
  • 网络Shopping service;Buying Services
  1. 第十题购物服务的基本要求是什么?

    What are the basic requirements of the shopping service ?

  2. 购物服务提供商OkMyOutfit的联合创始人戴安娜o梅伦肖曾做过八年华尔街分析师。

    Diana Melencio , co-founder of the OkMyOutfit shopping service , spent eight years as a Wall Street analyst .

  3. 腾讯表示,用户只需在微信中通过扫描二维码或搜索的方式打开这些程序,享受订票或在线购物服务。

    Users just need to scan the QR code or search from their WeChat accounts to open these apps , where they could book tickets or do shopping , Tencent said .

  4. 在Internet上建立网站,面向所有的Internet用户,为其提供网上购物服务。

    The net stations based on Internet provide all Internet users with shopping services on line .

  5. 亚马逊(Amazon)终于推出了程序式购物服务,从而能够与苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)在这个领域抗衡。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) finally rolled out its in-app purchasing service , which brings the e-commerce company up to parity with apple and Google in that respect .

  6. 欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特•维斯特格(MargretheVestager)已向谷歌发出两波指控,称谷歌滥用其在网页搜索方面的霸主地位推销其自身的购物服务,还指控谷歌滥用其Android操作系统的主导地位把客户锁定于使用谷歌应用。

    Margrethe Vestager , EU competition commissioner , has already issued two sets of charges against Google - accusing it of abusing its dominance of web search to promote its own shopping services , and of abusing dominance of its Android operating system to lock customers into using Google apps .

  7. Megaro的公司提供造型分析,个人购物服务等等,他提供了以下几点建议帮助你在下一次面试中表现出色。

    Megaro , whose company offers style analysis , personal-shopping services , and more , offers up these tips to make sure you 're good to go at your next interview .

  8. 一些品牌认知度更高、资金更丰厚的大公司,已经在提供网上购物服务,而且败得很惨。

    Much bigger companies with greater brand recognition and deeper pockets were already offering online shopping and failing miserably .

  9. 第一份起诉书指控谷歌滥用其在网络搜索领域的主导地位,不公平地推广自己的购物服务。

    The first accused Google of abusing its dominance of online search to promote its own shopping services unfairly .

  10. 该案的核心在于,谷歌是否利用其在搜索领域的霸主地位,让自身的比较购物服务受益,令竞争对手处于不利境地。

    The case revolves around whether Google took advantage of its dominance in search to favor its own comparison-shopping service over those of its rivals .

  11. 谷歌因在网络搜索中推广自家购物服务、打压竞争对手而遭到欧盟指控,该案件自2010年末一直拖到了现在。

    The European Union has accused Google of promoting its shopping service in Internet searches at the expense of rival services in a case that has dragged on since late 2010 .

  12. 影响国外游客对山西省旅游环境满意的因素主要有:餐饮服务、交通服务、住宿服务、娱乐服务、购物服务、景区形象、基础设施、管理与服务。

    Abroad , the factors are mainly food and drink services , transportation services , accommodation services , recreational services , shopping services , scenic spots images , basic facilities and management services .

  13. 欧盟委员会表示,谷歌利用其强大的搜索引擎进行不公平的购物服务推广活动,使较小规模的比价网站遭受损害。该委员会将以谷歌违反欧盟竞争法为由对其处以创纪录的罚款。

    The commission will impose the record fine for breaking EU competition law , saying Google used its dominant search engine to unfairly promote the Google Shopping service at the expense of smaller price-comparison websites .

  14. 该公司以技术著称,同时它还具利用创新取悦顾客的技巧,比如在美国79美元一年的“亚马逊优惠”购物服务,为会员提供“2天送达”和其他的优惠。

    The company is technologically adept , and it has a knack of delighting customers with innovations such as its $ 79-a-year " Amazon Prime " shopping service in America , which offers members free , two-day shipping and other benefits .

  15. 但它在加纳和尼日利亚也很活跃,后者是非洲人口最多的国家,微信在该国有一个三人小组,与当地初创企业展开合作,如在线招聘服务Jobberman和在线时尚购物服务Traclist。

    But it is also active in Ghana and Nigeria , the continent 's most populous nation , where it has a team of three and is working with Nigerian start-ups such as Jobberman , an online employment service , and Traclist , an online fashion shopping service .

  16. 这个移动Web服务系统包括三个子模块:天气预报服务、购物车服务、地图显示服务。

    This system includes three sub-modules that are a weather forecast service , a shopping car service and a displaying map service .

  17. 这是可以做到的,因为购物车服务是基于servlet的。

    This is allowed because the shopping cart service is servlet-based .

  18. 而价值2500美元的VIP套餐则是一整套能帮你改变生活面貌的服务,包括约会管理、代办服务、以及个人购物助理服务。

    For $ 2500 -- the " VIP " package -- a whole life makeoveris offered : " dating management , conciergeservice , personal shopping . "

  19. 第五,提高网上购物的服务质量。

    Fifthly , online shops should also improve their service quality .

  20. 仲裁法的电子商务是一个免费的购物车服务。

    Mal 's e-commerce is a FREE Shopping Cart Service .

  21. 购物短信服务平台的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Supermarket Information SMS Advertising System

  22. 本发明使公共和私人电子网上购物目录服务成为可能。

    The invention enabled the use of catalogs both public and private for electronic online shopping .

  23. 对于其他焊接相关类用品,如焊接材料,焊接工具及焊帽等,我们可以提供一站式购物的服务。

    We also provide one-stop shopping for welding related products like welding materials , tools and helmets .

  24. 工作人员提供24小时的免费紧急救助服务,家电维修,健康咨询以及购物送货服务。

    They provide services like 24-hour emergency assistance , appliance repairs , health advice and shopping deliveries , all free of charge .

  25. 归根到底,电视购物属于服务性的节目,要以消费者为本,严把质量关。

    In the final analysis , television shopping programs belongs to service program , which must be consumer-oriented and have strict quality control .

  26. 然而,在网络购物中服务失误频频发生,成为制约网络购物发展的重要因素。

    However , during shopping online service failure occurs frequently , and which becomes an important factor to hinder development of online shopping .

  27. 为了有效解决上述问题,国家应进行这方面的相关立法、强化行政管理职能、完善网络购物配套服务、建立有效的争端解决机制。

    For effectively resolve the problems mentioned above , we should carry out the relevant legislation , strengthen administrative management function , improve the network shopping supporting service , set up effective dispute settlement mechanism .

  28. 使得网络商家难以控制服务过程,网络购物中服务失误频频发生,成为制约网络购物市场发展的重要因素之一。

    So , it is very difficult for the net business to control the whole service process , which causes high frequency service failure . This has become an important factor to hinder the development of online shopping .

  29. 社区型超市引入综合店概念,通过配套速食供应、家庭账单代办、月票代办等便利措施,成为社区型购物与服务中心。

    Community supermarket introduce " comprehensive shop " concept , through forming a complete set and eat supply , family bill act on one 's behalf , monthly ticket act on one 's behalf convenient measure rapidly , and become doing shopping and service center .

  30. 基本上是一二十家非常富裕的个人和官方机构在修建所有这些商场,一家设计公司的首席执行官说。此人所在的公司在为购物中心服务,出于丢掉生意的担忧而要求不具名。

    Basically a group of 10 to 20 very wealthy individuals and state institutions are building all the malls , said one chief executive of a design company that serves the shopping centers , who asked not to be named because of a fear of losing business .