
zī běn sǔn shī
  • capital loss
  1. 由付款条款引起的汇率波动、价格波动、运营资本损失风险;

    Risk of exchange rate , price and operational capital loss because of payment terms ;

  2. 但是由于这些资产都不是用人民币计算的,所以如果人民币走强,将面临较大的资本损失。

    But because none of these assets is in yuan , China suffers a capital loss whenever its currency strengthens .

  3. 顾问机构familyofficeexchange的数据显示,全球超富家族的平均资本损失超过18%。

    International super-rich families have seen their capital plunge by more than 18 per cent on average , according to family office exchange , an adviser .

  4. 按照潜在寿命损失人年(YPLL)的计算方法,构造了人力资本损失总量估算函数。

    According to the calculation method of Years of Potential Life Lost ( YPLL ), a function of calculating the total loses of human capital damaged was constructed .

  5. 没有哪位日本投资者承担得起所持日本国债(jgb)产生的资本损失,而债务越积越多的日本政府也很难冒险提高支付的利息。

    No Japanese investor can afford to take capital losses on their holdings of JGBs and the government can hardly risk paying more to service its spiralling debt .

  6. 随后资本损失被转移,使乐富门避免缴纳资本收益税。

    The capital losses were then transferred to enable Rothmans to avoid capital gains tax .

  7. 从1993年至2002年,十年累计农业上市公司的股东每百元资本损失43.14元。

    From 1993 to 2002 , stockholders of agricultural open companies suffered loss of 43.14 yuan per hundred capital .

  8. 随着利率的上升,银行的利润应会增长,从而弥补国债价格下跌造成的资本损失。

    As rates rise , banks should be able to increase profits , offsetting capital losses from falling bond prices .

  9. 持有巨额希腊国债的希腊各银行,遭受了灾难性的资本损失。

    The Greek banks , with their large holdings of Greek government bonds , suffered a catastrophic loss of capital .

  10. 希腊将被迫违约,给其它欧洲国家造成巨额资本损失,从而在多年内影响彼此之间的关系。

    Greece would be forced to default , generating large capital losses in other European countries and poisoning relations for years .

  11. 最后,股价可能跌到资本损失完全盖过股息率。

    In the end , the share price could fall so much that the capital loss wipes out all the dividend yield .

  12. 低收益率外汇资产的累积可能会导致巨额资本损失,造成资源的浪费。

    It generates a waste of resources in accumulation of low-yielding foreign currency assets exposed to the likelihood of huge capital losses .

  13. 所以,购买高股息率股票的风险就是资本损失,也就是股价下跌。

    The risk of buying a share that offers a high dividend yield is therefore capital loss , i.e.the share price falls .

  14. 成本包括直接成本和间接成本:风险包括资本损失风险、信用等级风险和审批风险;

    Cost includes direct cost and indirect cost . Risk represents capital loss risk , credit rating risk as well as examining risk .

  15. 这可能最终导致投资者的资本损失,并已迫使一些企业取消了发债计划。

    This could ultimately lead to capital losses for investors , and has already forced some companies to cancel plans to sell debt .

  16. 导致一些企业为了避免人力资本损失,不对员工进行培训或很少对员工进行培训。

    Because of these above , some companies afford no training or little training for their staff to avoid the investment loss on human capital .

  17. 然而,一旦美国利率大幅变动,就可能迅速改变这一有利可图的局面,而美元下跌还可能造成巨额资本损失。

    But any substantial change in US interest rates could change that profitable equation quickly , and a fall in the dollar could produce a huge capital loss .

  18. 为筹款支付共同海损费用而变卖货物致使货主遭受的资本损失,均应认入共同海损。

    The capital loss sustained by the owners of goods sold for the purpose of raising funds to defray general average disbursements shall be allowed in general average .

  19. 我们的合伙基金存在的根本原因就是要以高于平均水平的速度复利增长基金,而且与上面所说的投资公司相比,我们要有更少的长期资本损失的风险。

    Our partnership 's fundamental reason for existence is to compound funds at a better-than-average rate with less exposure to long-term loss of capital than the above investment media .

  20. 资本损失和楼市逆转导致美国以外地区支出下降,可能会使全球需求的首轮下降再多出3000亿至5000亿美元。

    This drop in spending outside the US because of capital losses and reversals in housing may add another $ 300bn - $ 500bn to first-round decline in global demand .

  21. 我认为,相对于多数货币和可信的储备资产,人民币汇率都处于被低估水平,因此不管中国的外汇储备投向何种货币,该国都将遭遇资本损失。

    In my view , the renminbi is undervalued against most currencies and plausible reserve assets , so there will be capital losses for China no matter what currencies it holds as reserves .

  22. 如果人民币汇率摇摆不定,因此导致的资本损失即便仅是纸面损失都可能使央行和外管局面对尖锐批评。

    Any capital losses incurred as a result of swings in currency values , even if they are only on paper , could make the central bank and Safe the target of bitter criticism .

  23. 在这中间的二十年,黄金的实际资本损失超过80%,比任何可比期间股市回报的表现都要差得多。

    Over the intervening two decades , gold delivered a capital loss of more than 80 per cent in real terms , a performance far worse than any comparable period of equity market returns .

  24. 避免资本损失、拥有可在欧洲央行作为抵押物的资产,以及顺从同业心理压力这三点,或许足以促使债权人以优惠利率提供新贷款。

    Avoiding a loss of capital , having an asset that can be used as collateral with the ECB and acceding to peer pressure may be enough to cause creditors to create new loans at favourable rates .

  25. 但河合正弘对亚洲地区过多的外汇储备表示担心,称如果美元汇率大幅下跌,未来亚洲央行可能承受帐面资本损失。

    However , Mr Kawai expressed concerns about excessive foreign exchange reserve accumulation in the region , pointing at potential future capital losses on the books of Asian central banks in the wake of a sharp drop in the dollar .

  26. 这种独特的外汇储备多样化形式可能会将中国不可避免的资本损失(以人民币计算)降到最低,因为日元是少数与人民币有着同样升值幅度需要的币种之一。

    This particular form of diversification would probably minimise the inevitable capital losses that China will experience in Renminbi terms because the yen is one of the few currencies that needs to rise in value almost as much as the renminbi itself .

  27. 如果说对于物质资本损失的衡量可以不断地接近精确的地步,那么相对而言,对人力资本、自然资本和社会资本损失的评估,往往会由于缺乏足够的信息和有效的工具,而显得比较模糊。

    If we can measure the material loss more " accurately ", the assessment on the loss of human capital , natural capital , and social capital would be more " vague " because of the shortage of adequate information and effective tools .

  28. 基于战争经济成本的概念,分别从战争经济投入、战争经济损失、战争人力资本损失、战争后续成本四个方面探讨战争经济成本的主要内容。

    Based on the concept of the economic costs of war , this paper study the content of economic costs of war which contains economic input of war , economic losses of war , human capital losses of war and sequent costs of post-war .

  29. 冲销即通过发售国内票据,消除官方干预外汇市场产生的多余流动资金,这不仅仅是可行的,甚至还极为有利可图&如果愿意忽视最终遭受巨额资本损失的风险。

    Sterilisation – the sale of domestic securities to mop up the excess liquidity generated by official intervention in foreign currency markets – is not merely feasible , but even highly profitable , if one is prepared to ignore the risk of a large ultimate capital loss .

  30. 人力资本效能损失与知识型团队管理

    Performance Loss of Human Capital and Knowledge Team Management