
  1. 政府经济学与经济法或经济法学有共同的研究起点&市场失灵,政府对市场失灵的规制,即政府干预经济的行为,则构成了政府经济学和经济法学共同的研究对象。

    Government economics and economic law share the same historic origin , that is , the market malfunctions . The government 's control of the market malfunctions , namely the government 's intervention in its economy , constitutes the research objective of government economics and economic law .

  2. 资源市场化是市场经济的起点,也是市场经济发展的必然要求。

    The resource of marketability is market economy developmental jumping-off point , also market economy developmental necessity need .

  3. 创业,是一切商业活动的起点,是市场经济的基础特征和基本路径。

    Entrepreneurship is the starting point of all business activities . and it is the basic characteristics and the basis path of market economy .

  4. 我国市场经济的历史起点与西方市场经济国家不同,它是在政府推动下,由传统计划经济改革而来。

    The historical beginning of our country 's market economy is different from the West 's , it comes by the traditional planned economy reform under the government impetus .

  5. 如果给定融资契约演进的逻辑起点是完全市场或纯粹权威,由于受不对称信息、不确定性、资产专用性、投资者的认知能力等因素影响,它们必然演变成具有信任特性的的融资契约形态。

    Given pure market and pure power as logic starting pointing of financial contract , they must had the characters of trust due to asymmetric information , uncertainty , asset specificity , cognitive ability of investor .

  6. 政府是经济活动的主体之一,在产业结构调整进行资源配置的问题上,政府行为的逻辑起点是提高市场效率,尊重市场在资源配置中的基础性地位。

    Government is one of the entities in the economic activity . Government action in industrial restructuring and resources allocation , is basically motivated by the desire to improve market efficiency and by the respect for market-oriented resources optimization .

  7. 某些市场主体在市场竞争中,使用知名人物的姓名进行商标注册,利用名人的知名度,使商标核定使用的商品一进入市场就占据较高的起点,成为市场主体垄断市场、排挤竞争对手的手段。

    Some market participants use the name of well-known figures for trademark registration . By using the popularity of the celebrity , they make the goods or service taken the high starting point to enter the market and become the means to create monopolies .

  8. 通用汽车坚称,让上汽获得上海通用51%股权的交易是值得的,因为它为中美组建可能有利可图的合资企业、以印度为起点向新兴市场销售低成本汽车铺平了道路。

    GM insisted that the deal , which gives SAIC 51 per cent of Shanghai GM , was worth it , since it paved the way for a potentially profitable joint venture between Detroit and Shanghai to sell low-cost vehicles to emerging markets starting with India .

  9. 中国经济发展的起点很低,市场的效率总体不高。

    China 's economy is still starting from a low point , and its market remains inefficient overall .