
  1. 行政监察作为监督行政的一种专门法律制度,其地位与作用无疑将越来越显得突出和重要。

    As a specialized legal system of supervising government administration , it is no doubt that the status and role of administrative supervision will become more and more prominent and important .

  2. 本文着重从对纪检监察理论的学习和从事纪检监察工作实践中的体会探讨体育行政监察的监督职能作用。

    This paper discusses the role of administrative supervision function in sports on the basis of studying the theory of discipline inspection and supervision and the experience gained in supervisory practice .

  3. 本文要建立的旅游重大危险源监控系统最终定位在以行政监察、社会监督和救灾救援体系为主的宏观危险源管理系统。

    So , the tourism major hazard installations macroscopic supervision system oriented to administrative supervision 、 social inspection and social salvation .

  4. 第三章:主要论述了苏维埃政权监督的内容、特点及作用,包括苏维埃代表大会监督、行政监察和司法监督三种形式。

    Chapter Three : The content , character and use of the supervision of Soviet Politic which includes supervisions of representative assembly of Soviet , government and judicial .

  5. 作为监督方式之一,行政监察与党内监督、宪法监督、司法监督、审计监督、行政检查、行政机关内部的层级监督等相关概念既有联系又有区别。

    Administrative supervision has relations and differences with relevant conceptions , so as to inner-party supervision , constitutional supervision , judicial supervision , audit supervision , administrative inspection and administrative review so on .

  6. 将相应的旅游重大危险源监控系统的功能定为:以行政监察、社会监督、行业自律和应急救援体系为主的宏观管理系统。

    The priority of functions of the monitored control system for travel risk sources should be focused on macro-management system including administrative inspection , social supervision , trade self-restriction , and emergency rescue preparedness .

  7. 加强行政监察,发挥审计监督作用,对公共资金、公共资源、国有资产严加监管。

    We will intensify government supervision , make full use of auditing oversight , and strictly monitor public funds , public resources , and state-owned assets .

  8. 之所以选择行政监察作为研究对象,主要因为行政监察是国家行政监督体系的重要组成部分,也是现代行政管理的重要环节。论村民自治权与国家行政权

    As we know , administrative supervision is one of the important parts of national administrative supervision system , and it is also the important part of modern administration . A Study of The Villagers ' Self-governance and the National Administrative Powers

  9. 完善我国行政监察法制,可以从三大方面入手:完善行政监察立法的内容;健全立法体系;加强行政监察机关的监督机制。

    And the improvement of the administrative supervision legal system can be carried out from the following three aspects : improving the legislation of administrative supervision , strengthening the sound legislative legal system , and strengthening supervision mechanisms of administrative supervision bodies .