
  1. 他取消了主教练坐办公室工作的方式,穿起运动服参与到球队训练中。

    He abandoned the manager 's office , donned a tracksuit and involved himself in training .

  2. 那穿起王子袍服,颈上缠绕着珠宝锁链的孩子,会在游戏中尽失欢乐;

    The child who is decked with prince 's robes and who has jewelled chains round his neck loses all pleasure in his play ;

  3. 1840年,维多利亚女王在与艾伯特王子举行的婚礼上,打破了着银色婚装的皇家传统而选择了白色。从那时起,白色婚礼服一直是新娘结婚的首选礼服。

    vigour . White wedding dresses have been in the forefront of bridal fashion since Queen Victoria broke with the royal tradition of a silver dress and for white for her wedding to Prince Albert in 1840 .