
  • 网络Management values;managerial values
  1. 现代教育管理价值观初探

    Analysis of the Value Outlook of Modern Educational Management

  2. 文化传统与中国式管理价值观选择

    Cultural Tradition and the Choice of Chinese Management Value

  3. 企业要获得持久发展,就必须重视对财务管理价值观的研究。

    Any enterprise that aims at a long-term development should pay more attention to the inquiry for values of financial management .

  4. 分析了财务管理价值观与企业价值观、企业文化和财务管理目标的关系。

    The author analyzes the relationship of values of financial management , corporate values , corporate culture and financial management aim .

  5. 调整好组织的总价值观与人力资源管理价值观的关系是调度好组织最重要的财产&做工作和决定的人,从而获得高绩效的一个关键步骤。

    One of the most important steps in adjusting the relationship between the values of organizations and those of the human resource management is to dispatch the most important property in the organizations , that is to say , to dispatch the people who work and make decisions .

  6. 野生动物资源保护管理的价值观

    View of Value of Wildlife Resource Conservation and Management

  7. 决定幸福的关键外在因素包括:收入、工作、社区和管理、价值观和宗教信仰。

    The key external factors that determine happiness include income , work , community and governance , and values and religion .

  8. 构建了由项目管理文化价值观层面的四个维度和项目成功评价标准构成的研究模型。

    The research model is composed by the four dimensions of project management cultural values and the evaluation criteria of project success .

  9. 还探讨了在中西方文化背景下管理者价值观差异以及它对组织公民行为及员工留任的影响;

    The research studies the differences of MV between eastern and western cultural backgrounds and the influences thereof on OCBs and ER ;

  10. 管理者价值观与员工留任之间存在着相关关系;

    A significant correlation between the value scores on the Managerial Values Profile ( MVP ) and total scores on Employee Retention instrument .

  11. 处于转型时期的高校后勤实体,面临着继续深化改革与改革动力不足、市场竞争加剧与组织活力下降的矛盾。为此,加强伦理建设,着力体现管理组织价值观,寻求组织发展的内在动力;

    College logistics entities are facing the conflicts between the need of further reform and insufficient reform motivation , increased market competition and decreasing organizational vitality .

  12. 在分析国外员工价值观研究进展的基础上,对转型期的中国员工、管理者价值观研究状况进行总结评述。

    Based on the new western study of values among employees , the authors analyzed and reviewed the researches of value of Chinese employees and managers .

  13. 摘要在市场经济发展的转型期,企业的员工、管理者价值观研究日渐为企业界与学术界关注。

    In the transformation from planned economy to market economy , the change of concepts of value among Chinese employees and managers attracted attention by enterprises and academia in china .

  14. 试论当代管理理论中价值观的重构

    A Trying Analysis on Value Conception Reconstructing in Contemporary Management Theory

  15. 国内管理者工作价值观现状的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Domestic Managers ' View on Work Value

  16. 浅议企业战略管理中的价值观因素

    Brief Comments on The Factors of Values in The Strategic Enterprise Management

  17. 企业质量管理人员工作价值观与组织承诺的相关性研究

    A Study on the Relationship of Work Values and Organizational Commitment for QC Personnel

  18. 昆山市企业管理者体育价值观对企业体育影响的研究

    Kunshan City , Sporting Values of Corporate Managers on the Impact of Corporate Sports

  19. 文化管理是以价值观为中心、以人为本、以激励为手段的管理。

    Culture management focuses on view of value , bases on human , and exerts motivation .

  20. 人本管理的核心价值观

    Core Value of HR Management

  21. 并依据罗齐奇的价值观分类法和品牌价值观的两个功能特性,把它分类为管理型品牌价值观和消费型品牌价值观。

    And the third one is that brand values is divided into two parts according to its functions and Rokeach ' values research .

  22. 兼容式管理反映了教育价值观的多元化倾向。

    Compatible management is a multiple mirror of the educational value .

  23. 管理变革与企业价值观创新

    Administrative Reformation vs. the Creation of Enterprises ' Values

  24. 结果:在教育工作中的运用,启发了学生自我审视、自我管理、提高社会价值观;

    Results Role play used in education enlightened students to scan and manage themselves and improved their social values ;

  25. 本文对国内外有关保护性价值观及其对决策行为的影响的研究成果进行了详尽考察和评述,在此基础上,进一步提出了管理领域保护性价值观研究的设想。

    This paper reviews the existing studies of protected values and their impacts on decision-making behavior and suggests that studies should be conducted on protected values in management research .

  26. 作为文化研究的核心&价值观的研究早己成为社会学、心理学等领域研究的热点,相比之下,从组织管理的角度进行价值观管理研究却出现得较晚。

    As the core of cultural studies-studies of values have become the core of sociology , psychology and other areas , but it appears much later from the perspective of organizational management .

  27. 管理会计创新主要包括管理会计价值观、理论、基本内容和方法的创新,其中管理会计价值观创新是其他创新的决定因素。

    The innovation of management accounting mainly contains the innovation of the value view , theory , basal content and manners of management accounting . And the innovation of the value view is the decisive factor of the other innovations .

  28. 引用专业论文与前沿理论对当下公共管理理论及其背后的管理思想和价值观提出了批判与反思。

    Based on papers and latest theories , the author put forward the criticism and reflections about the theory of modern public administration and the values behind it .

  29. 该系统包括管理对象系统(科技计划知识子系统)和管理工具系统(价值观子系统、管理子系统、技术子系统)。

    This system includes the target system ( the knowledge subsystem ) and the tool system ( values subsystem , management subsystem , technology subsystem ) .

  30. 在对传统理性管理理论进行反思和批判继承的基础上,当代管理理论提出了价值观管理。

    On the base of thinking and inheriting critically traditional reason management theory , contemporary management theory put forward value management .