
chāo yīn sù yùn shū jī
  • supersonic transport plane
  1. 等到超音速运输机延绵五十英里的声爆降临整个地球的时候,恐怕只会剩下破碎的玻璃,陶器和人们早已崩溃的神经系统。

    Wait until the SSTs smash their fifty-mile corridors of sonic boom from coast to coast along with smashed windows , crockery , and nervous systems .

  2. 设计具有高效的超音速巡航能力的飞机,特别是超音速巡航的运输机是航空工业近30年努力实现的方向。

    During the past three decades aviation industries have tried to design a supersonic cruise aircraft , especially a supersonic transport .