
  • 网络capital resource
  1. 所以结论应该和资本资源有关。

    So the conclusion should be related to capital resources .

  2. 前提3会是一个工业国家,会需要资本资源。

    The third premise would have an industrial nation would need a capital resources .

  3. 提高资本资源的配置效率;

    It will improve the efficiency of savings transforming into investments .

  4. 哲学视域中的土地资源与资本资源

    Philosophical Perspective On the Resources of Land and Capital

  5. 非理性市场上的公司融资不能自动地带来资本资源的有效配置。

    Corporate financing don 't automatically bring efficiency of capital allocating in an irrational market .

  6. 战略资源已由自然资源、资本资源转变为人才资源。

    Talent resource rather than natural resource and capital resource has become the strategic resource .

  7. 学生:,教授:这个应该是资本资源?对。

    Student : not understandable Prof. : so that should be capital resources ? Yes .

  8. 金融资源一般包括货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源。

    Usually financial resource includes money resource , capital resource , intuitional organization resource and commodity resource .

  9. 证券市场最基本的功能就是对资本资源的优化配置。

    The most basic function of the stock market is to optimize the distribution of capital resources .

  10. 股票市场对资本资源的配置发挥着越来越重要且不可替代的作用。

    The configuration of the stock market for capital resources play an increasingly important and irreplaceable role .

  11. 衡量现状的标准之二是期刊市场化营运的资源配置,这里主要总结资本资源、政策资源和人力资源的配置情况。

    Another criterion is resource distribution , summarizing the capital resources , policy resources and human resources .

  12. 因此,调整和优化国有商业银行资本资源的配置,是国有商业银行改革的重要环节。

    Therefore , adjustment and optimization of capital resources are an important aspect of state-owned banks ' reform .

  13. 通过人力资本资源的最优化配置来实现商业目标需要企业中技术和市场管理的共同努力。

    Optimizing human capital resources to achieve business goals require a synergetic effect of technology and market management within an enterprise .

  14. 市场有效性是传统经济理论的基本前提,有效的市场将发挥配置资本资源的功能。

    An efficient market helps to the allocation of resources , which is a basic premise of the traditional economics theories .

  15. 来自于内外部环境的激励与推动作用直接决定着大学智力资本资源的充裕程度及享赋状况。

    The incentive and promotion from internal and external environment directly determines the adequacy and possession of university intellectual capital resources .

  16. 在公司控制权市场来说,这是由政府垄断控制资本资源导致的寻租行为。

    This is a rent-seeking behavior in the market for corporate control induced by the government 's monopolistic control over financial resources .

  17. 21世纪,世界范围内的竞争从自然资源、资本资源的竞争转入对人才资源的竞争。

    In twenty-first century , the global competition turns from the competition of natural resources and capital resources to human resources competition .

  18. 在资源贡献率方面,劳动力资源贡献率大于资本资源贡献率。

    Contribution rate in terms of resources , labor resources and the contribution rate is greater than the contribution rate of capital resources .

  19. 学生:资本资源,教授:资本资源,我们用两个不同的术语说资本资源,不是吗?

    Student : capital resources Prof. : capital resources , so we are using two different terms for capital resources aren 't we ?

  20. 所谓城乡资源流动,主要是指城乡劳动力资源、土地资源、资本资源等各方面的流动情况。

    The Urban and rural resource flows , mainly refers to urban and rural labor resources , land resources , capital resources and other resources .

  21. 我们用资本资源,我们用帮助,实际上是一回事,不是吗?

    Here we 're using capital resources , here we 're just using help , but actually they mean the same thing don 't they ?

  22. 城市竞争力的最重要决定因素之一是城市效率。城市效率反映在劳动力资源(市场)效率、土地资源(市场)市场效率、资本资源(市场)效率和城市基础实施利用与投资效率。

    City competitiveness largely hinges on urban efficiency that is reflected in labor markets , land markets , capital markets , and provision of urban infrastructure .

  23. 知识经济时代,全球范围内的竞争由原来的自然资源和资本资源的竞争,转向了人力资源和人力资本的竞争。

    In the era of knowledge economy , primary global competition of nature resource and capital resource is turning into competition of human resource and human capital .

  24. 但由于环保产业政策不到位、缺乏引进人才、技术、资本资源投入的市场氛围,制约了环保产业的发展。

    But at present , its development is restricted by the imperfect policy and the deficient of market atmosphere in importing the talent , the technology and the capital .

  25. 过去,世界各国是为争夺自然资源、资本资源而战,如今,是为争夺智力资源、高层次的人力资源而较量。

    In the past , the fight among world nations is for the natural resources and capital resources , but now the fight is for human resources , esp the brain resources .

  26. 资本资源对可持续发展是必需的,如果一个新兴国家要可持续发展,它没有资本资源,它就需要工业国家的资本资源。

    Capital resources are necessary to sustain growth if a newly emerging nation is to sustain its growth it does not have capital resources it will need capital resources from industrial nation .

  27. 那么,处于高速成长阶段的成长型企业,如何利用有限的资本资源优化自己的融资结构,使得企业稳定的成长就显得尤为重要了。

    So , how the enterprise which is at the high speed growth stage uses the limited capital resources to optimize its financing structure and ensure the enterprise stable growth t is important .

  28. 在此同时,金融市场的重要功能之一就是促进资本资源的合理分配,即通过对资金流向的引导对资源配置发挥导向性作用。

    Meanwhile , one of the important functions of financial market is to accelerate the rational allocation of capital resources , that is , to exert the directing function on resource allocation through guiding the capital flow .

  29. 第二,金融资源以博弈规则及按货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源四个层次分析其配置效率。

    Analyzing effective allocation of financial resources from two different points : the rule of game theory and four levels of financial resources : monetary resources , capital resources , system resources and commodity resources . 3 .

  30. 他表示:我们必须努力避免流动性状况趋紧、资产价值走低、资本资源减损、信贷供应减少和总体需求下降等后果陷入彼此相互作用的恶性循环。

    We must try to avoid a vicious circle in which tighter liquidity conditions , lower asset values , impaired capital resources , reduced credit supply and slower aggregate demand feed back on each other , he said .