
  • 网络Ultrafine alumina;superfine alumina
  1. 激光粒度仪测定超细氧化铝粉体粒度的研究

    Determination of particle size of superfine alumina powder by laser grainsize analyzer

  2. Sol-Gel法制备高纯超细氧化铝粉体技术及其产业化研究

    Study on Preparation Technology and Industrialization of High - Pure and Supper-Fine Alumina Powder by Sol-Gel Method

  3. 超细氧化铝,特别是超细α-Al2O3粉体,是一种用于催化剂载体,精细陶瓷和复合材料的重要材料。

    Ultrafine alumina powder , especially ultrafine α - Al_2O_3 powder is an important material for applications such as catalyst supports , fine ceramics and composite materials .

  4. 机械法制备超细氧化铝粉体及其在ZTA陶瓷上的应用

    Mechanical preparation of ultra-fine powder of alumina and its application in ZTA ceramic

  5. 超声雾化制备超细氧化铝陶瓷粉体技术

    The Technique of Producing the Tiny Ceramic Powders by Ultrasonic Atomizer

  6. 从铝灰中回收铝制备超细氧化铝粉体过程研究

    Process research on preparation ultrafine alumina power from aluminium ash

  7. 煤系高岭岩制取超细氧化铝的试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Preparation of Ultra-fine Alumina from Kaolinite in Coal Measures

  8. 利用粉煤灰制备高纯超细氧化铝粉体的研究

    The study of preparation of high-purity and ultrafine aluminum oxide from fly ash

  9. 由废铝基催化剂制备高纯超细氧化铝的理论及技术研究

    Theory and Technology of High Purity Ultrafine Alumina Preparation from Spent Al_2O_3-based Catalyst

  10. 溶胶-发泡法制备超细氧化铝

    Preparation and Characteristics of Ultrafine Alpha-alumina by Sol-frothing Process

  11. 超细氧化铝表面改性及其抛光特性

    Surface Modification of Ultra-fine Al_2O_3 and its Polishing Performances

  12. 精细化利用粉煤灰制备超细氧化铝

    The preparation of ultrafine alumina from flyash

  13. 我国超细氧化铝制备工艺10年进展

    Development of Ultrafine Alumina in China

  14. 高纯超细氧化铝粉末的制备(Ⅰ)&氧化铝粉纯度的控制

    Preparation of high purity ultrafine aluminum oxide (ⅰ) - controlling the purity of aluminum oxide powder

  15. 本文对沉淀法制备超细氧化铝粉末过程中的团聚现象进行了研究;

    The agglomeration was studied in the process of preparation of ultrafine aluminum oxide by precipitation .

  16. 低温热处理以及高能球磨对制备超细氧化铝的影响

    Effects of low temperature heat treatment and high energy ball milling on the preparation of ultrafine alumina

  17. 笔者认为该方法为现阶段高纯超细氧化铝粉体制备方法中最有价值和发展潜力的方法。

    It is believed to be the most valuable and potential method to make the high purity alumina .

  18. 特种超细氧化铝近年来在各个工业领域得到了越来越广泛的应用并在国内外市场发展很快。

    Specific ultrafine powder of aluminium oxide has extensively been used in each the domain of the industry which is getting enormous economic results in the national and international market .

  19. 详细介绍了煅烧氧化铝、活性氧化铝、无定形铝胶、片状氧化铝和氢氧化铝、纳米氧化铝、氧化铝纤维、氧化铝膜和高纯超细氧化铝的制备方法;

    Preparation methods of calcined alumina , active alumina , amorphous aluminium glue , flaky alumina and hydrogen alumina , nanometer alumina , alumina fibre , alumina membrane and high purity fine alumina are introduced .

  20. 本文以硝酸铝、硝酸锆和尿素为原料,用共沉淀制取以超细氧化铝为载体的稀土锆催化剂,并将该催化剂应用于废塑料裂解的催化改质阶段。

    Al ( NO3 ) 3 Zr ( NO3 ) 3 and ( NH2 ) 2CO being used as material in the article , rare earth Zr Catalyst whose carrier was powder Al2O3 was gotten by co-precipitation and was used in the stage of Catalytic transformation in waste plastics cracking .

  21. 热分解法制备超细活性氧化铝

    Preparation of Ultrafine Active Alumina by Heat Decomposition

  22. 溶胶&凝胶法制备超细三氧化铝粉末工艺条件研究

    Study of preparation of aluminum oxide powder

  23. 超细活性氧化铝的制备和表征

    Preparation and characterization of ultrafine active alumina

  24. 系统地介绍了超细高纯氧化铝的制备方法。

    The preparation methods of ultrafine high-purity alumina are systematically presented in this paper .

  25. 基于超细高纯氧化铝随着科学技术的发展需求量越来越大,也对其制备方法做了扼要叙述。

    With the development of science and technology , the demand of ultra - fine , high - purity alumina powder is increased .

  26. 超细粒子的合成技术超细粒子氧化铝的制备

    Preparation of the alumina ultrafine particles

  27. 菱镁矿煅烧氧化镁水化制备高纯超细氢氧化镁煤系高岭岩制取超细氧化铝的试验研究

    Magnesium Hydroxide of High Grade and Extra Fine Obtained by Hydration of Light-burned Magnesia Calcined from Magnesite ; Experimental Research on the Preparation of Ultra-fine Alumina from Kaolinite in Coal Measures