
  • 网络Capital Symbiosis
  1. 资本共生模式、企业治理结构及利益相关者财务

    Capital Symbiosis Model ? Corporate Governance and Stakeholder 's Finance

  2. 资本共生模式与财务治理结构

    Capital Symbiosis Model and Finance Governance

  3. 本文的研究包括以下内容:(1)多元资本共生理论的理论基础&多元资本理论。

    This study include the following contents : ( 1 ) the intergrowth theory of multiple capital theory foundation , capital theory .

  4. 最终提出企业社会责任的多元资本共生模型。(4)企业社会责任与财务绩效的协同机理&基于多元资本市场选择。

    Finally put forward enterprise society responsibility of capital symbiosis models . ( 4 ) corporate social responsibility and the financial performance of cooperative mechanism based on multiple choice of capital market .

  5. 由于核心利益相关者的内在联系是物质资本与人力资本共生,因此引入共生度和共生系数对核心利益相关者共同治理模式进行定量描述。

    So this paper introduces intergrowth degree and intergrowth coefficient for describing the stakeholders corporate governance .

  6. 运用共生理论分析企业这一共生体中人力资本与物质资本的共生模式,以及两者在价值创造中的不同作用及地位的转变;

    It analyses the symbiosis model of the right body in enterprise based on symbiosis theory . It illustrates the different function of human capital and substance capital in the process of creating value .

  7. 将共生理论的分析逻辑引入企业多元资本的分析中,得出企业多元资本共生理论。

    Will the intergrowth theory analysis of logic into the analysis of multivariate capital enterprise , enterprise multivariate capital intergrowth theory .

  8. 最后,以企业资源论、资本价值论、资本网络化三种理论为支撑,结合基础资源学派观点,提出多元资本理论。(2)多元资本共生理论的理论基础&共生理论。

    Finally , the enterprise resource theory , capital value theory , and capital network are support on for the theory of three kinds of network resources , combining resource based view school of multiple capital theory . ( 2 ) multiple capital theory of symbiosis theory basis-symbiosis theory .