
chāo duǎn kù
  • hot pants;minipants;minishorts
超短裤 [chāo duǎn kù]
  • [minishorts;minipants] 很短的短裤

超短裤[chāo duǎn kù]
  1. 今年夏天穿上这条超短裤出门,让别人惊讶去吧。

    Raise a few eyebrows by stepping out in these tiny shorts this summer

  2. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。

    The so-called " breastaurants " take inspiration from Hooters , the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose .

  3. 在购物过程中,她们对超短裤和阿迪达斯(Adidas)一款金色金属片装饰的夹克衫表现出了特殊的兴趣。

    During the shopping trip , the women showed special interest in short shorts and an Adidas jacket with gold lame trim .

  4. 我想他是否也穿超短裤。

    I wonder if he wears panties , too .

  5. 超短裤的潮流不像要离开我们的样子。

    Short shorts are a trend that can 't seem to go away .

  6. 一张她在鲁尼恩山谷穿着超短裤的照片,我就能得到500美元

    A shot of her in short shorts at Runyon gets me 500 bucks .

  7. 我们爱穿超短裤!

    We wear short shorts !

  8. 长休闲西服套装配超短裤、或连裤衫、或短裙的混搭最近是相当时髦。

    A mix-match of the long blazer and short shorts , or rompers , or skirts is incredibly fashionable these days .

  9. 与此同时,67%的女性表示应禁止在办公室穿超短裤,52%的女性认为穿迷你裙显得不职业化。

    Meanwhile , 67 percent of women say colleagues should be stopped from wearing tiny shorts and 52 percent believe miniskirts are unprofessional .

  10. 对于女性来说,由天鹅绒和丝绸为材料的超短裤预计将在纽约08新春的展示的T台上看到。

    For women , short shorts in materials like velvet and silk are expected on the runways during New York 's Spring '08 presentations .

  11. 2013年,犹他州一位名叫斯科特·麦金托什的父亲,因为不希望他的女儿米蕾穿比他认同的还要短的超短裤,于是穿上超短裤出门并将其发布到网上。

    In 2013 , Utah dad Scott Mackintosh wore super-short shorts in a photo posted online when he didn 't want his daughter Myley to wear shorts shorter than what he approved of .

  12. 搞笑了,夏季里我去每个地方,都看到女生穿超短裤,但当我露出些大腿上部时,突然,我就看起来不得体了。

    It 's funny how everywhere I go in the summertime , I see girls wearing short-shorts , but the second I show some upper thigh , suddenly , I don 't look appropriate .

  13. 过去两周,弗朗索瓦已经播出一段30秒的菲亚特广告,画面上洛佩兹穿着露脐短衬衫和褶皱超短裤又唱又跳,还驾驶菲亚特500在城市里自由穿梭。

    For the past two weeks , Francois has aired a 30-second Fiat commercial showing a singing and dancing J.Lo plugging the 500 while fetchingly attired in a midriff-bearing blouse and pleated tap shorts .

  14. 在廉价店买东西都是超低价,短裤当然比燕尾服便宜的多。

    Shopping at thrift stores is bargainous , and a pair of shorts is more bargainous than a tuxedo .