
  • 网络herbart;johann friedrich herbart
  1. 赫尔巴特是传统教育派的理论代表之一。

    Education Theory of Herbart School and the Early Chinese Pedagogy ;

  2. 赫尔巴特学派教育理论在华传播及影响

    The Spread and Influence of Herbart School Education Theory in China

  3. 赫尔巴特在美国马克思与诺奇克国家理论之比较研究

    Herbartianism in America Compare on State Theories between Marx and Nozick

  4. 赫尔巴特教育目的理论探本及现实启益

    Herbart 's Theory on Educational Purposes and the Realistic Enlightenment

  5. 20世纪初,赫尔巴特及其学派教育学导入中国。

    Herbart 's Pedagogy was introduced into China in the early 20th century .

  6. 赫尔巴特教育理论的社会品性&基于社会秩序观的思考

    On the Social Nature of Herbart 's Educational Theory

  7. 赫尔巴特教育思想及对思想政治教育的启示

    Herbart 's Educational Thought and the Enlightenment to the Ideological and Political Education

  8. 赫尔巴特教育学在中国的传播(1901-1904)

    The Introduction and Spread of Herbart s Pedagogy in China ( 1901-1904 );

  9. 近现代教育中卢梭、夸美纽斯、杜威、赫尔巴特的学生观以及后现代思潮中的学生观思想。

    Rousseau > ComeniuSsDeweysHerbart of modern education and some ideas in post-modern education .

  10. 蔡元培教育思想分析关于赫尔巴特教育思想的初步认识

    On Primary Recognition of Herbart 's Educational Thought

  11. 从认识论角度看赫尔巴特与杜威教育思想的分歧

    The difference of Herbart 's and Dewey 's education idea is researched from epistemology angle

  12. 代表人物是赫尔巴特的教学思想。

    The representative figure was Herbart .

  13. 赫尔巴特建构了一个被后人竞相模仿和因袭的完整的理论教育学体系,为教育学找到了科学基础,试图将教育学研究置于较严格的科学条件和实践基础上。

    Herbart successfully constructed his pedagogic system , which was imitated and followed by others , and found scientific basis for pedagogy .

  14. 近代历史教学方法在清末受到德国赫尔巴特教学方法的影响,具备了固定的教学模式。

    In the last period of Qing dynasty , modern history teaching methods all contain a regular teaching mode greatly influenced by German Herbart 's way .

  15. 本文剖析了赫尔巴特教育思想在美国的传播过程及其对美国初等教育课程与教学论所造成的影响,阐释了其所以造成深远影响的内在原因。

    This paper analyses the communication process of herbart 's thinking and its impacts on American primary education , and interprets the inner reasons for this far-reaching influences .

  16. 杜威实用主义经验哲学继承了近代以来经验主义哲学传统,他对赫尔巴特的批判着重显示了经验主义认识论与德国古典哲学的冲突。

    John Dewey criticizes Herbart 's pedagogical doctrines violently , which shows the serious conflict be - tween the empiricism and the metaphysics out of German classical philosophy tradition .

  17. 经典性教学方法的第一期以赫尔巴特的五段教学法为代表,第二期则是凯洛夫的五环节教学法占统治地位。

    As classic teaching method , Herbert 's five segments teaching method is the representative in the first period ; Kailov 's five links teaching method dominated the second period .

  18. 19世纪80年代,德国著名教育家赫尔巴特的教育理论在明治时代国家主义迅速膨胀的形势下,由德国人赫斯耐克特导入日本。

    In the 80s of the 19th century , the education theory of well known German educator Herbert was introduced to Japan when Meiji Period nationalism was at its climax .

  19. 赫尔巴特是德国著名的教育家,同时他也被认为是传统教育的代表而受到过严厉的抨击。

    Herbart is a famous educationist of Germany . He was also considered to be the representative of traditional education and had received the severe attack for that at the same time .

  20. 赫尔巴特重视学生在主动学习和自由想象中发展思维,提出明了-联想-系统-方法,建立了科学的思维的雏形。

    Herbart advocates that learners develop their thinking in the process of active learning and free imagination , proposes the formula of understanding-association-system-methodology , and has set up a framework of scientific thinking .

  21. 赫尔巴特把可塑性和概念的论述放在教育学的中心位置,以之代替具体的生命实践,必然引致本真实践哲学的蜕变和近代教育学的分裂。实践是马克思主义永葆青春的生命泉源。

    Herbart put plasticity and exposition into central place of pedagogy and replaced concrete practice of life with them , which cause the change of true practical philosophy and the division of modern pedagogy .

  22. 作者结合时代背景,通过对《赫尔巴特文集》的阅读,归纳评析了赫尔巴特所构建的科学教育学体系的历史价值及其对现实教育问题的借鉴意义。

    Reading carefully the " Collection of Herbart 's Essays ", the author refers to the historical background and analyzes the historical value of the scientific educational system established by Herbart and its implications to current education issues .

  23. 赫尔巴特是19世纪初德国著名的教育家,他在教育史上第一个明确提出要把教育学建成一门独立的学科,他的教育思想在欧洲近代教育思想史上占有重要的地位。

    Johann Friedrich Herbart was a very famous educationist of German in the beginning of the 19th century . He is the first one who definitely advanced the education should be an independent subject . His educational ideas are very important in modern European history of educational thought .