
  1. 实现工程水利向资源水利转变的认识

    Understanding of realizing transform from engineering WR to resources WR

  2. 广西21世纪资源水利发展战略初探

    Primary probing into the resources water development strategy of Guangxi in 21st century

  3. 洪水在资源水利中的地位和作用

    Position and Action of Flood in Resource Water Conservancy

  4. 吕梁地区发展资源水利初探

    Developing Resource Water Conservancy in Luliang District

  5. 资源水利与水文科学

    Relationship Between Water Resources and Hydrological Science

  6. 工程水利、资源水利、环境水利、社会水利和生态水利的内涵及其关系

    Connotation of Engineering , Resources , Environmental , Social and Ecological Water Conservancy and Their Relationship

  7. 在我国,提出了由工程水利向资源水利转变的新的治水思路。在水的管理方面,传统的方式面临新的挑战。

    In the new century , water resource management way is challenged by new computer science .

  8. 资源水利呼唤人文教育与科学教育的融合六、落实科教兴国战略,大力开发人才资源;

    Implementing the Strategy of Developing the Country Through Science , Technology and Education and Vigorously Developing Human Resources ;

  9. 加拿大的可持续水管理改革及其对我国构建资源水利体系的借鉴意义

    Reform for Sustainable Water Management in Canada and Its Reference Value to Establishment of Chinese System of Resource-Type Water Conservancy

  10. 同时,也为基层水管单位进行水利风景区的开发建设与管理探索,从而实现从工程水利向资源水利转变,从传统水利向现代水利、可持续发展水利转变,作出了有益的尝试。

    It is also a beneficial trial for transferring from engineering measure focus to resource-oriented development , traditional management method to modern one and sustainable development of water resources .

  11. 湖南省大、中、小型灌区的渠道尚有70%未衬砌,渠道防渗的任务繁重。搞好渠道防渗,是湖南省实现工程水利向资源水利转变的重要措施之一。

    However , the task of channel anti-seepage is heavy , and to do the work well is the one important measure for realizing water conservancy transfer from projects to resources .

  12. 根据水利部治水思路由工程水利向资源水利转变的指导思想,分析了当前海河流域水资源保护存在的问题及其产生的原因;

    Based on the change in water management from engineering water conservancy to resources water conservancy , the existing problems and their causes relevant to the Haihe River Basin water resources protection are identified .

  13. 这是实施资源水利战略,实现水资源可持续利用目标的重要思想理论基础,对于其它流域或区域治水方略的确立也具有广泛的借鉴意义。

    The thoughts are the important theoretical basis for implementing resource-oriented water conservancy strategy to attain sustainable development of water resource utilization and are valuable for the adoption of water control strategy in the other river basins or regions .

  14. 随着现代化进程的加快,水利建设进入了一个新的阶段,传统的工程水利已开始向资源水利发展,传统的工程管理已开始向信息管理、数字管理发展。

    With the acceleration of modernization course , the construction of water conservancy project goes into a new period . The traditional water conservancy of projects is changing into water conservancy of resources . The traditional projects management is changing into information management and digital management .

  15. 本文研究将会促进灌区由工程水利向资源水利的转变,使灌区尽快步入向资源节约型、环境友好型和谐发展的轨道,以水资源的可持续利用保障灌区经济社会的可持续发展。

    The essay works on the promotion from engineering water conservancy to water resources conservancy to get track on resource-conserving environmental friendly and harmonious development as soon as possible , and protect sustainable economic and social development for the irrigation area through sustainable utilization of water resources .

  16. 利用雨洪资源促进水利发展

    Utilizing Rainwater And Flood Resources to Promotion The Development of Water Industry

  17. 但老挝经济正在迅速发展,主要依靠出卖自然矿物资源与水利资源。

    But the economy is growing rapidly , mainly from selling natural mineral and hydropower resources .

  18. 因此,加快对云南的开发,尤其是矿产资源、水利资源、生物资源和旅游资源的有效和可持续开发,对云南经济,乃至全国经济的发展有重大的战略意义。

    An accelerated development , especially in minerals , water resources , biological resources and tourism resources on a sustainable basis is strategically important both for the province and the whole country .

  19. 本文主要从农业地理环境、人口资源、水利建设、农作物的种植和分布、畜牧业以及渔业生产等几个方面对唐代河南地区的农业进行系统研究分析。

    The paper studies mostly the agriculture in Henan area of Tang Dynasty from the following several aspects : agriculture geography environment , population resources , irrigation works , crops planting and distributing , stockbreeding and fishery .

  20. 阐述广西水利部门OA(办公自动化)信息系统的可能性和必然性,探讨如何利用广西水利部门现有的网络资源建立广西水利部门的Intranet,以及广西水利部门的Intranet应提供何种功能。

    WT5BZ ] The author expounded the possibility and necessity of the OA information system construction of the Guangxi WR units and probed into using the existing net resources of Guangxi WR units to build Intranet of Guangxi WR units and the functions it supplies . [ WT5HZ ]

  21. 开发石油资源、开发水利资源、利用太阳能。

    Exploit oil reserves , water power , solar energy , etc.

  22. 浅析水资源水权与水利工程供水权

    Water Resources Right and Water Right of Water Supply Schemes

  23. 农业资源主要从水利资源、土地资源、劳动力资源等方面进行分析。

    Agricultural resources are referred to water , soil , and labor .

  24. 浅论从工程水利向资源和生态水利转变之对策

    Discussion on measure of water resources transformation from engineering to resource and ecology

  25. 水资源管理与水利资产管理

    Water Resources Management and Water Assets Management

  26. 水资源价值对水利工程经济评价影响研究

    The Study about the Influence of Water Resource Value on Water Conservancy Project Economy Assessment

  27. 基于水资源的宝鸡水利产业多元化发展研究

    A Study of the Diversification Development of Water Conservancy in Baoji on the Basis of Water Resources

  28. 水资源水权与水利工程供水权实质上是水权的两个方面。

    Water resources right and water right of water supply schemes are the two aspects of the water right essentially .

  29. 土压平衡盾构是一种用于地下空间开发及隧道施工的大型工程机械,广泛应用于地铁隧道、市政建设、资源开采、水利设施建设等地下工程建设。

    Earth Pressure Balanced shield is a type of large engineering machinery , used in underground space development and shield tunneling .

  30. 明确了城市水价的四元结构组成,即水资源费、水利工程供水价格、城市供水价格以及污水处理费四部分;

    It is made clear that urban water price is composed of four components : water resources tariff , hydrotechnics engineering tariff , urban water price , and wastewater treatment fee .