
  • 网络Related Trade;related party trade
  1. 影响产业集聚的因素包括地方需求、产品差别化、市场关联和贸易成本。

    Elements which influence industrial accumulation include local demand , product differentiation , market link and trade cost .

  2. 核心劳工标准与贸易的密切关联性以及贸易制裁与核心劳工标准挂钩的合理性及评价;

    The close connection between the core standards and trade ; and the rationality of the imposing of trade sanction links up with the observance of fundamental labor standards and its evaluation ;

  3. 为此,我们从诸如贸易政策与产业政策的协调、发展产业关联度大的贸易项目等四个方面入手以期更好的促使经常项目为产业结构优化做出积极贡献。

    Therefore , we should take measures towards trading policy , coordination of industry policy , and other trading items which have close relationship with industry development to make current account contribute positively to optimizing industry structure .