
  • 网络capital allocation
  1. 基于Bayes方法的信用风险计量模型与经济资本配置研究

    Research on Credit Risk Measurement Model and Economical Capital Allocation with Bayes Method

  2. 在实证研究上,借鉴资源总配置效应分析方法、吉尼系数法和美国著名经济学家哈维·莱宾斯坦创立的X效率与相对效率的基本思路来研究中国资本配置效率及其对经济增长的贡献。

    Resource allocation-effect analysis method , X-efficiency theory and the conception of " relative efficiency " are applied to the measurement of capital allocation efficiency and its contribution to economic growth in China .

  3. IMF特别提出,在触及某个关键点后,资本配置和企业控制的有效性将出现偏差。

    In particular , the IMF suggests , after a point , the allocation of capital and the efficacy of corporate control go awry .

  4. 本文试图在对EVA指标体系的理论研究的基础之上,结合我国券商发展的现状,提出引入EVA指标体系是提高证券公司资本配置效率的有效途径。

    This paper mainly discusses the general theory on EVA index system , gave a thorough analysis on development of securities firms of China , and drew a conclusion that developing EVA index system can improve the capital distribution efficiency of securities firms of China .

  5. 运用MVA或EVA建立起来的财务战略矩阵是一种强调价值创造而不是收益增长的管理体系,其主要思想是作出合理的资本配置决策以增加企业价值。

    The financial strategic rectangle on the basis of MVA or EVA is a management system emphasizing not on benefit increase but on value creation , it is for making reasonable resources prescription policy in order to raise enterprise value .

  6. 本文借鉴Wurgler(2000)的资本配置效率估算模型,研究我国市场化进程对资本配置效率的影响。

    This article studied the influence of marketization on capital allocation efficiency based on Wurgler ( 2000 ) model .

  7. 自从Markowitz于1952年创立了投资组合以来,风险度量和金融资本配置模型的研究一直是金融投资研究的热点之一,到目前为止,金融投资专家和学者已提出很多种不同的度量风险模型。

    Since Markowitz established the theory of portfolio in 1952 , the research of risk measurement and financial capital installation model is the focal . So far , the financial investment experts and the scholars have already put forward a lot of different risk measurement models .

  8. 人力资本配置及改善的博弈分析

    Game Analysis in the Arrangement and Improvement of the Human Capital

  9. 去年资本配置方面的情况也是运行良好。

    Things also went well on the capital-allocation front last year .

  10. 融资成本、寻租行为和企业内部资本配置

    Financing Cost , Rent Seeking and Capital Allocation inside Firms

  11. 商业银行经济资本配置研究

    The Study on the Economic Capital Allocation of Commercial Banks

  12. 金融发展对资本配置效率的影响分析

    The Influence of Financial Development on Capital Disposition in China

  13. 湖北省行业资本配置效率实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Efficiency of Industrial Capital Allocation in Hubei Province

  14. 基于资本配置效率理论的我国风险投资行业发展对策研究

    Study of China 's Venture Capital Based on the Capital Allocation Efficiency

  15. 人力资本配置及其制度研究

    Deployment of Human Capital and the Research on Deployment Institution

  16. 商业银行经济资本配置:思路与模型构建

    Allocation of Economic Capital in Commercial Banks : the Idea and Modeling

  17. 中国国有电力企业人力资本配置优化研究

    Study on the Human Capital Optimization of State-Owned Power Enterprise in China

  18. 股票市场最核心的功能是资本配置功能。

    The key function of stock market is capital allocation .

  19. 控制权私有收益的资本配置与公司价值

    Capital Allocation and Firm Value of Private Benefits of Control

  20. 试论中国人力资本配置

    On the disposal of human resources capital in China

  21. 资本配置策略与财务绩效&乳品上市公司比较

    Capital Allocation & Financial Performance : The Comparison of Three Milk Listed Companies

  22. 利润操纵、股权再融资与资本配置效率研究

    The Study of Earnings Management . Equity Refinancing and Efficiency of Resource Allocation

  23. 地区性行政垄断与资本配置效率关系的实证

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Local Administrative Monopoly and Capital Allocative Efficiency

  24. 最优的资本配置会使企业获得最大的收益。

    Optimal allocation of capital makes the enterprise to get the maximum benefit .

  25. 资本配置效率的地区差异及影响因素分析

    Empirical Study on Divergence of Capital Allocation Efficiency in China and Its Influence Factors

  26. 商业银行资本配置风险管理

    Bank Risk Management Based on the Capital Disposition

  27. 中国资本配置效率的区域差异&基于面板数据的分析

    Regional Difference of China 's Capital Allocation Efficiency & An Analysis Based on Panel Data

  28. 因此,研究湖北省资本配置效率优化问题,对湖北省经济发展极为重要。

    Therefore it is important to research the capital allocation efficiency for the economic development .

  29. 人力资本配置在一定程度上是人力资本产权在各经济主体之间的分配,人力资本产权制度内含了配置功能。

    Disposition of human capital is distribution of property rights among main body of economy .

  30. 经济资本配置的一致性方法&τ值法

    Coherent Capital Allocation Method - Value Method