
  • 网络money manager
  1. 黑龙江省国有资本经营者报酬激励机制研究

    Study on Reward Incentive Mechanism of Heilongjiang Province State Capital Operators

  2. 论国有资本经营者的激励机制

    On the Inspiration Mechanism to the Managers of State - operated Capital

  3. 企业医院在社会化过程中应积极参与产权制度改革,与那些有远见的资本经营者一道,为我国卫生改革作出贡献。

    Hospitals of enterprises should actively participate in reforming property system during socializing process and , together with the capital managers of foresight , make contribution to health reform program in China .

  4. 在出资、创业、管理三种职能分离的当代大型企业中,创造价值的劳动是包含创业者、管理者及专业资本经营者在内的组合劳动。

    The separation among capital investors , entrepreneurs and business managers indicates that , in today 's economy , the origin of value is no longer just manual labor , but the combined labor consisting of entrepreneurial , managerial , professional as well as the unskilled labor .

  5. 经营者报酬激励对经营者行为有直接的影响,企业经营者报酬设计的依据是经营者的人力资本、经营者劳动的价值和经营者的供需状况。

    The design of managers ' remuneration should be based on their human capital , labor value and condition of supply and demand .

  6. 作为一种特殊的高级人力资本,经营者是企业成败的关键因素之一。

    As a kind of special advanced human capital , an operator is one of the pivotal factors of enterprise 's success or failure .

  7. 基于EVA的经理人薪酬激励制度研究基于人力资本特性的经营者薪酬激励研究

    Analyze the Compensation Incentive System with EVA Research on the Compensation Incentive on the Base of the Manager 's Human Capital Identity

  8. 基于人力资本特性的经营者薪酬激励机制研究

    Research on the Compensation Incentive on the Base of the Manager 's Human Capital Identity

  9. 而对这些问题的研究都着眼于经营者人力资本特性以及经营者人力资本参与企业剩余价值的分配方法和方式的研究。

    But the research on these issues of human capital on operators and managers in characteristics of human capital enterprise surplus value distribution methods and ways of study .

  10. 由于我国的证券市场不发达,股权高度集中,资本市场对经营者的约束不强,所以应通过制定有关规章来保护中小投资者,从而完善公司治理结构。

    Because of lack of well-developed stock market , restraints to the management and the centralized stock rights , We should formulate the relative rules to protect medium and small investors in order to improve the administrative structure .

  11. 其次,我们选择了公司治理中最重要的人力资本要素&企业经营者,作为分析的主体。

    Then , we select the most important factor-the operator as our object .

  12. 国有资本运营主体的经营者薪酬策略

    The salary tactics for the operator of the subject of operation of the state-owned capital

  13. 论人力资本主导下国企经营者的激励体系

    On the Incentive System for State-owned Enterprises ' Managers under the Leading Role of Human Capital

  14. 资本的所有者和经营者总是想尽可能地压低工资和其他开支。

    The owners and managers of capital always want to keep wages and other costs as low as possible .

  15. 经营者信誉资本的存在给经营者带来了可置信的惩罚空间,因而使得会计契约能够有效地履行。

    The managers'reputation capital works as the incredible punishment space , which makes it possible to effectively implement the accounting contract .

  16. 分析了经营者的人力资本特性,为经营者以其人力资本参与企业剩余分配提供了理论依据;

    It analyses the human capital characteristics of manager participate in firm assign theoretical foundation of offering by surplus with its capital for manager .

  17. 资本与劳动、经营者收入差距过大是我国当前社会问题最引人注目的问题。

    The big income difference between the capital and labor and the business operators is the most noticeable problem among the social problems in China at present .

  18. 在现代社会,由于资本的所有者和经营者的高度分离,使得外部审计师作为监督者被引入。

    In modern society , as high degree of separation between the the owner and the operator of capital so that external auditors were introduced as a supervisor .

  19. 在经营者人力资本价值构成及经营者才能的价值贡献模型的基础上提出了基于经营者人力资本的年薪制、股权激励、声誉激励等激励方式的设计方案。

    Based on the research of the constitution of operator human capital value and the model of value contribution , The author sets up the frame of the countermeasure of operator 's incentive mechanism , including annual-salary mechanism , stock incentive project , reputation mechanism .

  20. 内生资本人格即所有者人格,外生资本人格即经营者的人格。内生资本人格是国有资本保值、增值和利润最大化的真正动力。

    The personality of self-generating capital , which is the real impetus of government capital on hedge appreciation , increment and greatest profits , is the owner 's personality , and the exteral generating capital is the operator 's personality .

  21. 论建立经营者人力资本的识别评估机制问题基于人力资本特性的经营者薪酬激励机制研究

    On Evaluation System of Manager s Human Capital ; Research on the Compensation Incentive on the Base of the Manager 's Human Capital Identity

  22. 社会主义和谐劳资关系是指在社会主义市场经济条件下,由劳动力资本拥有者及其利益代表者与物质资本所有者及其经营者之间在劳动中所形成的既对立统一、又互惠互利的经济利益关系。

    The socialism harmonious labor management relation is the economic interest relations on the base of unification of opposites , reciprocal and mutual benefit , and also is the strategic partnership between labor , capital owner and manager .

  23. 人力资本产权理论认为,企业由人力资本和物质资本构成,经营者作为一种特殊的、稀缺的人力资本的所有者,伴随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,在分享企业剩余索取权的谈判中实力不断增长。

    In the theory on property right of manpower capital , it is believed that an enterprise consists of the manpower capital and the material capital , while the manpower capital can increase the value .

  24. 经营者在成长过程中形成的人力资本以及其人力资本的主动使用,导致其在企业剩余利润的创造中作用超过了物质资本,经营者的人力资本应当与物质资本分享企业产权。

    The human capital formed in the growing process of the operator and the active using of it result in more contributions than the material capital on creating the profits . So the main body of the human capital has the right to share the enterprise 's profits .