
  1. 虽然美国政府通过事后补救使AIG走出危机,但是却以巨大的成本为代价的。

    Although the U.S. government out of the crisis with remedies to AIG , but with great cost for the price .

  2. 虽然日本大兴土木,但从未完全走出危机。对于日本人而言,长期已经走到头,那一代人老了,人数也少了,政府债务水平依然是七国集团(G7)中最高的。

    Even though Japan covered much of the country with concrete , it never fully emerged from the crisis . For the Japanese , the long run has arrived , and they are older , fewer and have the highest government debt in the G7 .

  3. Diallo说,他们审查了选举委员会规则,全国选举规范以及宪法,准备为全国走出危机进行评估并提出建议。

    Diallo says they examined the internal rules of the electoral commission , the country 's electoral code and the constitution , and prepared an assessment and recommendations to get the country out of crisis .

  4. 走出危机,走向核心课程&20世纪中后期英、美两国历史教育定位的演变及原因探析英国中学的主课和教材的多元化

    The core curriculum and the pluralism of textbook for british second schools

  5. 负有带领公司走出危机之责的领导人应当记取的七大教训

    Here are seven lessons for leaders charged with leading their organizations through a crisis

  6. 在信息时代中,政府要结合危机传播新特点,走出危机管理新道路。

    In the information age , the government crisis communication management has combined new features .

  7. 然后就是消费者试图带领人们走出危机。

    What happens then is that the consumer tends to lead you out of it .

  8. 当你试图走出危机时,所得并非所愿。

    Not what you want to happen when trying to get out of a depression .

  9. 走出危机:上海制造业企业转型的纵横路径

    Out of Crisis : the Vertical and Horizontal Transition Paths of Manufacturing Enterprises in Shanghai

  10. 一些人也认为中国将是第一个走出危机的国家。

    Some also believed that China will be the first to be out of the crisis .

  11. 尽管这些不确定性仍会增加,但走出危机之后,就会出现实现今后十年增长的机遇。

    While these uncertainties loom large , out of crises comes opportunity to realize a new decade of growth .

  12. 中国企业走出危机管理误区的对策思考

    The Countermeasure on How the Chinese Enterprises Go out from the Wrong Cognition of the Management of the Crisis

  13. 哈克和哈利告诉人们在荒诞的现实世界中自由选择是走出危机获得自我解放的信念之路。

    Huck and Harry tell us one can come through the world of absurdity by making his free choice .

  14. 如果首相意识到无法走出危机,就只有辞职了事。

    The prime minister will only resign if he perceives there is no other way out of the crisis .

  15. 走出危机,首先需要正名,重新回到法国学派。

    For release from the crisis , it is prior to correct the name and return to the French School .

  16. 要走出危机,除了快步朝着建立一个财政联盟的方向迈进以外,别无他法。

    For an exit from the crisis there is no alternative but to move closer and quickly towards fiscal union .

  17. 虽然两种心理观也试图融合,但仍然不能使心理学走出危机。

    Although the two kinds of psychological view tried to fuse , psychology can not free from the crisis yet .

  18. 这次7国集团会议中讨论的一种可能帮助走出危机的措施就是各国政府对银行之间的借贷提供担保。

    One possible remedy that may be discussed at the G-7 meeting is for governments to guarantee lending between banks .

  19. 东方宗教是救治西方的良药,而他的走出危机的路线图也最终完成。

    Oriental religions were the right medicine for the sick West and his route out of the crises was finally completed .

  20. 然而,如果没有其中一些变革,则很难走出危机,实现一种更加稳定的局面。

    But it is hard to see any escape from the crisis and move to something more stable without some such changes .

  21. 和谐、可持续的生态化之路是当前思想政治教育走出危机、实现自身价值的重要突破口。

    Harmonic and sustaining ecological way is an important breach for overcoming the crises of ideological and political education and realizing the self-value .

  22. 通过政治和社会协商达成共识,实行政治合作,成为阿根廷走出危机的关键因素。

    It seems that high level of political and social consensus should be reached in order to get rid of the current turmoil .

  23. 850亿欧元可不是一个小数目,使用得当估计可以帮爱尔兰勉强走出危机。

    The85 billion bailout is not a small sum of money and is supposed to help Ireland out of the crisis if appropriately used .

  24. 我们将领导世界走出危机。我想我们能够这样做,因为我们比原先更加抵抗风险。

    We will lead the world out of this crisis and I think we can do it because we are better cushioned than before .

  25. 不过,基本趋势是明朗的;不管是对是错,市场相信,中国和其他新兴市场将带领世界走出危机。

    But the underlying trend is clear ; rightly or wrongly the market believes that China and the other emerging markets will pull the world through .

  26. 随着一些国家开始走出危机,我们可以预期持续复苏的来临吗?是否还会出现二度衰退?

    With some countries beginning to emerge from the crisis , can a sustained recovery be expected , or is a double-dip recession on the way ?

  27. 走出危机的中国,现在必须致力于自身的产业升级,比如高端制造业以及环境产品和服务等领域。

    Coming out of crisis , China must now work to upgrade its own industries in areas such as high-end manufacturing and environmental goods and services .

  28. 于是就只剩下了特里谢和德拉吉倾向的政策路径,即成员国政府通过改革走出危机。

    That leaves the policy route preferred by Messrs Trichet and Draghi , which is for national governments to reform their way out of the crisis .

  29. 没准儿,美国经济获得的动能,以及大型新兴市场特别是中国将引领世界走出危机。

    Maybe , the momentum gained by the US and the big emerging markets , especially China , will let the world ride through the shocks .

  30. 走出危机之际,我们拥有良好的节奏和相当不错的势头,但我们不能自满我们的命运掌握在自己手中。

    Coming out of the crisis , we have a good rhythm and decent momentum , but we cannot be complacent ... Our destiny is in our hands .