
qǐ fēi
  • take off;launch;lift-off;hop off
起飞 [qǐ fēi]
  • (1) [take off]

  • (2) 飞机、火箭或鸟离开地面或水面

  • 起飞正常

  • (3) 比喻事物开始飞速发展

  • 经济起飞

起飞[qǐ fēi]
  1. 事故是在喷气式飞机正要起飞时发生的。

    The accident happened as the jet was about to take off .

  2. 三架飞机停在跑道上,等候起飞。

    Three planes were standing on the tarmac , waiting to take off .

  3. 据目击者说,飞机起飞后不久就爆炸了。

    According to observers , the plane exploded shortly after take-off .

  4. 直升机接到命令,紧急起飞前去营救三个登山的年轻人。

    A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue three young climbers .

  5. 直升机已加好油,准备起飞。

    The helicopter was already fuelled and ready to go .

  6. 所有由希思罗机场起飞的飞机均因罢工而停飞。

    All planes out of Heathrow have been grounded by the strikes .

  7. 请至少在飞机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。

    Please check in at least an hour before departure .

  8. 本航班起飞延误,谨致歉意。

    We apologize for the late departure of this flight .

  9. 航班应在起飞前48小时予以确认。

    Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure .

  10. 飞机满载起飞。

    The plane took off with a full load .

  11. 飞行员在等待起飞的许可。

    The pilot was waiting for clearance for take-off .

  12. 飞机于12:35起飞前往达拉斯。

    The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35 .

  13. 飞机已得到起飞许可。

    The plane had been cleared for take-off .

  14. 我们的班机最终晚了五个小时起飞。

    Our flight eventually left five hours late .

  15. 飞机起飞得干净利落。

    The plane made a clean take-off .

  16. 飞机仍未起飞。

    The plane remained on the ground .

  17. 飞机准备随时起飞。

    The plane is ready for take-off .

  18. 飞机于12:35在希思罗机场起飞。

    The plane leaves Heathrow at 12.35 .

  19. 民航部长下令所有飞机不得起飞。

    The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded

  20. 我搭乘的联运航班又过了6个小时才起飞。

    My connecting plane didn 't depart for another six hours .

  21. 飞机起飞并迅速爬升至空中。

    The plane lifted off and climbed steeply into the sky .

  22. 星期五从盖特威克起飞全程需要7个小时。

    Flying out on Friday from Gatwick it took seven hours door-to-door .

  23. 原定的发射在点火起飞前4分钟被取消。

    The original planned launch was called off four minutes before blast-off .

  24. 还有几次事故主要是起飞时引擎出现故障造成的。

    There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off

  25. 飞机从希思罗机场起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。

    The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir

  26. 不到一个小时,直升机获准起飞。

    Within an hour , the helicopter was cleared for take-off

  27. 第一架飞机定于10月2号起飞。

    The first plane is due to leave on October 2

  28. 谢尔顿机长驾驶飞机沿跑道滑行起飞。

    Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off .

  29. 直升机在恶劣的天气条件下起飞前去援救遇难的船员。

    Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners .

  30. 那个航班推迟了6个小时后终于起飞。

    The flight eventually got away six hours late .