
  • 网络resource potential
  1. 基于3S技术的可收集雨水资源潜力的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of the collectable rainwater resource potential based on GIS , GPS and RS

  2. 应用卫星MSS数据对莱州湾主要经济贝类资源潜力的研究

    A study of the resource potential of the main economic mussels of Laizhou Bay using satellite MSS data

  3. 一种基于GIS的矿产资源潜力评价的自动制图模型

    A New Automatic Mapping Model for Mineral Resource Potentials Assessment Based on the GIS Technology

  4. 富钴结壳中Ti的富集及其资源潜力

    Enrichment and resources potential of titanium in cobalt-rich crust

  5. 河南作为中国中部地区一个比较典型的农业大省,人口规模全国第一,人力资源潜力很大,但人口素质低,竞争力不强,人均GDP在全国排第16位。

    Henan , an agricultural province of central China , has the most population and the huge potential of human resources . However , its population has the low quality and competitiveness , and per person GDP ranks 16 in the country .

  6. 该区具备有利的构造圈闭、泥岩盖层条件,烃源岩以E23&N1为主,累计厚度大于2000m,具备一定的资源潜力。

    There are good structural trap condition and mudstone cap condition . And the E 2 3-N 1 formations are the main source rocks with an accumulated thickness more than 2000m , so there have good resources potential .

  7. 石家庄市地下水资源潜力评价与可持续利用

    Potential Evaluation and Sustainable Utilization of Groundwater Resources in Shijiazhuang City

  8. 宁夏水稻光温资源潜力研究

    Studies on potential resources of rice light and heat in Ningxia

  9. 中国南海海域天然气资源潜力简介

    Prospect the potential of natural gas resource of south china sea

  10. 中国渤海湾海滩-极浅海域油气资源潜力

    Hydrocarbon resources potential of beach - sublittoral zone in Bohai Bay

  11. 甘肃省农业生态气候资源潜力比较与利用探讨

    Comparative analysis and exploitation discussion of agro-ecoclimatic resources in Gansu Province

  12. 森林旅游资源潜力的评价方法研究

    Research on the Evaluation Methods for Tour Resource Potentiality of Forest

  13. 我国战略性矿产未查明资源潜力与可供性

    The potential & availability of china 's strategic unknown mining resources

  14. 该区资源潜力还是较大的。

    The iron ore resources in this area have great potentiality .

  15. 盐间非砂岩油藏基本石油地质特征及资源潜力

    Basic petroleum geological characteristics and resource potential of inter-salt non-sandstone reservoir

  16. 21世纪俄罗斯油气资源潜力分析

    An Analysis of 21st Century Russia 's Oil & Gas Resource Potential

  17. 新一轮固体矿产资源潜力评价的几个问题

    Some problems concerning the new round of solid mineral resource potential evaluation

  18. 兰州&民和盆地地下热水资源潜力评估

    Assessment on the potentiality of the geothermal water resources in Lanzhou-Minhe Basin

  19. 中国天然气资源潜力及供需趋势

    Resource potentials and supply-demand trend of natural gas in China

  20. 渤海湾盆地资源潜力和进一步勘探方向的探讨

    Potential resources and future exploration orientation in Bohai Bay Basin

  21. 中上扬子地区志留系龙马溪组页岩气资源潜力评价

    Silurian Longmaxi Shale Gas Potential Analysis in Middle & Upper Yangtze Region

  22. 鄱阳湖洪水资源潜力与利用途径探讨

    Investigation on potentiality and utilization approaches of floodwater resources in Poyang Lake

  23. 人口和劳动力资源潜力受到严重破坏。

    The potential of population and labor resources was ruined .

  24. 云南第三系盆地油气资源潜力与前景分析

    Hydrocarbon Potential and Prospect of Tertiary Basins in Yunnan Province

  25. 西部地区煤炭资源潜力综合评价与规划研究

    Comprehensive evaluation and plan for coal resources ' potentiality in the west area

  26. 济阳坳陷上古生界天然气资源潜力评价

    Assessment of natural gas resource potential in the Upper Paleozoic of Jiyang depression

  27. 遥感技术在华北平原地下水资源潜力调查评估中的试点应用

    Evaluation of the Groundwater Potentials in the North China Plain Using Remote Sensing

  28. 长春市城市用水需求与可利用水资源潜力分析

    Analysis of Municipal Water Demand and Utilizable Water Resource Potential in Changchun City

  29. 该区铁矿资源潜力巨大。

    Potential resources of the iron deposit are huge .

  30. 柴达木盆地生物气资源潜力评价

    Assessment of Biogenetic Gas Reservoir Potential in Qaidam Basin