
  • 网络Information Engineering;computer engineering
  1. 麻省理工学院学生:本课程是麻省理工学院电机资讯工程资讯理论之集中选修课程的先导科目。

    MIT Students : This course is the header course for the MIT / EECS Engineering Concentration of Theory of Computation .

  2. 具有应用数学、统计、资讯、工程与管理之能力。

    To acquire the capability in Applied Mathematics , Statistics , Information , Engineering and Management .

  3. 网路辅助教学之教学支援服务:以逢甲大学图书馆资讯素养强化工程为例资讯计量学与网路计量学

    The Faculty Support Services of Network Aided Teaching & Examining e-Learning Outcomes in Feng Chia University Informetrics and webometrics