
xínɡ zhènɡ fù yì jī ɡòu
  • agency of administrative review;institution of administrative review
  1. 和谐社会视野下行政复议机构的构建与完善&以设立统一的行政复议委员会为视角

    On Construction And Improvement For Administrative Reconsideration Agencies Under Harmonious Society

  2. 建立公正独立的行政复议机构。

    Establishing the fair and independent administrative review organ .

  3. 笔者希望通过此文的论述能对我国行政复议机构的重构和创新贡献出自己微薄的力量。

    I hope through this article can contribute my meager forces to reconstruct and innovate our administrative reconsideration institution .

  4. 因此,现行行政复议机构设置制度已经成为行政复议制度良好运行的障碍。

    So the current setting system of administrative reconsideration office has been an obstacle of Administrative reconsideration system being well-operating .

  5. 我国行政复议机构的改革,可以通过考察域外行政复议制度较为发达的国家和地区来获得启示。

    By reviewing some of the best countries in reconsideration , we can find how to reform our administrative reconsideration institutions .

  6. 商标评审委员会作为商标行政复议机构,在平息商标行政纠纷中发挥了独特的功能。

    As a administrative institution of trademark , the Trademark Appraisal Committee plays a unique role in the appeasement of administrative disputes .

  7. 听证制度也被地方行政复议机构逐渐地引入行政复议审理中并且取得了不错的效果,增强了行政复议决定的公信力。

    Hearing system has also been the local administrative review body gradually pending the introduction of administrative review and has made good results and enhanced the credibility of the administrative review decision .

  8. 在对域外国家和地区行政复议机构设置进行比较与归纳的基础上,结合我国具体国情,我国应当设立行政复议委员会来解决行政复议机构存在的诸多问题。

    On the basis of comparison and induction of the reconsideration institutions of different countries and regions , combining the concrete situation of china , it becomes the common view to establish administrative reconsideration commission .

  9. 通过对学界不同观点进行比较分析,笔者认为新建立的行政复议委员会不应只是行政复议机构,而是一个具有独立法人资格,能以自己名独立对外做出行政复议决定的行政复议机关。

    Through a comparative analysis of academia different perspectives , I believe that the newly established administrative review council is no longer an administrative review body , but an independent administrative agency with legal personality which is able to make an independent administrative review decision .

  10. 因此,作者建议应当参考国外的相关经验,成立专门的行政复议委员会,借助各级人大和社会的力量,实现行政复议机构相对于行政权的独立,以保证其公正办理复议案件。

    Therefore , author suggests learning from foreign experience , establishing the special administrative review committee , asking for help of the parliament and public to realize fair judgement .

  11. 通过对地方探索的经验进行总结,并在此基础上对行政复议委员会进行具体的制度设计,以期解决我国行政复议机构存在的问题,使之完善。

    To sum up the experiences these provinces seek out in the process of establishing administrative reconsideration commission and design concrete system , we can solve the current problems in administrative reconsideration institutions and make it better .

  12. 行政复议制度在我国遭遇困境,一个重要的原因便在于我国行政复议机构存在的诸多问题没有解决。

    One of the most important reasons why the administrative reconsideration suffered predicament is that there are lots of problems in the administrative reconsideration institutions .