
zī zhì
  • qualifications;aptitude;credential;intelligence;flair;natural endowments
资质 [zī zhì]
  • [natural endowments;intelligence] 人的天质、气质。包括能力、智力

  • 这小孩先天资质不凡

  • 资质淑茂,道术通明。--《汉书.刘向传》

资质[zī zhì]
  1. 网络文学的文学性问题关涉这种文学的资质确证和价值立场。

    The literariness questions of network literature concern with natural endowments confirmation and valuable position .

  2. 文章通过作者在Delphi开发平台下的资质与招投标系统的开发实例,验证了组件技术在软件开发中的具体实现方法和途径。

    These components are designed and the specific implementation of component technology is validated by the experiment of developing the intelligence and bid system under the Delphi platform .

  3. B级裁判只能协同有A级资质的裁判进行评判。

    A grade B judge could only be allowed to judge alongside a qualified grade A judge .

  4. 将鼓励他们在取得优秀学习成绩的同时也要获得一定的职业资质。

    They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications

  5. 我可以证明委托人的资质。

    I can testify to the credentials of the clientele .

  6. 在比利时只有资质合格的医生才能从事非传统医学工作。

    In Belgium only qualified doctors may practise alternative medicine

  7. 他们的活动有多少可以稳妥有效地委托给那些资质稍浅的员工来进行?

    How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff ?

  8. 我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。

    We must note that we still lack qualified specialists .

  9. 研究人员用美国大学入学考试(ACT)成绩来衡量其智力资质。

    Researchers used ACT scores as a measure of intellectual aptitude .

  10. 市场监管总局发现部分培训机构虚构或夸大教师资质。市场监管总局价监竞争局局长袁喜禄表示,

    The regulator found that academic qualifications of some tutors at the firms were fabricated or exaggerated .

  11. 你可能被资质更好的应聘者打败。不过,你也可能资历过高,导致决策者认为你很快会跳槽或要求加薪。

    On the other hand , you could be overqualified , causing decision-makers to assume that you will soon move on or demand a higher salary .

  12. 大多数mba学生都具备在顶级公司工作的资质。

    Most MBA students possess the qualifications to work at top firms .

  13. 中国移动获得了TD-SCDMA标准的运营资质。

    China mobile get the operational qualification of TD-SCDMA mode .

  14. GAC课程的所有教师经ACT总部严格审核其教育背景及资质。

    The background and experience of every teacher in GAC are checked thoroughly by the ACT Education Solutions .

  15. 这里所说的资质,指的是iii级能力,资质掌握水平的定义如下

    A competency as referenced here means demonstration of level iii capability , where the levels of achievement were defined as

  16. 有关国际货币基金组织(IMF)下一任总裁的资质和国籍,已经有了太多讨论了。

    There has been much discussion of the qualifications and nationality of the next head of the International Monetary Fund .

  17. CIA将其历史上最具争议的项目之一外包给了两个资质可疑的人。

    The CIA outsourced one of the most questionable programmes in its history to two men with questionable qualifications .

  18. 所有从事本程序规定活动的人员资质审查和认证工作,由质量保证经理(QA)负责。

    The QA Manager is responsible for qualification and certification of all personnel involved with activities defined by this procedure .

  19. 从事审查工作的审查员和主审查员的个人资质记录,应由质量保证部门(QA)编制,并维护。

    Records of personnel qualifications for Auditors and Lead Auditors performing audits shall be established and maintained by the QA Department .

  20. 如果劳动力市场不能按照移民的资质将其吸收进来,那么移民来源国面临的将是braindrain(人才流失),而移民本身则面临“人才浪费”的境地。

    If the labour market cannot absorb the migrants at the level of their qualifications , the phenomenon changes its nature : brain drain from the sending countries becomes'brain waste'for the migrants .

  21. 企业可以使用LinkedIn作为强大的招聘工具,发现具有他们需要的资质和才能的潜在雇员。

    Businesses can use LinkedIn as a powerful recruitment tool , finding potential employees with the exact talent and skills they require .

  22. 甘肃送变电工程公司是具有国家壹级资质的送变电施工企业,她于2000年开发和实施了MIS系统。

    Gansu Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Company is a First Grade qualification construction unit approved by the state . In 2000 , she carried out a management information system project .

  23. 对焊工进行有效的资质测试,并且满足NDE对工程师个人要求的技术合格证书。

    Make available qualification tests of welders and qualification records of the NDE personnel to the Engineer upon request .

  24. FTA的财务安排主要是支持社区公共交通,主导有资质的专业人士进行规划、购置车辆、设施建设、运营组织,以及其他事宜。

    A major way FTA helps communities support public transportation is by issuing grants to eligible recipients for planning , vehicle purchases , facility construction , operations , and other purposes .

  25. AAAS将确保所有的参与者满足所需的适格条件,包括用3份证明信确立他们的资质。

    AAAS will ensure that all participants meet the required eligibility criteria , including three references to establish their credentials .

  26. 为减轻外汇储备所带来的压力,拓宽投资渠道,中国已经引进了QDII(国内机构投资资质)计划,以便于他们向国外投资。

    In a bid to ease foreign reserves and broaden investment channels , China has introduced a QDII ( Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors ) scheme , allowing them to invest overseas .

  27. 通过FIDIC合同模式与窗口型模式在程序上和实体上的比较,可以看出窗口型模式存在以下几个问题:1.窗口型模式在我国国际工程承包主体资质上存在问题。

    After comparison between FIDIC Mode and Window mode , it is found that Window mode has three problems : 1.the qualification problem , 2 . the Engineer problem , 3 . the problem of subcontracting .

  28. Keithley产品的用户应该具有合格资质,了解电击危险,熟悉避免可能伤害的安全防范要求。

    Keithley products are intended for use by qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions required to avoid possible injury .

  29. 在4月,科学部长NurisOrihuela一位地球物理工程师被撤职了,接替他的是工程师兼陆军中尉JesseChacón。批评者说后者几乎没有科学资质。

    In April science minister Nuris Orihuela a geophysical engineer was dismissed and replaced by Jesse Chac ó n , an engineer and army lieutenant who critics say has few scientific credentials .

  30. SNEC(中国石化集团宁波工程有限公司)公司是一家组建不久的以设计和专有技术为龙头、以工程项目总承包(EPC)为核心业务具有总承包资质的大型工程公司。

    SNEC ( SINOPEC Ningbo Engineering Co. , Ltd ) is a newly established large engineering company with EPC contracting qualification , which is leading with engineering design and proprietary technologies and EPC is core activities .