,分别研究这三类IT资源对两类IT能力的影响,并提出了相关研究假设。

    In this study , IT resources are divided into IT infrastructure , IT human capital , and IT relationship quality . Then , the relationships between these 3 kinds of IT resources and 2 kinds of IT capabilities are studied , and 6 hypothesises are proposed .

  27. 综合运用ORACLE关系数据库资源,研制开发了一套全中文多级下拉式用户界面的生产测井数据库系统。

    Combining the resource of ORACLE relational database , a set of production logging database system with Chinese popdown user interface is developed .

  28. 企业网络关系对资源整合能力的影响机制研究

    The Effect of firms ' network relationship on resource integration capability

  29. 同步协同设计中基于关联关系的资源调度方法

    Correlation-based Methodology for Resource Scheduling in Synchronal Cooperative Design System

  30. 我国现代人地关系与资源环境基础

    Resources and environment foundation and man-land relationship in modern China