
é ròu
  • goose
鹅肉[é ròu]
  1. 我喜欢吃鹅肉胜过吃鸭肉。

    I prefer goose to duck .

  2. 据称,火鸡肉首次取代诸如孔雀肉、野猪肉、鹅肉等的肉类发生在十六世纪,在英国国王亨利八世(KingHenrytheVIII)把火鸡肉纳入他的圣诞大餐之后。

    In England it first replaced meats such as peacock , boar and goose in the 16th-century , after King Henry the VIII was said to have dined on turkey as part of his Christmas feast .

  3. 水煮鹅肉汤挥发性风味成分的GC/MS分析

    Analysis of volatile compounds from goose broth by GC / MS

  4. 他带了一块锡纸包好的鹅肉或鸭肉。

    He brought one of those little tinfoil swans or a duck .

  5. 这鹅肉对他的口味来说有点嫌肥。

    The goose was a little fatty to his taste .

  6. 碗里还剩了点鹅肉。

    There is some goose left in the bowl .

  7. 如鹅肉,安葬地点是未知之数。

    Like montezuma , his burial place is unknown .

  8. 我们周日的正餐吃鹅肉吗?

    Shall we have goose for dinner on sunday ?

  9. 鹅肉的肉丝鲜嫩、营养价值高,容易被吸收。

    The goose fresh pork , high nutritional value , easy to absorb .

  10. 该产品食用方便,风味独特,是一种系列方便鹅肉制品。

    This products is a series of instant goose products with special flavor .

  11. 听到那事后,我全身起鸡皮疙瘩。(非“鹅肉”)

    After hearing that , I have goose flesh .

  12. 利用微卫星标记分析天山雪鹅肉用品系遗传结构

    Analysis of Genetic Structure in Meat Line of Tianshan Snow Goose Using Microsatellite Markers

  13. 圣诞节的晚餐我们吃烤鹅肉。

    We had roast goose for Christmas dinner .

  14. 鹅肉火腿肠加工技术研究

    Studies on processing technique of goose ham sausage

  15. 台北很多餐厅供应鹅肉。

    Many restaurants in Taipei serve goose .

  16. 他们在圣诞节时常常吃鹅肉。

    They often have goose at Christmastime .

  17. 鹅肉红肠加工新工艺

    New Processing Technology for Goose Red Sausage

  18. 她讨厌吃鹅肉。

    She dislikes to eat goose .

  19. 鹅肉制品的辐照保质研究

    Preservation of goose product by irradiation

  20. 鹅是食草家禽,鹅肉属现代健康食品。

    Goose is a grass - eating poultry , and goose is a kind of modern healthy food .

  21. 所有的窗子都射出光来,街上飘着一股烤鹅肉的香味,因为今天是除夕。

    In all the windows lights were shining , and there was a glorious smell of roast goose , for it was New Year 's Eve .

  22. 产品:主要产品是鹅绒裘皮,副产品有鹅肉、鹅肝、鹅油、鹅胆、鹅羽绒和鹅内脏。

    Products of Project : Chief product is goose down fur , byproducts are goose , goose liver , goose grease , goose bills and goose bowels .

  23. 从每扇窗子透出的亮光和飘出的烤鹅肉香味,使她想起的只是今天是除夕之夜。

    Lights were glimmering through every window , and the savoir of roast goose reached her from several houses ; it was New Year 's eve , and it was of this that she thought .

  24. 比特串中值滤波烧鹅串是以鹅肉、鹅皮和某些脏器为原料,切块后穿在竹签上,蒸熟后调味,经烤炉烧烤后的系列方便肉制品。

    Bit & serial median filter Roasted goose string is made by goose meat , goose skin and some bowels , which is stringed on a stick after cutting , then seasoned after steaming , finally roasted .

  25. 法国每个地区都有自己独特的圣诞食谱,比如鹅肉、鸡肉、栗子火鸡、牡蛎和布丁等。

    Each region in France has its own traditional Christmas menu , with dishes like goose , chicken , capon , turkey stuffed with chestnuts , oysters , and boudin blanc ( similar to white pudding ) .