
  • 网络behavioral environment;behavior setting;behavioural environment
  1. 为游憩者创造良好的行为环境

    Best recreation behavior setting for visitor

  2. 人行为环境

    Man , Behavior , and Environment

  3. 城市游憩空间是城市公共空间的一部分,是由游憩物质环境空间和游憩行为环境空间构成的;

    Secondly , urban recreation space is a part of urban public space and is composed of recreationally substantial environment space and recreationally behavioral environment space ;

  4. 最后提出满足校园行为环境的模式语言,以期对校园外部空间设计提出一种相关导则。

    At last it puts forward the mode language which meets behavior environment in the campus in order to propose to a leading rule for the campus outside space .

  5. 大学招生制度、就业制度的改革,不仅使大学生的行为环境和内在需要发生了很大地改变,同时也要求大学生管理进行相应的改革。

    Reforms in enrolment and employment system have greatly changed the internal needs of college students , and meanwhile have brought chances and challenges to reforms in administration of students .

  6. 首先从白沙品牌形象建设背景分析入手,一方面分析了白沙品牌形象建设外部环境,烟草广告传播的政策环境和消费者行为环境;

    Commence from the analysis of Baisha brand image background , analysis the exterior environment of Baisha brand image , policy environment and consumer behavior environment that spread tobacco advertise .

  7. 作为反映企业行为环境影响的环境会计信息就成为全面评价企业的经营与风险情况,从而据以作出决策时需要考虑的不可或缺的重要信息。

    Environmental accounting information , reflecting the influence on environment by an enterprise and generally used to evaluate an enterprise 's operation and risk situation , becomes a significant factor when the decisions should be made .

  8. 由多个语言学家提出的语言学特性的语境特征,比如框架、行为环境、情景以外的背景知识和相关性的结构等,这些特性在人类学中也有所体现。

    Contextual characteristics which is of linguistic characters proposed by several linguists , such as frame , behavior environment , background knowledge beyond the scene , and structures of relativity , are implicit in anthropology as well .

  9. 在外部应加强行政执法力度,净化会计行为环境,加强对会计师事务所的监督和从业人员的职业道德教育,建立对企业和会计人员的信用评价网络体系。

    On the other hand , strengthen execute the law of administration , purify behavior of accountant , enhance monitor of office of accounting and ethics of accountant and establish the system evaluation of credit of enterprise and accountant .

  10. 这是因为,人类历史上首次出现了这种现象,相当大一部分人在持续地接触能够记录个人行为和环境的关键特征的技术。

    That 's because , for the first time in human history , a large proportion of the species is in continuous contact with technology that can record key features of an individual 's behavior and environment .

  11. 基于Multi-Agent的农户生产决策行为对环境的影响分析

    Analysis of Farmer Household Decision-Making and Its Effects on Environment Change by Multi-Agent Systems

  12. 同时,胶原蛋白在溶液环境中的体外自组装行为受环境温度、体系pH、胶原浓度以及离子的影响。

    Meanwhile , the vitro self-assembly behavior of collagen in the solution is affected by environmental temperature , the pH of system , concentration of collagen and ions .

  13. 干旱区土壤小麦根系界面Pb、Ni行为的环境影响&以甘肃省白银市区污灌耕作土为例

    Influence of Soil Properties on the Behavior of Pb and Ni in Soil-Root System Irrigated with Waste Water in Arid Zone - Taking the Baiyin Region as Example

  14. 选择持久性毒害污染物的理化特性、环境暴露行为及环境毒理学等三个方面共11项指标,采用层次分析法,通过建立评分指标体系,确定对人体健康危害较大的几类PTS物质。

    By selecting three fields of physicochemical properties , environmental exposure procedure and environmental toxicology , altogether 11 indexes of PTS , and applying AHP , we established the system of score index in order to identify several kinds of PTS which have larger hazards to human health .

  15. 企业经理人的信息查寻行为&环境扫描研究

    Managers ' Information Seeking Behavior & A Study of Environmental Scanning

  16. 心理生态学研究人类行为与环境的关系;

    Psychological ecology studies the relation between human behavior and environment .

  17. 水泥生产中微量元素的行为及环境影响

    Behavior and environmental influence of trace elements in cement production

  18. 影响农民生育行为的环境因素分析及对策

    An Analysis of Environmental Factors Influencing Farmers ' Reproductive Behavior

  19. 第三章分析了体验经济时代的消费者行为和环境。

    Chapter three analyses consumer behaviour and environment in experience economic era .

  20. 对陶瓷疲劳行为的环境效应和载荷效应以及不同材料间的差异进行了深入分析。

    The effects of environment and loading condition on fatigue behavior were analyzed .

  21. 煤中有害元素直接液化迁移行为及其环境效应

    Migration and Its Environmental Effect of Deleterious Elements in Coal during Direct Liquefaction

  22. 企业上层领导行为与环境因素研究

    Research on Leadership Behavior and Environmental Factors Situation in Enterprise Senior Level Leaders

  23. 居民消费行为的环境心理研究

    Study of Environmental Psychology of the Residential Consumption Behavior

  24. 打印该邮件前,请考虑您的行为给环境带来的影响!

    Before printing this email , please consider the effects on the Environment !

  25. 行为是环境和个体特征共同作用的结果。

    The individual behavior is the result of interaction of environment and individual characters .

  26. 喀斯特流域风化成土作用及其矿质元素行为与环境质量

    Weathering and Pedogenesis of Karst Catchments , Behavior of Mineral Elements and Environmental Quality

  27. 影响大学生体育学习适应的主要因素依次为人际适应性、学习行为、环境因素、教学模式。

    They are interpersonal adaptability , learning behavior , environmental elements and teaching pattern .

  28. 排斥竞争对手的专营行为污染环境中随机竞争模型生存分析和随机竞争排斥原理

    Survival Analysis of Stochastic Competitive Model in Polluted Environment and Stochastic Competitive Exclusion Principle

  29. 传承与传承人论大肠癌的发生除生活行为及环境因素外,机体内在的遗传因素日益受到重视。

    Besides behavior and environment , inheritance factor in the body become more important .

  30. 煤矸石的淋溶行为与环境影响的研究&以淮南潘谢矿区为例

    Leaching behavior of coal spoils and environmental impacts