
  • 网络Retail Network
  1. 去年末《瑞银投资研究》(UBSInvestmentResearch)发表的一篇文章指出:宝姿已经在中国奢侈品服饰市场上具有了先入为主的优势,已经在中国建立了可能是规模最大的奢侈品牌零售网络。

    According to a UBS Investment Research note released late last year : Ports has had a first-mover advantage in China 's luxury apparel market , and has established possibly the largest retail network for a luxury brand in the country .

  2. 欧元区最大银行桑坦德银行(Santander)正计划在中国与中国建设银行(CCB)建立一家合资企业,此举将标志着桑坦德银行迈出谨慎的一步,以求在其全球零售网络中填补亚洲空白。

    Santander , the eurozone 's biggest bank , is planning a Chinese joint venture with China Construction Bank in a cautious first step towards filling the Asian gap in its global retail network .

  3. KA公司影像网络于1994年落户中国,目前已经超过9000家店,成为全国最大的零售网络。

    KA image distribution network was opened in China from 1994 and become the maximal retailing network including more than 9000 stores now .

  4. 本债券的发行标志着ABN-AMRO银行首次将其零售网络向一个外部发行机构开放,用于发行此类产品。

    The bonds mark the first time ABN AMRO opened up its retail distribution network to an outside issuer for this type of product .

  5. 另外,公司在美国中东部拥有庞大的零售网络。

    The company also has a large retail presence in the Midwest .

  6. 和记黄埔拥有美国以外最大的保健及美容零售网络。

    The company 's health and beauty retail network is the largest outside the US .

  7. 贯彻《加油站管理规范》提升零售网络竞争力&访中国石油炼油与销售分公司副总经理田景惠等同志

    Implement " PetroChina 's Standard of Service Station Management " for Higher Competitiveness of Retail Network

  8. 中石油山东销售成品油零售网络优化研究

    Study on the Optimization of Oil Product Retailing Network of China Petroleum Corporation , Shandong Petroleum Branch

  9. 斯沃琪正在推出新产品、扩大零售网络,听上去对下半年也非常乐观。

    It is introducing new products , expanding its retail network and sounded notably optimistic about the second half .

  10. 这个客户有两个世界知名品牌和五个其他家用品牌,已建立很大的零售网络。

    The client had two internationally recognized brands and five other house brands that they established for the bigger retailers .

  11. 万达将其零售网络称为中国最大线下消费平台,预计今年的顾客将达到15亿人。

    It calls its network of sites the largest offline consumption platform in China , with 1.5bn visitors expected this year .

  12. 这家手表制造、分销和零售商不只是提供一个零售网络,它还将一个著名的西方品牌引进了中国手表销售的游戏之中。

    Rather than just offer a network , it has introduced a known western name into the Chinese watch selling game .

  13. 它的重大意义是,这个产业从过去到现在都是可数几家的品牌产品垄断充斥了超市的货架和零售网络。

    That 's because the major brands have long ago monopolized shelf space in grocery stores and other major retail outlets .

  14. 它们只是得益于现有的电网和燃料零售网络氢燃料汽车的支持者们需要耗费数百亿美元去复制这一网络。

    They benefit from an existing power grid and retail fuel network that would cost hydrogen advocates tens of billions to replicate .

  15. 加油站零售网络发展规划的编制应遵循国家有关法律、法规、政策规定,执行国家标准、规范。

    Gas station retail network development program should follow the relevant state laws , regulations , policies , implement the national standards and norms .

  16. 当海尔这样的消费品制造商在海外扩张时,他们需要管理分销零售网络,并开发新的营销策略。

    When manufacturers of consumer goods such as Haier expand overseas , they need to run distribution and retail networks and develop new marketing strategies .

  17. 但在中国,福特汽车和林肯可以从头开始建立零售网络,这是后来者的一个好处。

    But in China , Ford and Lincoln can set up the retail network from scratch & one advantage of coming late to the market .

