
  • 网络Capital Gains Distribution
  1. 本文首先对马克思资本收益分配理论进行阐述,分析了国有资本、国有资本收益这些根本性问题,并由此引出国有资本收益的分配问题。

    Firstly , I will explain capital gains distribution of Marxist theory , answer the fundamental issues as state capital , state capital gains these , which derived the distribution of state-owned capital gains .

  2. 随后,将研究的视角转回国内,回顾我国国有资本收益分配的历史演变,对我国国有资本收益分配的现状及管理体制进行重新审视,对现行的分配制度进行全面的思考。

    Then back to the domestic perspective , to the historical evolution to review the state-owned capital gains distribution , to re-position income distribution of the status of state-owned capital and management system , then analyse existing distribution system comprehensively .

  3. 本文分析了教育股份制资本收益分配的依据、影响因素、分配原则以及分配构成。

    This thesis analyses the foundations , influencing factors , principles and structures .

  4. 第二部分,总结出人力资本收益分配的三大原则,并讨论了人力资本收益分配的两种形式:物质收益形式和精神收益形式。

    The second part summarizes three principles of human capital benefit distribution and discusses the two forms of it . They are physical benefit and spirit benefit .

  5. 国企人力资本参与收益分配的研究

    Research on Human Capital Sharing in State-Owened Enterprise 's Income

  6. 在此基础上,文章主要阐述了人力资本参与收益分配的机制问题。

    On this basis , the article expatiates the mechanism of human capital participating in the distribution of income mainly .

  7. 驱动机制就是人力资本参与收益分配系统运行动力的作用过程。

    The driving mechanism is the process of motive force of human capital participating in the distribution of income acting .

  8. 军事人力资本投资收益分配格局取决于军队与军人谈判力的大小。

    The distribution pattern of military human capital investment income depends on military organization and soldiers ' forces on negotiations between them .

  9. 如果要在这场竞争中取得胜利,必然要使人力资本参与收益分配,从而激励人力资本发挥出最大效用。

    If one country wants to win in this war , it should make the human capital taken part in the benefit distribution .

  10. 根据经济学关于资本与收益分配、资本与经济效益的理论阐明了无形资产资本化的理论依据;

    The theory basis about the capitalization of intangible assets is stated according to the economic theory of capital and revenue distribution , capital and economic effects .

  11. 第二个方面,讨论了人力资本参与收益分配的现实依据。

    On the other hand it talks about the realistic gist of the human capital taking part in the distribution of the income of the enterprise , from both theory and reality .

  12. 以人为本的企业收益分配应贯彻成本补偿原则和利润分享原则,探讨了当前我国企业收益分配存在的两大误区以及资本参与收益分配的基本框架。

    People-oriented distribution of income should be accord with cost compensation principle and profit sharing principle . Two wrong regions of enterprise income distribution in China and basic framework of capital participating income distribution are discussed .

  13. 全书的研究是从以下几个方面展开的:1.企业家人力资本参与收益分配的基础理论分析。

    The study is presented as follows : The first part is the analysis of the basic theories on entrepreneur human capital participating in the income distribution . Firstly the dissertation gives the definition of the entrepreneur human capital which is the subject of the dissertation in this paper .

  14. 论技术资本参与企业收益分配的影响因素

    The Influencing Factors of Technology Capital Involved in Companies ′ Earnings Distribution

  15. 我国运动员人力资本收益结构与分配模式研究

    Chinese Athletes ' Human Capital Income Structure and Distribution Model

  16. 论人力资本参与企业收益分配策略

    On Profit Distribution of Human Capital in Enterprises

  17. 基于人力资本贡献的收益分配研究

    Towards Income-distribution Based on Contribution of Human Capital

  18. 辽宁国有企业经营者人力资本参与企业收益分配研究

    Study on Managerial Human Capital Anticipate in the Shares of Enterprises Benefits of Liaoning State-owned Company

  19. 第四章分别论述了在我国智力资本参与企业收益分配方案的制度条件、市场条件、政策条件及相应对策。

    In chapter four , it is examined the system , market , policy and countermeasure of intellectual capital in China .

  20. 经济体制的改革和认识理念的更新使人力资本参与企业收益分配成为可能。影响人力资本投资收益的主要因素有:投资收益期、投资成本和收入差异等。

    The paper expounds the necessity , possibility , and effect of the participation of human capital in the distribution of enterprises'income from the angle of capital gains .

  21. 因此,研究人力资本参与企业收益分配问题在理论和实践上均有着重要的意义。

    Hence , research the human capital is concerned with the business profit allocation problem is living goes up all possess the significant sense in theory and the practice .

  22. 三是对我国国有企业人力资本参与企业收益分配的方式&经理年薪制和股票期权制等薪酬制度的完善进行了具体的研究;

    Thirdly , the dissertation studies the mode of human capital 's involvement in the distribution of the income of the enterprise-the improvement of the annual-pay system for the managers and the stock share system .

  23. 然后从世界各国对国有资本收益的管理分配体制的认识入手,对西方资本主义国家国有资本收益分配制度进行分析和研究,找出我们国家值得借鉴的地方。

    In this paper , I will start with the world capital gains on the management of state-owned distribution system , research the Western capitalist countries state-owned capital gains distribution system and to find out where our country should learn .

  24. 最后,就我国人力资本参与企业收益分配的现状及问题做出分析,提出我国实施人力资本参与企业收益分配的政策建议。

    At last , according to the situations and problems encountered by human capital anticipating in the shares of China 's enterprises benefits , the paper will make the policy suggestion about how to implement human capital anticipating in the shares of enterprises benefits .

  25. 国内企业对人力资本参与企业收益分配的问题还在进一步探索之中,因此可以说还没有找到一种理论、制度、方法能有效地解决国内企业人力资本参与企业收益分配的问题。

    The assignment question about domestic enterprise of human capital participating enterprise earning is still in further exploring , therefore we had not found a kind of theory or system or method to solve the domestic enterprises ' assignment problem of human capital participating enterprise earning effectively .

  26. 人力资本与企业收益分配工作,不仅关系到企业业绩评价和有效的激励机制的实现,而且是企业管理决策和投资者进行投资决策的重要依据。

    Work is distributed against the business profit to the human capital , Not merely affect business outstanding achievement rating and the valid excitation mechanism realization , But also is business administration decision of strategic importance and investment person significant foundation investing the decision of strategic importance .

  27. 我国人力资本收益权实现与分配政策关系研究

    On the Relation of the Realization of Human Capital 's Right of Income and Distribution Policy of the Income

  28. 在规范分析部分,首先把人力资本理论与企业收益分配理论联系起来,分析人力资本参与企业收益分配的理论基础。

    In canonical parse part , related the human capital theory and the income distribution theory firstly , analysed the assignment rationale about human capital participating enterprise earning .

  29. 人力资本收益在个人收入分配中的体现和实现关系到我国人力资本的形成与积累,进而关系到我国经济发展的大局。

    The embody and the realization of the human capital in individual income distribution contribute to the formation and accumulation , and even to the great prospect of the national economy .

  30. 论人力资本和技术资本与企业收益分配的关系

    The relation between human and technical capital to enterprise profits distribution