
  • Tariff adjustment;【通信】tariff rebalancing
  1. 移动运营商的市场份额大小决定了互联资费调整的效果。

    The market share of the mobile operator can decide the spill-over effect of interconnection rate .

  2. 电信资费调整后的思考

    Reflections on Adjustment of Telecom Tariff

  3. 论电信资费调整

    On Charge Adjustment of Telecom

  4. 并且能够在多方位的跟踪用户表现行为,对各种业务的资费调整,优化营销方案。

    The system can track user behavior in the multi-direction , for different kinds of service charges , and optimize the marketing scheme .

  5. 在这一过程中,邮政官局吸取民信局的长处,针对民信局的弱点,在资费调整、业务兴革、提高工作效率等方面均有所改进,推动了邮政的近代化进程。

    In this process , postal administration extracts the advantages of civil postal office and aims at its disadvantages , making some adjustments on its fee , business and work efficiency , which promotes the modernization of postal service .

  6. 通过对国内电信市场用户发展、业务量状况和电信资费调整进行分析,探讨铁路通信经营发展的策略,思考营造铁路通信经营发展必要条件的办法,提出加速铁路通信经营发展的建议。

    Through analysing the development of users , business volume and billing adjustment of domestic telecom market , the management strategy and essential development conditions Railway Telecom are approach , and a proposal for speeding up the development of Railway Telecom is put forward .