
  • 网络Speeding;Too fast
  1. 超速驾驶可能会被处以高额罚款。

    The penalty for speeding can be a heavy fine .

  2. 由于超速驾驶,警察罚了她25美元的款

    Police punished her with a fine of $ 25 for speeding .

  3. 当时她超速驾驶。

    She was exceeding the speed limit .

  4. 他违章超速驾驶。

    He was breaking the speed limit .

  5. 当规定一个正常速度来捕捉超速驾驶者在某一点的速度时,平均速度相机就会捕捉下来,惩罚从A到B点距离超速的司机。

    While normal speed traps try to catch speeding drivers at one single spot , average speed cameras punish drivers who cover the distance between point A and B too fast .

  6. 他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的。这句话的幽默之处是将MercedesBenz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends。

    He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends .

  7. Q.假设你遵守交通法规不超速驾驶,并且在铺有路面的道路上行驶,那么你能观赏到的最长日落会持续多久?

    Q. What is the longest possible sunset you can experience while driving , assuming we are obeying the speed limit and driving on paved roads ?

  8. 安吉尔:但是你并没有超速驾驶啊。

    Angel : But you 're not exceeding the speed limit .

  9. 警察指控约翰超速驾驶。

    The cop booked John on a charge of speeding .

  10. 警察由于我超速驾驶给了我一张罚款单。

    The police slapped a bluey on me for speeding .

  11. 在闹市超速驾驶违反交通法规。

    These findings appear to violate the laws of physics .

  12. 深入剖析导致交通事故发生的原因,超速驾驶是引起交通事故的主要原因之一。

    Speeding is one of the main reasons which cause road accidents .

  13. 国内外的众多对驾驶员肇事的研究多集中在四个方面:1、驾驶行为(超速驾驶、酒后驾驶、闯红灯、超车等);

    The studies on this are 4 aspects : 1 . behavior ;

  14. 有何措施防止在隧道内超速驾驶?

    The measures in place to prevent speeding in tunnels ?

  15. 你有超速驾驶或醉酒驾驶的记录?

    Do you have a record of speeding or drunk and drive ?

  16. 警方侦破持枪验证和激光雷达超速驾驶。

    Police radar and laser detection guns verified speeding drivers .

  17. 他因超速驾驶到当地法庭受审。

    He came up before the local magistrate for speeding .

  18. 年轻的男性一旦手握方向盘,雄性激素就会让他们超速驾驶。

    When young men get behind the wheel the testosterone goes into overdrive .

  19. 这名驾车者已被拘捕,他将面对酒后驾驶和超速驾驶的指控。

    The driver was arrested and faces charges of drunk driving and speeding .

  20. 超速驾驶的司机会受到重罚。

    Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily .

  21. 我不能接受你对你超速驾驶的解释。

    I don 't buy your excuse for speeding .

  22. 最近一名网络巨子就因超速驾驶支付了7万美元的罚单。

    an Internet millionaire recently paid US $ 70000 for a speeding ticket .

  23. 超速驾驶罚款50美元。

    Ine penalty for speeding is $ 50 .

  24. 上个月我被抓到超速驾驶了,被迫交了罚金。

    I got nicked for speeding last month , had to pay a fine .

  25. 哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单。

    Harris got a ticket for speeding .

  26. 她被警告超速驾驶。

    She was cautioned for speeding .

  27. 甚至没有拿过超速驾驶的告票。

    Not even a speeding ticket .

  28. 为自己和其他道路使用者的安全设想,切勿超速驾驶。

    For your own safety and the safety of other road users , observe speed limits .

  29. 或者在控制超速驾驶方面,在一些地方安装超速监控也很容易啊。

    Or like speeding . It is very easy to put speed cameras in certain places .

  30. 超速驾驶在偷来的汽车里,偷车贼以为自己大获全胜。

    Speeding off ina stolen car , the thief thinks he has got a great catch .