
  • 网络Integrated Risk Management;Enterprise Integrated Risk Management
  1. 企业的整合风险管理要素分析

    Essentials of Integrated Risk Management for Enterprises

  2. 整合风险管理策略和软件开发过程的例子

    The case for integrating risk management strategies with software development practices

  3. 整合风险管理与公司价值

    Integrating Risk Management and Corporate Value

  4. 随着保险市场与资本市场的逐渐对接与融合,一些新兴的风险管理金融工具被开发出来,为财产保险公司和其他大型公司的整合风险管理提供了条件。

    As the insurance market is gradually interfacing with and integrated into the capital market , some new risk management financial vehicles are developed , providing more tools for property insurance companies and other large enterprises to integrate their risk management .

  5. 整合型风险管理(IRM)包含对公司所面临会影响到公司价值的全面性风险进行分析与评估,并对这些风险采用广泛性的策略加以管理。

    Integrated risk management ( IRM ) involves the identification and assessment of the collective risks that affect firm value and the implementation of a firm-wide strategy to manage those risks .

  6. 本文提出了地铁项目全寿命周期风险集成化管理模式(LCIRMM)。LCIRMM有助于整合地铁风险管理的各种资源,实现全寿命周期风险损失最小化的目标。

    In this paper , Life Cycle Integrated Risk Management of Metro ( LCIRMM ) was given , which could help to make full use of all sources and fulfill the goal of minimizing the risk cost in life cycle .

  7. 依据治理理论和全面风险管理理论,建构了旅游业中政府风险管理机制框架,体现的是一种相互联系、相互配合的一个系统的、全面的、整合的风险管理体系。

    Based on a comprehensive risk management theory and management theory to construct a " the government risk management mechanism in tourism framework ", embodied in an interrelated and mutually complementary a systematic , comprehensive , integrated risk management system .

  8. 交易和风险管理流程的整合是有效风险管理的必要组成部分。

    The integration of trading and risk management processes is an essential component of effective risk management .

  9. 随着时间的推移,内部控制的理论已趋于成熟,总结该理论的发展过程,大致可以分为内部牵制、内部控制制度、内部控制结构、内部控制整合框架以及风险管理整合框架五个大的阶段。

    As time goes by , the theory of internal control is becoming more mature , and the developing process of the theory can be divided into five stages : internal checks , internal control system , internal control structure , internal control integrated framework and integrated risk management framework .