
línɡ shòu shānɡ
  • retailer;retail trader/dealer
  1. 把商品退还给你的零售商,他们会按原价退款的。

    Take the goods back to your retailer who will refund you the purchase price .

  2. 这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。

    It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples .

  3. 折扣的大部分进了零售商的腰包,而顾客没有得到实惠。

    Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers .

  4. 他没发现唱片公司与零售商串通一气的证据。

    He found no evidence of collusion between record companies and retailers

  5. 圣诞节后的那一天零售商一般都比较忙。

    The day after Christmas is generally a busy one for retailers

  6. 零售商们几乎尝试了所有办法以吸引购物者进入商店。

    Retailers have tried almost everything to entice shoppers through their doors

  7. 这家公司是英国最大的网络葡萄酒零售商。

    This company is the biggest wine e-tailer in the UK .

  8. 零售商将不得不为了提高销量而大幅降价。

    Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales

  9. 从公司可以查到离你最近的零售商的名字。

    The name of your nearest stockist is available from the company .

  10. 零售商们已放弃等待房产市场上的转机。

    Retailers have given up waiting for a turn in the housing market .

  11. 这些纺织品被批发给零售商、时装店和其他制造商。

    The fabrics are sold wholesale to retailers , fashion houses , and other manufacturers .

  12. 据称年销售额下滑幅度最大的零售商中包括家具和地毯零售商。

    Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales .

  13. 零售商可以退回有缺陷的商品。

    Retailers can return defective merchandise .

  14. 各种形色不一、大小各异的新产品和新品牌铺天盖地,让零售商们疲于应付。

    Retailers were hit with a blizzard of new products and brands in all shapes , sizes and colours .

  15. 对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

    Next to the expense of cashiers , pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers .

  16. 他是个精明的零售商。

    He is a smart retailer .

  17. 更不用说还有大量像Bonobos这样敢于创新的新零售商,正创造性地融合线上和线下购买体验。

    Not to mention the large number of creative new retailers , like Bonobos , that are blending online and offline experiences in creative ways .

  18. Target和Neiman受到的黑客攻击也改变了成本计算:尽管零售商不愿按凯捷咨询公司估计的那样花费67.5亿美元让所有注册机兼容芯片密码,但他们现在面临的潜在责任要大得多。

    The Target and Neiman hacks have also changed the cost calculation : although retailers have been reluctant to spend the $ 6.75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible , the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater .

  19. 服装、鞋类和电子行业的一些零售商和制造商已经推出了环保计划。

    Some retailers and manufacturers in the clothing , footwear , and electronics industries have launched environmental programs .

  20. 但先别急着抛售所有的零售商股票,你应该多考虑下事实。

    But before you dump all of your retail stocks , there are more facts you should consider .

  21. 如果你是个依赖外部经销商的制造商,那么零售商就是收集旧产品的理想合作伙伴。

    If you are a manufacturer who relies on outside distributors , then retailers are the ideal partner for collecting old products .

  22. 最近一项研究对600多家网络零售商进行了评分,评估消费者线上购买和支付的便利程度。

    A recent study graded more than 600 internet retailers on how easy it was for consumers to shop , buy , and pay .

  23. 这使得全世界几乎只有美国零售商依赖磁条技术来收取购物费用,同时也让消费者处于弱势。

    That leaves American retailers pretty much alone the world over in relying on magstripe technology to charge purchases — and leaves consumers vulnerable .

  24. 敢于创新的零售商使用新技术来创新商店的几乎所有职能,从库存管理到营销,再从营销到盈利。

    Creative retailers are using the new technologies to innovate just about everything stores do from managing inventory , to marketing , to getting paid .

  25. 看看梅西百货、诺德斯特罗姆和塔吉特这些大型零售商的财报,就像参观重症监护室一样惊心动魄。

    Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy 's , Nordstrom , and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit .

  26. 该零售商还公布了2016年初将要关闭的36家门店的具体位置。

    The   retailer   also   announced   the   locations   of   36   stores   it   will   close   in   early   2016 .

  27. 在大型传统零售商中,沃尔玛最近公布了最佳业绩,致其股价飙升,而梅西百货、塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙的股价下跌。

    Among large traditional retailers , Walmart recently reported the best results , leading its stock price to surge , while Macy 's , Target , and Nordstrom 's dropped .

  28. 就算零售商让顾客走进商店,他们也能轻松找到网上或附近商店是否有更好的选择。

    Even when a retailer gets a customer to walk in the store , she can easily see if there 's a better deal online or at another store nearby .

  29. 互联网泡沫的破灭使大多数这类预测不再可信,往后几年里,传统零售商增强了对未来的信心,因为官方统计仍显示在线销售处于疲软状态。

    The dot.corn bust discredited most predictions of that sort and in the years that followed , on ventional retailers ' confidence in the future increased as Census continued to report weak online sales .

  30. 可以肯定的是,官方的统计将沃尔玛等主要传统零售商的线上销售与流动餐车类的“非商店零售商”搞混了,可能掩盖了单个零售类别的重大变化。

    It is certain that the Census procedures , which lump the online sales of major traditional retailers like Walmart with " non-store retailers " like food trucks , can mask major changes in individual retail categories .