
  1. 现代行政管理法制化的内在动因与本质要求

    Intrinsic Motivation and Essential Requirement of Legalization in Modern Administrative Management

  2. 在我国行政管理法制化过程中,一些单位出现了人才外流的现象,这直接影响到行政效率的提高。

    In the process of legalization of administration in our country , there has appeared brain drain in some departments , which has directly blocked the improvement of administration efficiency .

  3. 本文探讨了现代国家行政管理法制化的内在动因和本质要求的问题。认为区别于古代社会人治化行政管理的基本特征在于:现代行政管理内在地要求法制化的行政管理即法治行政。

    The author makes a research on the intrinsic motivation and the essential requirement of legalization in administrative management in modern society , perceiving that the distinguishing characteristic of ruling by man instead of by law in ancient China reveals that modern administrative management of intrinsically calls for legalization .

  4. 行政管理的法制化是未来出版业宏观管理的客观要求与发展方向。

    Legalizing administrative management is the objective requiring and developing goal in the future .

  5. 目前我国城市规划领域正发生了如下变化:由静态规划向动态规划发展、从物质规划转向社会型发展规划、专家审查到公众参与规划、规划实施由行政管理转向法制化管理。

    The field of urban planning in our country has been having the following change : from Static Planning to Dynamic Programming ; from Physical Planning to Society Development Planning ; from expert examination to Public Participatory Planning . Planning Implementation has changed the legalization management by the administrative management .

  6. 从一般行政性管理向法制化、规范化监管转变;

    Authority transform from simple administrative control into regulatory supervision ;

  7. 随着行政管理活动的法制化,行政复议的范围正在逐步扩大,行政复议制度的作用日益重要;

    With the legalization of the administrative supervising activities , the range of the administrative review is being expanded gradually , and the system is becoming increasingly important .

  8. 建立健全动物卫生方面的法律、法规,实现动物卫生行政管理现代化和法制化,并且与国际接轨已经是大势所趋。

    Building up the animal health law system , fulfilling the modernization and legalization of animal health administration management , and being in line with international development is already an irresistible general trend .

  9. 加快政府机构法制化建设;第三,就为何实现县级行政管理过程的法制化,提出了应把重心放在行政管理工作过程的法制化上面。

    Speeding up the legalization construction of the government instiutions ; Thirdly , the thesis puts forward that legalizing the administration should be the center of gravity in order to legalize the county-level administration .

  10. 这样,无论对于我国的行政管理体制改革和行政管理法制化进程,还是对于深入研究如何加速实现我国的行政管理现代化,都具有理论价值和现实意义。

    Administrative system of management reform , administrative management legal restriction progress , and how to carry out administrative management modernization quickly , which all have practical importance in this way .

  11. 降低行政管理成本,提高行政管理效率,使地方行政管理逐步走上法制化轨道。

    This is for the sake of reducing the administrative costs , improving administrative efficiency , and enabling the administration to be legalized .

  12. 文章通过对依法行政提出的依据、基本要求和实现机制三方面内容的论述,进一步说明在我国贯彻依法行政原则,对于实现国家行政管理的法制化具有重要的意义。

    This paper studied the basis , basic requirements and realization mechanism of legal administration and stated its great significance in running the country according to legal provisions .