
  • 网络Capital Buffer;capital cushion
  1. 对于什么才算是资本缓冲,各方仍有相当大的分歧,但是为了解决分歧,向严格标准努力,g20放宽了在2012年底前达到新资本标准的原定目标。

    There are still considerable disagreements over what will count as a capital buffer , but in a bid to resolve differences and aim for tight standards , the G20 have watered down the previous target of achieving the new capital standards by the end of 2012 .

  2. 瑞信获得了中东投资者的支持,目前拥有最强劲的资本缓冲。

    Credit Suisse , which has received support from investors in the Middle East , now has the highest capital buffer .

  3. 这些举措触及了2008年金融危机暴露出来的一大弱点:在没有足够资本缓冲情况下进行的场外信用违约掉期(CDS)交易,正是这种做法导致美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroup)陷于崩溃边缘。

    Such initiatives address one of the biggest weaknesses exposed by the 2008 crisis – over-the-counter trading of credit default swaps without an adequate capital cushion contributed to the near-collapse of American International Group .

  4. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为,把国内银行的资本缓冲提高至新的巴塞尔协议III的标准,总共需要400亿欧元(主要通过加强二线银行实现)。

    The International Monetary Fund thinks domestic bank capital buffers could be brought up to the new Basel III standards for an aggregate € 40bn ( mainly by bolstering second-tier banks ) .

  5. IMF称,全球银行离复原还有很长一段距离,而欧洲银行尤其虚弱。欧盟约三分之一的银行资本缓冲不足。

    The IMF said the banks were far from fixed , and those in Europe were especially " weak ", with about a third of the EU 's banks operating with inadequate capital buffers .

  6. eba要求这些银行在2012年4月前采取行动增加资本缓冲。

    The EBA had given those banks until April 2012 to implement plans to shore up their capital buffers .

  7. 随着公共资本缓冲金额的扩大,私有资本缓冲金额缩小。

    As the public cushion fattened , the private ones slimmed .

  8. 我们需要更高的资本缓冲和拨备覆盖率。

    We need thicker capital buffers and provisioning coverage ratios .

  9. 放任银行在资本缓冲薄弱的情况下继续发展是很诱人的。

    It would be tempting to allow banks to run ahead with thin capital cushions .

  10. 一年以来,银行业努力加强资本缓冲以满足投资者的要求。

    For a year , banks struggled to respond to investor demands for larger capital cushions .

  11. 政策制定者正竭力在不损耗银行资本缓冲的前提下,对欧元区经济体存在缺陷的基本面进行修复。

    Policymakers are struggling to fix the flawed fundamentals of eurozone economies without burning through banks ' capital cushions .

  12. 而其他上市银行的资本缓冲仅在经济衰退期表现出逆周期性,且倾向于通过贷款调节的方式来实现。

    The other listed banks tend to make their capital buffers exhibit countercyclical during the recession by adjusting their loan .

  13. 如今,很少有银行认为资本缓冲工具拥有真正的灵活性,因为市场希望它们成为新的最低资本标准。

    Few banks now regard the capital buffers as genuinely flexible , as markets expect them to be new capital minimums .

  14. 二是一系列的监管改革强制银行降低风险,增加资本缓冲。

    The second was the string of regulatory changes that forced the banks to cut risk and maintain larger capital buffers .

  15. 没有储蓄保险时,银行依靠自己的资本缓冲金来保护自己免遭出乎意料的冲击。

    Deposit insurance did not exist , so the banks relied on their own capital cushions to protect them from unexpected hits .

  16. 一个有利的理由解释了为什么银行缩减了他们的资本缓冲金额:银行并购风潮致使银行的业务更趋多元化。

    A benign reason why banks thinned their capital cushions was that a rush of bank mergers meant banks became more diversified .

  17. 有关部门试图通过依靠一些国内最大的银行增加资本缓冲,以应对可能的损失。

    The authorities have tried to address the problem by leaning on the country 's largest banks to increase their buffers against potential losses .

