
  • 网络Behavioral Object;Behavior Object;Action object
  1. 所以宏观调控行为的直接行为对象是宏观调控执行主体,宏观调控受体只有在宏观调控行为以法律形式做出时才是宏观调控行为的直接行为对象。

    Therefore the directly behavioral object of macro-control action is macro-control implement subject . Macro-control receptor is the behavioral object only when macro-control action made in legal form .

  2. 一般而言,宽恕制度适用的行为对象是卡特尔违法行为。

    In general , leniency program is applicable to cartel conduct .

  3. 论犯罪对象与行为对象

    On the Criminal Target and the Object of Offensive Action

  4. 浅析侵占罪行为对象中的遗忘物和埋藏物

    Oblivious Goods and Embedded Goods in the Object of Crime of Embezzlement

  5. 论窝藏、包庇罪的行为对象&犯罪的人含义辨析

    Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals

  6. 证券内幕交易罪的行为对象是内幕信息。

    Securities act of the crime of insider trading is insider information .

  7. 最后着重分析了其成为抢劫罪行为对象的理由。

    Finally analyzed the reason become robbery behavior objects .

  8. 论非法拘禁罪的行为对象

    On the Actor in the Unlawful Detention Sentence

  9. 论抢劫罪之行为对象

    On the Action Counterpart of Robbery

  10. 并发行为对象的构造

    Construction of objects with concurrent behavior

  11. 其次,建议将网络虚拟财产作为抢劫罪的行为对象。

    The second suggestion is making the dummy property of network as the acting objection of robbery criminals .

  12. 侵占罪的行为对象是自己占有的财产或者是无人占有、占有人不明的财产。

    The objects of embezzlement are the property which is occupied by actors or the possessors are not clear .

  13. 其次,分析了相关不动产作为抢劫罪行为对象的各学说理论。

    Secondly , this paper analyzes the related real estate of robbery behavior as the object of the theory .

  14. 第二部分洗钱罪的行为对象,从洗钱罪“上游犯罪”的范围和洗钱罪对象的表现形式两方面进行比较研究。

    Part Two demonstrate the targets of money-laundry crime and discussed the pre-crime and the subject of this crime .

  15. 惊吓损害区分为行为对象的惊吓损害和第三人的惊吓损害两种情况。

    The damage of frightening is divided into two groups : the action objective frightening damage and the third party 's frightening damage .

  16. 在我国刑法中,劫持航空器罪的行为对象主要是民用航空器,但也不排除特定条件下的国家航空器。

    In China penal law , action aim of hijacking aircraft is mostly civil aircraft , and national aircraft in especial condition . [ Aim ]

  17. 本罪的行为对象指的是刑事证据包括有形的物质证据、也包括证人并非只包含控方所提供的证人。

    The object of this crime refers to acts of criminal evidence , including physical and material evidence , including not only includes the prosecution witnesses provided by witnesses .

  18. 解决问题的思路,应该是将两种含义分离,前种属犯罪对象,后种则应另设行为对象的概念概括之。论窝藏、包庇罪的行为对象&犯罪的人含义辨析

    To solve the problem , we should follow the thinking that the two meanings of the concept should be separated . Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals

  19. 首先,从犯罪对象的基本概念入手,明确了犯罪对象与犯罪客体、犯罪对象与行为对象之间的关系。

    First of all , from the basic concepts of object-crime approach , clearly a crime and crime target object , the object of crime and acts of the relationship between objects .

  20. 单位财产这一范畴比公共财物或公款更明确,更易界定,更能全面反映该罪行为对象的特征。

    Compared with public property and public money , the concept of organization property can be easily defined and definitely describe all aspects of the features of the object of the crimes .

  21. 首先,从违禁品和赃物的概念出发,然后说明了各个关于违禁品和赃物作为抢劫罪行为对象的观点及立场。

    First of all , starting from the concept of contraband and stolen goods , and then illustrates the ideas about contraband and stolen property as the object of robbery behavior and position .

  22. 比如抢劫罪的暴力与抢夺罪的暴力,在暴力行为对象和暴力程度上,既有很多联系也有较大区别。

    For example , they exists many similarities and great difference between the violence in robbery and the violence in the crime of seizure , both in object violence targeted at and the degree of violence .

  23. 通过介绍人体器官在医学上和刑法学上的概念及其法律属性,重点提出三种情,以形讨论人体器官作为抢劫罪行为对象的问题。

    By introducing the human organs in medicine and punishment law concepts and legal attribute , highlighted the three kind of feeling , to form to discuss issues of robbery behavior as the object of human organs .

  24. 本文从赃物罪的本质、行为对象和主观方面入手,对赃物罪在认定过程中的疑难争议问题进行分析研究,为司法实践提供一个合理的认定标准。

    Starting from the essence , subjective aspects and acting object of the crime related to loot , the article studies arguments in the course of identifying in order to propose a rational identifying standard for the judicial practice .

  25. 特别是抢劫罪的行为对象,随着市场经济的发展,笔者认为财产性利益、虚拟财产等新型事物应成为其行为对象。

    This is the key topic discussed at the very beginning of my article . In my opinion , with the development of market economy , property interest , fictitious property , etc will be the action objects of robbery crime .

  26. 然后分析了刑法理论界关于财产性利益能否作为抢劫罪行为对象的各学说观点,并对不同学说的观点作出简要的评价,从而阐明笔者赞成的立场。

    And then analyzes the theoretical circle of criminal law about the property interests as the object of robbery behavior theory point of view , and the different theory point of view to make a brief evaluation , so as to clarify the author in favor of the position .

  27. 按软件工程的设计思想,归纳出系统的对象,用标准建模语言UML的类图描述这些对象的属性和行为及对象之间的关联,为系统设计打下了基础。

    According to software engineering design idea , the objects of system are concluded . Using class diagram in UML the attributes and behaviors of objects as well as their associations are described .

  28. 从静态横切民Email对象中吸取教训之后,他们通过把契约行为在对象层次中提升到Sendable基接口,从而进一步精炼了其策略。

    Taking the lessons learned with static crosscutting the Email object , the team further refines its strategy by moving the contractual behavior up the hierarchy into the Sendable base interface .

  29. 行为与对象;(5)、原因与结果;

    The fourth is behavior and object , the fifth is reason and result ;

  30. 然后着重阐述了公益性收回行为的对象&我国出让土地使用权的特点。

    Then , it emphasizes the object of the withdrawing activity & the remising land-use right .