  18. 为探寻零售网络的演化规律,基于复杂自适应系统理论构建零售网络结构模型。

    To explore the laws of evolution of retail networks , the retail network model is build based on the theory of complex adaptive system ( CAS ) .

  19. 建一些这样的旗舰店可能会增加利润,但如果建得太多,投资负担就会过重,令零售网络难以承受。

    It may increase profits to have a few such flagships , but build too many and the investment becomes too burdensome for the retail network to sustain .

  20. 但这些抢占了构建零售网络先机的经销商,目前也在收购品牌,以努力转移到价值链的上游。

    But distributors , which had a head start in establishing a retail network , are also now acquiring brands in their efforts to move up the value chain .

  21. 陈育新经营华西希望集团。从事饲料加工业,在成都拥有一个五星级宾馆和零售网络。

    Chen Yuxin ( his adopted family 's name ) runs West Hope , with the original feed operation in Sichuan and a five-star hotel and retail properties in Chengdu .

  22. 最大、最好的分销商已经花费多年时间,来培养其对亚洲消费者的认知,现在正在利用其专业知识和广泛的零售网络,实现其对品牌的掌控。

    Having spent years cultivating their knowledge of Asian consumers , the biggest and best of the distributors are leveraging this expertise and their extensive retail networks to move in on brands .

  23. 新计划旨在尽快和尽可能轻松地提振消费,它没有提到任何条件,而且聚焦于拥有富裕消费者和发达零售网络的大城市。

    The new measure , is designed to kick-start buying as quickly and easily as possible as it does not mention any conditions and focuses on big cities with affluent consumers and well-developed retail networks .

  24. 提出要提高我国加油站在未来经营中的竞争优势应建立客户关系管理系统,加强企业文化建设,拓展终端零售网络,加快IC卡的推广,增加非油品业务,采取服务营销策略与联合促销策略。

    It 's recommended that establishment of customer relationship management system , building of enterprise culture , promotion of IC card , expansion of non-oil business , and integrated service and marketing be introduced to improve the competitiveness .

  25. 针对成品油零售网络投资风险中的单站项目风险、企业网络风险和行业整体风险,逐一分解阐述,并特别就其中的制度风险和可控风险,提出相应的对策和建议。

    The author describes single project risk , business network risk and industrial risk associated with a business 's investment in the oil product retail network . He sets forth suggestions and countermeasures on the system and controllable risks .

  26. 普拉达表示,其零售网络目前贡献公司净收入的78%,较一年前的71%有所上升,批发业务贡献剩余的部分,预计这部分业务在公司净收入中所占比例今年将进一步缩小。

    Prada said its retail network now contributes 78 per cent of net revenues , up from 71 per cent a year earlier , while its wholesale business makes up the remainder and is forecast to shrink further this year .

  27. 在制定区域性加油站零售网络发展规划时,需要关注三个关键问题,即石油零售企业加油站的竞争力、加油站需求预测、加油站空间布局。

    In establishing the development program of regional gas station retail network , we need to focus on three key issues , namely , the competitiveness of oil retail gas station , the prediction of gas station demand , and the layout of gas station .

  28. 近年来,随着国际卡业务的快速增长和新型金融服务的出现以及我国金卡工程的实施,各银行原有的基于传统服务概念的零售网络已难以适应新环境下的需要。

    Recently , with the rapid growth of international card operations and emergency of new financial services , especially the execution of the National Golden Card Engineering , banks ' retail network based on traditional service conceptions becomes more and more difficult to meet the new requirements .

  29. 该公司还请来博柏利(Burberry)首席执行长阿伦茨(AngelaAhrendts)负责其零售和网络商店业务。

    The company also lured Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to run its retail and online store businesses .

  30. 介绍了有关商圈的基本理论、地理信息系统的概念及其商业应用,阐述了如何应用GIS原理进行店址选择和优化连锁零售企业网络布局。

    This paper introduces the basic theory of commercial circle and the concept of geographic information system and its commercial application , expounds how apply GIS principle to select store site and optimize network distribution of chain retail store .