  18. 该株式会社在夏普公布业绩后发布报告称,夏普不再拥有足够的抵挡商业风险的资本缓冲。

    The company no longer has a sufficient financial buffer against business risk , ' JCR wrote in a report issued after Sharp 's announcement .

  19. 这本身就有助于银行股权市场的重新开放关于所需资本缓冲的不确定性在一定程度上阻塞了该市场。

    That in itself would help to re-open the market for bank equity which has been choked off partly by uncertainty about the buffers that will be required .

  20. 猎头公司表示,由于监管机构加大监管,迫使银行增加资本缓冲,这还将提升银行对流动性风险方面有专长的人的需求。

    Recruiters say tougher regulation will also push up demand for people who specialise in liquidity risk , as banks are under pressure to increase their capital buffers .

  21. 它们既可以通过允许自己的资产净值浮动而变得更像投资基金,也可以通过增加资本缓冲而变得更像银行。

    They could either become more like investment funds by allowing their net asset values to float , or more like banks by raising a buffer of capital .

  22. 如果我们想防止系统性债务违约,我们就需要一个机制,劝导银行在自身资本缓冲较低时筹集更多股本。

    If we want to prevent defaults on systemic obligations , we need a mechanism to induce banks to raise more equity when their capital cushion is running low .

  23. 而且,资本缓冲对经济周期的敏感性具有非对称性,在经济衰退期,资本缓冲受经济波动的影响更为强烈。

    Moreover , the sensitivity of capital buffer to business cycle is asymmetry , which means that capital buffer is more strongly affected by economic fluctuations during the recession .

  24. 与任由开支激增、资本缓冲枯竭、风险迅速膨胀的花旗等竞争对手不同,戴蒙始终让他的银行循规蹈矩。

    Unlike rivals such as Citi , which let expenses explode , capital buffers deplete and risks balloon , Mr Dimon kept his bank on the straight and narrow .

  25. 他们灾难性预测的问题在于,他们有意忽略了一点,即银行没有必要通过削减利润和(或)贷款来提升自己的资本缓冲。

    The problem with their apocalyptic predictions is that they are choosing to forget that banks are not obliged to cut profits and / or loans in order to boost their capital buffers .

  26. 《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》提出逆周期资本缓冲的政策框架,来缓解资本监管的顺周期效应给银行业经营稳定造成的不利影响。

    Basel ⅲ put forward the policy framework of countercyclical capital buffer , to relieve the pro-cyclical effect of capital regulation to the adverse impact of the operational stability of the banking industry .

  27. 特许权价值自律效应理论认为拥有高特许权价值的银行有足够的动机去防范银行破产,因而往往持有足够的资本缓冲来应对市场风险。

    The charter value discipline theories consider banks with a valuable charter will hold a significant amount of capital against market risk since they have enough incentive to prevent the failure of the bank .

  28. 对结构性信贷产品涉猎有限的亚洲银行,总体上有着坚实的流动性和资金结构、良好的盈利和资本缓冲,以及从国内市场融资的渠道。

    Asian banks in general , had limited involvement in structured credit products , have sound liquidity and funding structures , good earnings and capital buffers as well as access to funding from domestic markets .

  29. 分析师们表示,有些银行现在通过发行“混合”证券,来满足一半以上有关资本缓冲的现有监管要求,而这些证券更像债务,而非股本。

    Some banks have met up to more than half the existing regulatory requirements on capital buffers through the issuance of " hybrid " securities which are more like debt than equity , according to analysts .

  30. 采用我国银行业的历史数据,对巴塞尔委员会所提出的逆周期资本缓冲框架进行实证计量检测,分析其在中国商业银行体系的适用性。

    Based on the historical data of Chinese banks , this paper does some empirical studies on the counter-cyclical capital buffer frame proposed by the Basel Committee , and analyses its applicability in Chinese commercial bank system .