
  • 网络administrative expropriation
  1. 试论行政征用补偿制度的实施与完善

    On Implementation and Perfection of Compensation System for Administrative Expropriation

  2. 行政征用制度研究

    A Study on the System of Administrative Expropriation

  3. 行政征用制度的经济分析

    An economical analysis about the system of making a requisition for administration

  4. 行政征用之公共利益构成研究

    On the Formulation of Public Interests in Administrative Requisition

  5. 行政征用权与公民财产权的界限&公共利益

    The bound between Administrative Eminent Domain and Citizens ' Property Rights & Public Interest

  6. 立法方面的疏漏及原则性的规定,导致行政征用实践中的混乱。

    The omission of legal principle and necessitous regulation leads to the confusion in practice .

  7. 行政征用在征用纠纷频发的当下,是行政法学研究的热点和难点问题。

    The study of administrative acquisition is a hot and difficult issue in administrative law .

  8. 关于行政征用补偿问题的研究

    A Study on Compensation of Administrative Expropriation

  9. 对行政征用补偿制度的分析

    An Analysis of Administrative Expropriation Compensation System

  10. 引言中简要说明研究行政征用制度的必要性。

    Based on this , the thesis makes a study of the administrative expropriation system .

  11. 国家行政征用海域使用权补偿标准法律问题探讨

    The legal issue in the compensatory standard used by the state expropriation in the sea areas

  12. 行政征用必须限定在以公共利益为目的的范围内。

    Administrative requisition must be restricted to the sphere of taking public interests as its aim .

  13. 因此研究我国行政征用法律制度的现状和完善,不仅在理论上具有重要意义,而且也极具实践价值。

    Therefore study of administrative acquisition and improvement has great significance in theory and practical value .

  14. 行政征用探究

    A Probe into Confiscation

  15. 厘清行政征用的概念、特征是建立行政征用制度的前提和基础。

    Fully understanding the conception and the characteristic of eminent domain is the basis to establish the legal system .

  16. 南方集体林区林权改革之行政征用制度研究

    Study on the System of Administrative Eminent Domain of Forest Rights Reform in Collective Forest Area , South China

  17. 补偿作为行政征用的核心要素,其实现依赖于对各种补偿证据的把握。

    As a core of eminent domain , compensation relies mostly on the control of all kinds of evidence .

  18. 针对前文我国行政征用理论及实践的缺陷,主要从法学的视角提出了应对之策。

    For the earlier acquisition of theory and practice of administrative deficiencies , mainly from the perspective of law put forward counter measures .

  19. 本文结合法理分析和实证分析,并且把有关的经济学与法学知识相互渗透于行政征用补偿领域,为解决行政征用补偿问题提供一种新的思路。

    The article made analysis of law and economics . It offered a new thought to solve the problems of compensation for administrative expropriation .

  20. 城市房屋拆迁是一种对城市房屋所有人的房屋及其国有土地使用权的行政征用行为。

    The demolition and relocation of the original houses in cities is an administrative collection of its owner 's house and usufruct of state land .

  21. 公用征收中的公共利益标准&美国判例的发展演变南方集体林区林权改革之行政征用制度研究

    The " Public Use Standard " of Eminent Domain Study on the System of Administrative Eminent Domain of Forest Rights Reform in Collective Forest Area , South China

  22. 行政征用是理论界有纷争的问题,文中着重分析了行政征用补偿的特征及其法律制度的不足,并有针对性的提出了完善我国行政征用补偿制度的若干建议。

    Beginning with the administrative expropriation in dispute in the theoretical circle , I analyse the characteristics and shortcomings of administrative expropriation compensation and propose some suggestions on perfecting our country 's administrative expropriation compensation .

  23. 行政征用是以合法的名义对行政相对人财产权益的强制剥夺,其核心在于行政主体无须财产权人的同意即可取得财产。

    Administrative expropriation is the compulsory deprivation of the counterpart 's property in a legal name . Its core lies in that the administrative subject can acquire the property without the consent of the property owner .

  24. 通过司法介入估价,实行政府回避制度,由司法机关直接受理拆迁人与被拆迁人之间的房屋拆迁财产纠纷,使我国行政征用制度更加完善。

    By the intervention of judicature , practicing government blench system , the judicial offices accept and hear the cases of the property dissensions in the house dismantlement directly to make the administrative confiscation system perfect .

  25. 城市房屋拆迁制度的主要目的是获取被拆迁房屋占用范围内的土地使用权,并对土地进行再开发,因此城市房屋拆迁属于行政征用的范畴。

    The main aim of civic building remove is to obtain land employment right of the dismantled building impropriation , and exploit the land again , so civic building remove belongs to the scope of administrative expropriation .

  26. 行政征用的基本前提是基于公共利益的需要,是为民谋福利之举措,这种社会实践更能实现社会与个体的和谐发展。

    The basic premise of eminent domain is based on the public interest need , is for the benefit of the measures , the social practice can realize the harmonious development of the society and the individual .

  27. 行政征用制度作为世界各国为发展社会公共事业而设置的一种法律制度,它是区域协调发展战略中必不可少的一项行政调控措施,也是城市化、工业化中获取土地的主要方式。

    As a legal system set up for developing public utilities , administrative requisition system is not only an essential administrative control measure in regional coordinated development strategy but also the main way to acquire land during urbanization and industrialization .

  28. 从行政征用法律规定的涉及领域上,可以看出行政征用在行政管理活动中,运用得非常普遍和广泛,这也验证了研究行政征用法律制度的重要性。

    From the administrative law in the areas of acquisition , you can see the executive acquisition activities in administration , the use of very common and wide spread ; this study also confirmed the importance of administrative expropriation legal system .

  29. 即便是在现代法治国家中,无论是行政征用补偿,还是无因管理补偿,也无不以行为人行为的公共利益目的作为行政补偿的原因和必要构成要件。

    Even in the modern legal society , it is understood that the purpose of the public benefit planned by the doer will be treated as the cause and essential component in the system no matter it is requisition or necessary management compensation .

  30. 当然,在构建和谐社会和两型社会实践中,行政征用制度的构建和完善应属于国家立法部门的责任,但其执行和落实也是现代法治政府和司法机关的重要研究课题。

    It is no doubt that it is national legislation departments ' duty to establish and perfect administrative requisition system . But during the practice of constructing a harmonious and two-type society , it is also an important research topic for modern government and judicial authorities .