
  • 网络retail internationalization
  1. 摘要零售国际化是零售领域的一个研究热点。

    Retail internationalization is a very important issue in retailing research .

  2. 零售国际化主体的术语解析与多维分类体系构建

    Terminology Explanation and Multidimensional Classification System on Main Body of Retail Internationalization

  3. 中国零售国际化问题之探讨

    Research on Internationalization of Chinese Retailing

  4. 从国外实践看零售国际化对东道国的影响及应对策略

    Impacts of Retail Internationalization and the Responses from Host Countries : Perspectives from Overseas Retail Practice

  5. 零售国际化的影响浅议

    The influence of international retail

  6. 海外市场进入模式问题是零售国际化领域的一个研究重点。

    The mode of access to overseas market is an important issue in the research of retail internationalization .

  7. 全球化趋势不可阻挡,零售国际化正日渐成为零售领域的一个研究热点。

    Internationalization is a trend which cannot be halted and the study of internationalization has become a hot topic in retailing industry .

  8. 但此前学术界主要关注的是零售国际化的前因、过程与结果研究,或是在零售国际化过程中标准化与本土化的权衡问题。

    Before , academia mainly concerned the antecedents , process and results of retail internationalization , or the balance of standardization and localization .

  9. 接下来,便以国际零售商进入海外市场的过程为线索,详细而系统的阐述了零售国际化动因、模式与行为。

    Then the author expatiates the motives , modes and behavior of retail internationalization in detail according to the clues of retail internationalization process .

  10. 零售国际化动因是零售国际化研究不可缺少的重要组成部分,本文对欧美学者与日本学者对零售国际化动因的研究进行了回顾。

    Moreover , comments on the evolution of academic research on retail internationalization . Research on motives of retail internationalization is an indispensable part to the dissertation .

  11. 但是西方零售国际化领域的学术研究还处于发展阶段,许多理论并不完善,许多观点还存在着分歧,而在我国,对这一领域的研究显得更加薄弱。

    However , the research in retail internationalization is still in growing phase , many theories are not perfect and many viewpoints at the same problem have differences .

  12. 本文首先对零售国际化及相关术语进行了界定,对零售国际化的定义、特点以及国际化主体&国际零售商的分类作了深入剖析,并对零售国际化理论研究的演进进行了评析。

    The author firstly makes a clear terminology on retail internationalization and relevant terms by clarifying the definition and characteristic of retail internationalization , discussing the classification of international retailers .

  13. 本文从零售国际化过程视角构建了研究跨国零售商在华市场行为及本土零售商应对的框架体系。

    Based on the perspective of retail internationalization process , the author established a framework about the study on the behaviors of transnational retailers in China and responses of Chinese domestic retailing .

  14. 零售国际化给一个国家的零售业带来了三个方面的积极影响,包括促进行业发展水平,提升零售企业经营能力,推动消费文化国际化等。

    Retail internationalization has brought three aspects positive influences for a national retail trade . Including the promotion level of development , the promotion retail sales enterprise business capacity , impels the expense culture internationalization and so on .

  15. 本文应用了制度理论在零售国际化的研究中,认同制度的支持面与压力面共存,将制度看成是富有弹性的社会结构,可以通过社会惯例、社会网络关系来传达。

    This paper applies the system theory in retail internationalization study , identity system support side and pressure side can coexist , take the system as elastic social structure , and can convey through social practice and social networks .

  16. 零售业国际化的区位选择和空间扩张模式

    On the Locational Decision of Retailing Internationalization and Special Expansion Models

  17. 基于适应能力的零售企业国际化失败原因分析

    The Analysis of Internationalization Failure of Retail Enterprises Basing on Adaptive Ability

  18. 世界零售业国际化的现状与趋势分析

    Analysis on Present Situation and Trend of Internationalization in World Retail Industry

  19. 零售业国际化失败及其原因分析

    Analysis on Failure in International Retailing

  20. 本文的写作分为四章:第一章阐述了零售业国际化涵义并分析了零售业国际化的一般原因。

    The writing of this paper is divided into four chapters . Chapter one expatiate meaning on internationalization of retailing , analyze the general reasons of it .

  21. 中国零售企业的国际化战略研究

    A Research on the Strategy of Internationalization of Chinese Retail Enterprises

  22. 零售企业经营国际化的组织结构模式的研究

    Research on the Mode of Organization Structure of Retail Enterprises Management Internationalization

  23. 中国零售业应对国际化竞争研究

    Research on China 's Retailing Countering International Competition

  24. 第二章结合几家零售巨头的国际化道路介绍了国外零售业国际化经验。

    Chapter two introduce pathways of the internationalization of several foreign retail groups and experience of their success .

  25. 在零售商业的国际化过程中,日本零售企业扮演了重要角色。

    The retailers of Japan have played an important role in the process of the internationalization of retailing businesses .

  26. 因此,很有必要探讨一种适合零售企业经营国际化的组织结构模式。

    So , it is very necessary to probe into one organization structure being suitable for Retail Enterprises internationalization management .

  27. 如今,随着零售业的国际化,越来越多的国际零售商将特许经营作为其国际市场扩张模式,或者市场进入战略组合之一。

    Nowadays , with the internationalization of retailing , more international retailers would like to adopt franchising as their foreign market expansion means , at least as part of a portfolio of entry strategies .

  28. 在零售企业经营国际化中,组织结构是一个重要的因素,零售企业能否在国际市场上生存发展关键在于对环境的反应和组织结构的弹性。

    In Retail Enterprises internationalization management organization structure is an important factor , Retail Enterprises could or no survival and development key to the response to environment and elasticity of organization structure in the international market .

  29. 中国加入WTO后,零售市场国内竞争国际化已是不争的事实。培育大型零售企业的核心竞争力是十分重要而迫切的问题。

    Since China 's entry into WTO , the domestic competition of retail market has been internationalized , hence the importance and urgency for nurture the core competitiveness of large retail enterprises .

  30. 零售银行业的国际化已经给消费者带来了相当多的好处。

    The internationalisation of retail banking is already delivering significant benefits to consumers .