
  • 网络Overall learning;holistic learning;ensemble learning;item learning;global learning
  1. 在Perry的开创性研究之后,众多学习观研究大致遵循质的整体学习观现象描述分析学和量的多维认识论信念两条路线。

    After Perry 's initial work , most study followed in the way of qualitative research and quantitative research respectively based on phenomenology and epistemological beliefs .

  2. 大学校外课程的学习、大学校外课程的授课、大学的校外课程、大学校外课程部的学生整体学习和部分学习

    Extramural studies , lectures , courses , students massed and piecemeal learning

  3. 层次泛函网络整体学习算法

    Universal Learning Algorithm of Hierarchical Function Networks

  4. 意义建构与整体学习:基于脑的学习与教学理论的核心理念

    Meaning Construction and Whole Learning : the Key Ideas of Brain-based Learning and Teaching Theory

  5. 一些整体学习能力强的学生,在学习语言时却往往举步艰难。

    Some students will be strong overall , but will have difficulty in learning languages naturally .

  6. 整体学习和部分学习

    Massed and piecemeal learning

  7. 整体学习和部分学习事实上,大部分学习是在课下由学生自己完成的。

    Massed and piecemeal learning In effect most study will be carried out by the student independently outside of class time .

  8. 本文的目的是探索词块作为一个整体学习和在具体语境中的结合。

    The purpose of the thesis is to explore the integration of lexical chunks which are learned as an ensemble and used in specific contexts .

  9. 由于时间有限,我们不可能在堂上讨论所有案例,因此我们会挑选那些最有助于整体学习的案例。

    Given time limitations we will not be able to discuss all cases in class , so we will select those most useful for overall learning .

  10. 近年不少研究指出,音乐能发展孩子们的抽象思维、逻辑思维和空间能力,能提高整体学习能力。

    In recent years , researches have shown that music help develop children 's abstract and logical thinking and spatial intelligence which enhance overall learning ability .

  11. 研究表明:(1)非英语专业大学本科生的整体学习风格倾向于多元化,相对而言,他们更喜爱体验型风格和听觉型风格;

    The study suggests : ( 1 ) the students present multiple learning styles though comparatively having a preference to kinesthetic learning style and auditory learning style .

  12. 在整体学习适应方面,家长性别效应达到显著水平,母亲比父亲对二年级学生学习适应的影响更大。

    In the overall academic adaptation , parental gender effect reached significant level , female parent has greater effect than male parents to the Grade Two students . 8 .

  13. 与对比班相比,实验班学生整体学习成绩全面提高,但心理健康教育对学生智力发展没有直接影响;

    Compared with other classes , the students ' performances in the experimental class are wholly improved , but mental health education does not directly affect the development of students ' intelligence ;

  14. 渔民对整体学习满意度「满意」平均得分3.84,得分最高为「学习环境」(3.93),得分最低为「学习成果」(3.77)。

    The average score in learning satisfaction for fishermen is3.84.The highest score and the lowest score are displayed in learning environment ( 3.93 ) and in learning results ( 3.77 ), respectively .

  15. 整体学习策略试图让学生在全面提高英语听、说、读、写能力的同时,自主性、合作性和社交性等素质也得到全面发展。

    The whole model attempts to improve students ' overall English skills of listening , speaking , reading and writing , and meanwhile , to develop their characters of autonomy , cooperation and sociability .

  16. 文章得出,集群的技术学习主要体现在产业链上纵向和横向学习上,集群的整体学习则为产业链上点线带动的提升模式。

    The dissertation deduces that the technological learning mostly occurred in the industrial chain and exhibited as vertical and horizontal learning , the macro learning exhibits as " dot-line driving " in the industrial chain which develops the technological capability of cluster .

  17. 我将这种学习形式称为整体性学习。

    This form of learning I call holistic learning .

  18. 从学习兴趣来看,羌族学生个体差异较大,整体物理学习兴趣不浓;

    On learning interest , Qiang students have diverse learning interests , which are not very dense ;

  19. 结果发现:民办高校非英语专业大学生的整体英语学习状况不容乐观;

    The results are : the overall learning situation among Non-English Majors in Non-Governmental Colleges is not satisfactory ;

  20. 结合网上资源整合的激励性词汇教学方法能有效提高学生词汇学习动机和效率,而词汇学习的提高将直接影响学生整体英语学习动机。

    And the integration of the online sources into vocabulary teaching helps students learn vocabulary more effectively and improves their overall learning motivation .

  21. 在完成复杂学习任务时,讨论学习的优势得到了充分的发挥,能有效地促进班级整体的学习效率。

    In accomplishing complex study assignment the advantage of Discussion Learning is in evidence . It can promote learning efficiency of all class .

  22. 实践证明,利用现代教育技术手段实施分层次教学,对于面向全体,因材施教,提高班级学生整体的学习成绩是十分有效的。

    Practice shows that the use of modern educational technology to teach on different levels is very effective to improve class overall academic achievement .

  23. 从理论上讲,该方法是源于整体语言学习,并强调以学生为中心和与真实语言材料不可分。

    Theoretically , the approach used was based on whole language learning , a holistic approach that stresses student based learning , as well as the use of authentic materials .

  24. 对所得数据进行统计分析的结果表明:(1)中学生整体物理学习兴趣水平不高。

    After analyzing the data using Microsoft Excel 2003 and SPSS 12.0 , we could educe the results : ( 1 ) The level of interest on physics studying was low ;

  25. 汉字学习关系到学习者整体汉语学习的水平,汉字教学作为对外汉语教学的重要的组成部分,应该受到高度重视。

    Study of Chinese character concerns overall Chinese learning level . Therefore , Chinese character learning should be highly regarded and as an indispensable part when teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  26. 企业家精神的核心就是挑战风险,所以我希望我们社会作为一个整体去学习更好的接受失败,并且当我们的朋友们失败的时候,学会去拥抱他们。

    Risk-taking is central to entrepreneurship , and so I hope that we as a society learn to better accept when we ourselves fail , and to embrace our friends when they fail .

  27. 教学实验表明:在中职物理课堂中采用主体性教学法能有效提高中职学生整体物理学习主体性及物理学习成绩;

    The teaching experiments demonstrate : The subjectivity-oriented classroom teaching of physics in the secondary vocational school can effectively improve the students ' learning subjectivity as a whole as well as their academic performance .

  28. 总结出一些可行的对策,帮助学生形成较好的阅读策略和方法,有效提高本校学生总体的英语阅读能力,从而提高学生的整体英语学习能力,同时也能给同类学校以借鉴。

    In the end , the thesis proposes a number of feasible solutions to help students acquire reading strategies and methods , improve their reading ability and eventually strengthen their overall English study ability .

  29. 整体英语学习策略的优势在于:1、解决战略问题,关心学生学习动机和自主学习,激励其愿意学和努力学。

    The advantages of the whole model of English learning strategies are as follows : 1 . It solves the problem of strategies , by caring for students ' motivation and autonomy and stimulating them to learn willingly and actively . 2 .

  30. 档案评量是一种长期性的、学习历程的评量方法,过程比较长、需要的精力也比较多,但是对于学习的入学和提高学生整体的学习和能力具有重要作用。

    The portfolio assessment is a long-term evaluation of the learning process , which needs longer time and more energy ; but it plays an important role in students ' application for entering a school and improvement of students ' overall learning and capacity .