
  • 网络Cyrus;miley cyrus;Syrus
  1. 赛勒斯在与辛普森确定关系之前和KaitlynnCarter的关系很不一般。

    Before Cyrus landed with Simpson , she also carried out a fling with Kaitlynn Carter .

  2. 其同道中人还包括演员麦莉o赛勒斯(她在Twitter上发了121张自拍照)、坠机事件幸存者费迪南德o普恩特斯、宇航员史蒂夫o斯沃森。

    So has Miley Cyrus ( she 's posted 121 of them on Twitter ) . Plane-crash survivor Ferdinand Puentes . And astronaut Steve Swanson .

  3. 赛勒斯从一只巨大的泰迪熊内部登上舞台,唱了自己的名曲《WeCan'tStop》。

    After entering the stage from the inside of a giant teddy bear , Miley sang " We Can 't Stop , " one of her own hits .

  4. 赛勒斯和辛普森分手的消息是在她的新歌《MidnightSky》首发前几个小时爆出的。

    The news of Simpson and Cyrus ' split was revealed just hours before the premiere of her new song , " Midnight Sky . "

  5. 本月早些时候,辛普森在他的InstagramStory上对赛勒斯甜蜜告白,说:“和最好的朋友谈恋爱”。

    Earlier this month , Simpson shared a sweet tribute to Cyrus , on his Instagram Story , stating : " In love with my best friend . "

  6. 7月份,在赛勒斯抖音账号上发布的一段视频中,他们二人伴着C+C音乐工厂(乐队)的歌曲《GonnaMakeYouSweat(EverybodyDanceNow)》跳舞,这首歌曲由FreedomWilliams创作。

    The pair was also seen dancing around to " Gonna Make You Sweat ( Everybody Dance Now ) " by C + C Music Factory featuring Freedom Williams in a TikTok video on Cyrus ' account in July .

  7. 然后罗宾·西克唱着《BlurredLines》加入了她的表演。表演过程中,赛勒斯在比她大许多岁的西克面前搔首弄姿,多次用泡沫做的手指指自己的裆部。

    Robin Thicke then joined her for a performance of his song " Blurred Lines . " During the performance , Miley twerked suggestively in front of the much older Thicke , thrusting her pelvis at intervals and also running a foam finger over her nether regions .

  8. 但是在2017年,赛勒斯发行了相对温和的单曲《Malibu》,大概她已经抛却了狂野的一面,回归本性。

    In 2017 , however , it seems that Miley has retired her wild side and is returning to her country roots with the release of the relatively tame " Malibu . "

  9. 尚顿说:“我觉得,有了麦莉•赛勒斯(MileyCyrus)这等明星,一切往往走极端,但不一定非得走情色路线,我更喜欢留一点点想象空间。”

    Shotton says : " I think , with the likes of Miley Cyrus , things have got very extreme and that 's not necessarily sexy . I prefer to leave a little to the imagination . "

  10. 不像上一季布莱尔的王室婚礼,这件事看起来并不像一件大事-唯一的见证人是Chuck的叔叔杰克,布莱尔的继父赛勒斯,瑟瑞娜、丹、内特……奇怪的是,布莱尔憎恨的乔治娜也在场。

    And unlike Blair 's royal wedding last season , this affair doesn 't seem to be a big event - the only witnesses are Chuck 's uncle Jack , Blair 's stepfather Cyrus , Serena , Dan , Nate ... and , oddly enough , Georgina , who Blair hates .

  11. 她的父亲名叫赛勒斯,母亲是优查利斯。

    And her father was named Cyrus , and her mother Eucharis .

  12. 尤其在赛勒斯和纽约之行后

    Not after Cyrus and ... not after New York .

  13. 就连麦莉·赛勒斯都成了坏女孩的榜样了。

    Even Miley Cyrus is a bad role model .

  14. 赛勒斯说,真实的女超人应该就是杰特这个样子。

    Ms. Jett is what Superwoman really should be , Ms. Cyrus said .

  15. 麦莉•赛勒斯正是这样的类型。

    Miley Cyrus is one of those types .

  16. 在电影《斯坦洛夫博士》中,赛勒斯刻画了一个卓越的但精神变态的物理学家。

    In the movie Dr. Strangelove , Sellers portrays a brilliant but psychotic physicist .

  17. 印度&印度河流域西部的赛勒斯爆发了波斯战役。

    537 BCE : India - Cyrus the Persian campaigns west of the Indus River .

  18. 赛勒斯的这个许诺带来了她整个职业生涯最遭人嫌的时刻之一。

    What Cyrus delivered was one of the most cringe-inducing moments of her entire career .

  19. 麦莉-赛勒斯:下雪吧,下雪吧,下下下雪吧。

    Miley Cyrus : Let it snow , Let it snow , Let it snoooooow .

  20. 赛勒斯船长提出了以敲铃为抛测铅的办法。

    Captain Sellers introduced the tap of bell as a signal to heave the lead .

  21. 是她把艾莉的体检记录交给赛勒斯的

    She 's the one that gave Cyrus the recording of Ali 's medical exam .

  22. 普布利乌斯·赛勒斯,叙利亚拉丁语作家

    Publius Syrus , Syrian Latin writer

  23. 第一根大西洋电缆,由赛勒斯.菲尔德筹资,于同年7月27日完成铺设。

    The first Atlantic cable , promoted by Cyrus Field , was layed on July 27th .

  24. 虽然电视剧中笑料百出,赛勒斯的歌唱天分却没有玩笑。

    Though the show is played for laughs , Cyrus 's singing talent is no joke .

  25. 我们整理了好莱坞最会挣钱的年轻明星们,麦莉·赛勒斯独领群雄。

    We put together a list of Hollywood 's highest earning young stars , which Miley tops .

  26. 随着迪斯尼频道为她打造的品牌与她真实的自我不再同步,赛勒斯已经表明了其中的分歧。

    Cyrus has said that all along her Disneyfied brand was out of sync with her true identity .

  27. 波斯王朝的奠基人,伟大的赛勒斯,封自己为伊朗之王。

    Cyrus the Great , the founder of the Persian Empire , called himself " King of Iran " .

  28. 赛勒斯参与了合唱,甚至连威瑟斯也再次挤到麦克风前。

    Amid the rockers was Ms. Cyrus , and even Mr. Withers again squeezed in front of a microphone .

  29. “你知道它从哪里流出去有什么用处呢,亲爱的赛勒斯?”吉丁·史佩莱问道。

    " But what importance do you attach to knowing that , my dear Cyrus ?" asked Gideon Spilett .

  30. 赛勒斯在特朗普获胜后第二天一早发布了一段煽情的视频,称她“接受”这位新总统。

    Cyrus released an emotional video the morning after Trump 's win saying she " accepted " the new president .