
  • 网络behavioral design;Behavior Design
  1. 基于有限状态机的足球机器人行为设计与综合

    Behavior Design and Synthesis of Autonomous Soccer Robot Based on FSM

  2. 教师教学行为设计的最优化原则

    The Optimization Principle of the Teacher 's Teaching Behavior Design

  3. 许多企业使用专为刺激在线社区行为设计的工具。

    Many employ tools designed to stimulate online community behaviour .

  4. 一组移动代理的行为设计模式

    A Group of Action Design Patterns for Mobile Agents

  5. 认为非物质界面设计的核心是以用户为中心的交互行为设计。

    The core of the immaterial interface design is user-oriented interaction behavior design .

  6. 一种框架体系结构的舰空对抗智能行为设计研究

    Design and Research of framework system on Intelligent Behavior Simulation Framework of Anti-air rivalry

  7. 传统的软件工程方法对用户界面交互行为设计的支持较少。

    Traditional software engineering methods have less support to the design of user interface interactive behavior .

  8. 为此,必须研究教师教学行为设计的优化策略。

    For this , must study the optimization tactics of the teacher 's teaching behavior design .

  9. 本文介绍32位微处理器芯片的行为设计和行为模拟。

    The behavior design and simulation of a 32-bit microprocessor chip sre described in this paper .

  10. 行为设计与包装

    Behavior Design and Packaging

  11. 根据环境心理学和社会学及建筑行为设计等理论以及一些调查研究资料。

    According to environmental psychology and sociology and building behavior design , as well as some investigation and theoretical studies .

  12. 摘要教师教学行为设计是为教学活动制定蓝图的过程。

    The teacher 's teaching behavior design is a process that draws up the blue print for the teaching activity .

  13. 仿真是对自组网进行系统性能分析和协议行为设计的主要手段,而一种准确的移动模型是仿真的关键。

    Simulation is the main means to performance analysis and protocol behavior design , for which a accurate mobility is crucial .

  14. 在具体行为设计时,考虑到团队侦察的优势,躲避静态障碍物行为采用两种方法(确定性采样法和切线可通行域法)分别设计。

    Considering the advantage of sensoring by group , behavior avoiding static obstacle adopted deterministic-sampling method and tangent available - territory method .

  15. 为了达到目的,黛玉的自我权衡智能为自我权力行为设计了梯进式方案。

    In order to achieve their goals , self-balancing Daiyu intelligent behavior for self-power design of the ladder program into the style .

  16. 搞好教师教学行为设计,是提高教学质量、完成教学任务的保证。

    Make the good teacher 's teaching behavior design , is an assurance that raises the teaching quantity and completes the teaching mission .

  17. 基于以上思想,本文根据学生的学习兴趣和行为设计了提供个性化教学资源的推荐模型。

    For the above-mentioned idea , this dissertation designed an algorithm model to arrange individuation-oriented distance education resources according to a student 's actions .

  18. 基于以上提出的高中电磁学规律教学行为设计策略,对电磁感应的产生条件和楞次定律的教学作了设计,并进行了教学实践。

    Based on the above strategies , we design the teaching program for Conditions of Electromagnetic Induction and Lenz Law and put them into practice .

  19. 凭借中小型创意企业的支持,并通过实行为设计量身订做的具体方案,圣埃蒂恩不间断地努力,以设计重塑着城市的面貌。(张舜廖露蕾)

    The city has constantly made efforts to reinvent itself through design with the support of small and medium-sized creative enterprises and concrete initiatives dedicated to design .

  20. 摘要教师坚持教学行为设计的最优化原则,才能有效地提高教学质量,完成教学任务,充分发挥教学应有的作用。

    Insisting the optimization principle of the teaching behavior design could raise the teaching quanlity , complete the teaching mission availably and develop the function that the teaching should have adequately .

  21. 节能减排的经济发展战略不仅对企业经营和财务行为设计形成约束,而且为企业的价值创造和持续业绩改进提供了新的机会。

    Energy saving and emission reduction strategy for economic development not only restrict operation and financial behavior design of an enterprise , but also provide new opportunities to enterprise value creation and sustainable performance improvement .

  22. 本文主要将数据库结构设计、行为设计与实际工程应用相结合,从非范式、索引技术、查询语句以及存储过程等几个方面分析了如何在工程实践中优化数据库性能。

    This paper introduces how to improve the performance of SQL-SERVER in database project , which is based on unformulated model , index technology , query language , stored procedure by combining project application with database structure-design and action-design .

  23. 有效的ASIP行为级设计方法对于SoC设计具有重大意义。

    An efficient ASIP behavior-level design method plays an important role in SoC design .

  24. 如果地狱是由行为经济学家设计的,那些罪人会被迫玩simon来救赎灵魂。

    If hell was designed by behavioural economists , sinners would be forced to play Simon for their souls .

  25. 并用Petri网模拟了它的系统行为,设计出它的算法,为使用这种数据结构的应用程序提供了方便。

    The queue 's system actions is simulated and its algorithms is designed with Petri net . Thus it offers convenience for its application program .

  26. 然后分别从旅游圈环境构建、旅游Agent设计以及行为规则设计等三个方面,对旅游圈ABS模型进行了设计研究。

    Furthermore , the paper makes ABS model designation of TDC on the basis of the tourism environment construction , tourist agent design and the conduction of tourism rules .

  27. 基于PFA的虚拟角色行为辅助设计工具

    Behavior Assistant Designing Tool for Virtual Character Based on PFA

  28. 因此提高设计的抽象层次,采用模型驱动架构(MDA)的设计技术,在整个开发过程中以系统的建模行为驱动设计,已经成为解决问题的有效途径。

    The effective solution to these problems is to improve abstract levels of design , adopt the technology of MDA and use the model-driven method in the whole developing . process .

  29. 弹性垫圈力学行为及设计方法研究

    Research on Mechanical Behavior and Design Method of Elastic Washers

  30. 数/模混合电路的行为级设计和验证

    The Behavioral Level Design and Verification of Mixed Signal Circuits