
  • 网络recapitalization
  1. 产品市场竞争与我国上市公司资本结构调整动态研究

    The Dynamic Research of Product Market Competition and Capital Structure Adjustment

  2. 三是拓展了资本结构调整的经济后果实证研究。

    Thirdly is to extend the economic consequence of capital structure adjustment .

  3. 制度导向、宏观经济环境与企业资本结构调整&基于中国上市公司的经验证据

    Institution , Macro-economy and Recapitalization : Evidence from Listed Companies in China

  4. 企业资本结构调整时,必然会要求调整企业的治理结构。

    Enterprise capital structural adjustment will inevitably ask to adjust enterprise administer structure .

  5. 大力发展教育事业,加快人力资本结构调整步伐;

    Developing the education energetically and quickening the adjustment of human capital structure .

  6. 浅议企业资本结构调整

    Elementary discussion on adjustment of enterprises capital stricture

  7. 中国上市公司资本结构调整行为研究:一个财务弹性的视角

    Adjustment Behavior of the Chinese Listed Companies ' Capital Structure : On Financial Flexibility

  8. 此外,企业竞争力越强,向目标资本结构调整速度越快。

    The more competitive the company is , the faster adjusting speed of capital structure is .

  9. 资本结构调整优化是股份合作制改革的一项重要内容。

    The optimization of capital structure is an important part of the stock cooperative system reformation .

  10. 由于交易成本、信息的不对称等因素使资本结构调整存在着一定的成本。

    In addition , capital structure exist adjustment cost because of asymmetric information and transaction costs .

  11. 宏观经济环境影响公司资本结构调整速度的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Effect of Macroeconomic Conditions on Adjustment Speed of Firms ' Capital Structure

  12. 第五章对资本结构调整速率的影响因素进行了实证分析。

    Chapter Five conducts an empirical study on the determinants of the speed towards the optimal capital structure .

  13. 政府将接管银行,在对亏损进行大额减记后,进行大规模资本结构调整。

    Government will take control in return for a substantial recapitalisation after losses have meaningfully been written down .

  14. 企业战略的实施要通过项目来完成,战略行动一般会产生两大类项目,即资本结构调整项目和经营改善系统项目。

    Making strategy a reality will bring two kinds of projects , invest projects and improvement projects for production .

  15. 公司在向目标资本结构调整的过程中,调整速度受到公司自身因素和宏观经济环境的双重影响。

    The speed of capital structure adjustment was influenced with firm-specific characteristics and macroeconomic conditions during the adjustment process .

  16. 应以国有资本结构调整的战略观点来认识国有股减持。

    Should come to know reducing the state-owned shares with the strategic point of view of the state-owned capital structure adjustment .

  17. 事实将证明,最近刚刚完成资本结构调整的本地大型银行一旦开发出更加成熟的产品,将带来强大的竞争。

    Competition from the big local banks , only recently recapitalised , will prove formidable as they develop greater product sophistication .

  18. 该论文对国有企业的资本结构调整和公司治理模式的构建有一定的借鉴意义。

    The thesis has certain reference meanings to capital structural adjustment and structure the corporate governance pattern of the state-owned enterprise .

  19. 二是构建恰当实证模型考察制度性因素对中国企业资本结构调整的影响。

    Second is to build appropriately empirical model to test the influence of Chinese listed firm capital structure adjustment on institution factors .

  20. 价值必须减记,无偿付能力的银行无条件国有化,有偿付能力的银行进行资本结构调整,让纳税人成为股东。

    Values must be written down , insolvent banks nationalised outright , and solvent ones recapitalised with an equity stake for taxpayers .

  21. 大型规模企业的信贷获得能力强,向目标资本结构调整的速度更快,而对信贷成本的关注度相对较低。

    Large size companies have higher ability to gain credit fund and adjust quicker to their target capital structure . However , they have lower attention to interest rate .

  22. 大约三分之一是国内银行股权(这是重组遗留的结果),差不多同样数目的资金将用于剩余两家没上市的大型国有银行的资本结构调整。

    Roughly one-third is held in domestic banks ( a legacy of restructuring ) and a similar amount will be used to recapitalise the two remaining unlisted big state banks .

  23. 公司在做出融资决策和资本结构调整时,可以结合当前自身信息披露水平,进行调整以到达提升财务绩效的目的。

    Company to make financing decisions and capital structure adjustment , can be combined with the level of information disclosure , the current adjusted to reach the purpose of financial performance .

  24. 在此基础之上建立动态资本结构调整模型,并运用电力上市公司2001年-2006年的面板进行实证检验。

    Based on the above mentioned , a dynamic adjustment model of capital structure is established , which will be tested empirically by the panel data of electric company from 2001 to 2006 .

  25. 研究发现:管理防御程度越高,越偏好低负债;管理防御影响资本结构调整意愿与速度。

    It is found that , the higher the degree of managerial entrenchment is , the lower leverage is , and the managerial entrenchment affects the intention and speed of capital structure adjustment .

  26. 然而就算是进行结构调整,希腊也将会违约,所以希腊从自身开始,必须计划对受资本结构调整影响的银行进行重组。

    However the restructuring is pitched , Greece will be in default , so a plan to recapitalise banks hit badly by this , starting with Greece 's own , will be needed too .

  27. 在定性描述企业融资效率的基础上,从融资成本和融资风险两方面度量了企业融资效率,并应用于资本结构调整路径(组合)的效率分析。

    On the basis of qualitative description of the financing efficiency , this article measure financing efficiency from financing cost and financing risk , which is used in efficiency analysis on adjustment approach or adjustment approach portfolio .

  28. 同时,采用滞后一期的因变量作为工具变量,利用广义矩估计对资本结构调整模型进行估计,对军工上市公司资本结构的调整速度以及影响因素进行进一步的分析。

    Then , with the lagged dependent variable , this paper uses dynamic adjustment panel data model to estimate the capital structure adjustment model with GMM and further analyze the adjustment of the capital structure and its affecting factors .

  29. 随后,在我们的分行业检验中,我们发现制造业上市公司持股银行对其短期资本结构调整的影响是显著的,这与制造业的行业特征有关。

    In addition , in the inspection of our sub-sector , we found that the listed manufacturing companies ' adjustment of their short-term capital structure are significantly impacted by weather holding commercial bank shares , and this is the characteristic of the manufacturing industry .

  30. 本文以市场化改革背景下中国制造业上市公司多元化经营与资本结构调整为研究对象,重点探讨融资约束下企业进行多元化经营对资本结构动态调整效率的影响。

    This paper carries a research on diversification and capital structure adjustment of listed companies in manufacturing industry under the background of market-oriented reform . We focus on the influence of diversification to the efficiency of dynamic adjustment of capital structure under financing constraints .