
zī běn wéi chí yuán zé
  • doctrine of capital maintenance
  1. 但是该制度由于存在危害资本维持原则、股东平等原则以及产生内幕交易的可能性,各国均对股份回购制度建立了严格的法律规制制度。

    However , because of Share repurchase system doing harm to the doctrine of capital maintenance and the doctrine of shareholder equality and the possibility of insider dealing , both countries establish a strict system of legal regulation to supervise the share repurchase .

  2. 从历史和现实的比较情况看,允许公司采用低面额股的股票发行制度将是解决资本维持原则的制度和立法争议的最佳措施,既便利公司筹资,又使债权人的利益最终受到保护。

    To allow the corporation to issue low par value stock will be the best step to solve the disputes of doctrine of capital maintenance in system and lawmaking , which is not only convenient for fundraising , but also protect the creditors ' interests .

  3. 公司利润分配规则,是公司资本维持原则之下的一个子规则。

    Rules of Corporate profit distribution are sub-rules of principle of capital maintenance .

  4. 资本维持原则只能在某种程度上保障债权人的权利。

    The principle of the capital persistence can only protect the creditor 's right to some extent .

  5. 公司转投资、保证、借贷与捐赠行为,为传统公司资本维持原则之下的子规则。

    Corporate reinvestment 、 guarantee 、 making loan 、 donation are regarded as sub-rules of principle of capital maintenance .

  6. 从实践来看,股份回购易生不少弊端,如违反资本维持原则、股东平等原则及导致股份不公正交易等。

    In practice , the share repurchase brings much abuse easily , such as disobeying the rule of capital maintaining and shareholder 's equality and leading to unjust bond bargain etc.

  7. 实践中,公司为了坚持资本维持原则,经常与企业的筹资发生冲突,导致公司筹资困难。

    In order to keep the principle of capital persistence , the company always comes into conflict with the corporation capital raising fund , leading to having difficulty in financing the company in the practice .

  8. 公司转投资制度属于资本制度范畴,并被归为资本维持原则下的子规则,它是指一公司以营利为目的而依法向另一企业转移资产的经济活动或交易行为。

    Company reinvestment system belongs to the capital system and is classified as a sub-rule under the principle of capital maintenance . It refers to economic activities or transactions in which a company transfers assets to another company in accordance with the law for the purpose of earning profits .

  9. 公司资本退出是股东权保护的底线,但资本维持原则的限制以及对资本流动价值、公司团体性等认识的局限,在一定程度上阻碍了资本退出之功能的实现。

    Corporate capital withdrawal system is the baseline of right protection for shareholders . The principle of the capital persistence can only protect the creditor 's right to some extent .