
zú qiú xié huì
  • Football Association;FA
  1. 据《中国日报》报道,马拉多纳此次访华是为参加一个为期八天的慈善活动,他将与中国足球协会(China'sFootballAssociation)副主席韦迪见面。

    In China for an eight-day charity trip , Maradona is set to meet with Wei Di , the man in charge of China 's Football Association , China Daily said .

  2. 本文以参加2007年度中国足球协会组织的冬季训练营(广东清远)U-15、U-17教练员为调查对象,以教练员的岗位培训为研究对象。

    In this thesis , using U-15 & U-17 coaches who participated the winter training camp organized by Chinese Football Association of 2007 ( Qingyuan Guangdong ) as the survey , and employment training for the study .

  3. 可口可乐是比利时足球协会的官方赞助商。

    Coca-Cola is an official sponsor of the Belgian soccer federation .

  4. 1963年的欧洲足球协会联盟冠军杯赛上,AC米兰遭遇葡萄牙里斯本本菲卡队,结果米兰以2比1夺冠,阿尔塔菲尼包揽两球。

    In the1963 Champions Cup15 played against Benfica Lisabona , Milan won2-1 with two goals of the Brazilian Jose Altafini .

  5. 他要求由运动员、球迷以及每一个人公开选举巴西足球协会(BrazilianFootballConfederation)的高层官员,也闪现过推举队友济科(Zico)与丑闻缠身的足协主席一争高下的念头。

    He demanded open elections - by players , fans , everyone - for the top job in the Brazilian Football Confederation , and toyed with fielding his team-mate Zico against the scandal-tangled president .

  6. 马拉多纳担任阿根廷教练的时间在星期二宣告结束,足球协会全票通过不愿与其续约,国家的AFA足球协会在星期二宣告。

    Diego Maradona 's spell as Argentina coach came to an end on Tuesday when soccer chiefs voted unanimously not to renew his contract , the country 's AFA football association said on Tuesday .

  7. 中国媒体大亨黎瑞刚将支付创纪录的13亿美元购入中国足球协会超级联赛(CSL,简称:中超)5年转播权,这场豪赌是在押注年轻人将在移动设备上付费观看内容、以及足球将成为中国内地的一个重要产业。

    Chinese media mogul Li Ruigang is paying a record-breaking $ 1.3bn for the five-year broadcast rights to China 's football league , in a big bet that young people will pay for content on mobile devices and the beautiful game will become big business on the mainland .

  8. 他由于向一名对手吐口水而被足球协会责令停赛。

    The Football Association suspended him for spitting at an opponent .

  9. 对中国足球协会会员协会实体化改革的研究

    Research into entity reform in member association of Chinese football association

  10. 杰克逊先生是足球协会的会员。

    Mr Jackis on the books of the Football Association .

  11. 论中国足球协会超级联赛的发展对策

    On Countermeasures for Development of Super League Matches of Chinese Football Association

  12. 足球协会和国际足球管理的组织调查了这起事件。

    The Football Association and International Football governing groups investigated the incident .

  13. 中国足球协会管理体制的制度创新

    Institutional renovation of management system of Chinese Football Association

  14. 国际足球协会联合会世界明星赛;

    Federation of international football associations world All-Star game ;

  15. 中国足球协会法律地位研究

    Research on Football Association Legal Status of China

  16. 中国足球协会性质的界定刍议

    Study on the character of Chinese Football Association

  17. 因为如果你说的是少年足球协会

    Cause if it 's Youth Soccer Federation --

  18. 他属于一个足球协会。

    He belongs to a football association .

  19. 当时正是伦敦足球协会出版了第一套足球规则。

    That was when the London Football Association published the first set of soccer rules .

  20. 中国足球协会应当加大对联赛足球裁判员职业道德和专业素质的培训。

    Chinese Football Association should increase the professional ethics and professional quality training of the referee .

  21. 你说的该不会是少年足球协会。

    Not Youth Soccer Federation . '

  22. 1863年10月26日,英国足球协会成立,标志着现代足球的诞生。

    Football Association of England established on October 26 , marking the Birth of modern football games .

  23. 伊拉克足球协会助理秘书塔利克?阿美得透露,助理教练萨迪?托马也销声匿迹。

    Assistant coach Sadi Toma has also disappeared , Iraqi Football Association Assistant Secretary Tariq Ahmed revealed .

  24. 亨特至少得到了职业足球协会首席执行官泰勒的安慰。

    Hunt could at least draw comfort from Gordon Taylor , the chief executive of the Professional Footballers'Association .

  25. 四分之一决赛的抽签仪式周五早晨在位于瑞士尼翁的欧洲足球协会联盟总部进行。

    The draw for the quarter-final matches was held Friday morning at UEFA headquarters in Nyon , Switzerland .

  26. 我们决定通过我们在国际足联和欧洲足球协会联盟的席位,起到一个积极和有影响力的作用。

    We are determined to play an active and influential role through our representation within both UEFA and FIFA .

  27. 举行半决赛的场地将在四月22日或23日由足球协会决定。

    Semi-Final matches will be played at venues decided by the Football Association over weekend 22 / 23 April .

  28. 1863年,伦敦的足球协会宣布了第一套足球规则,并把这项运动称为“英式足球”。

    The London Football Association published the first set of rules in1863 and named the sport " association football " .

  29. 1863年,足球协会成立了,拟定了规则并激起对这项运动的兴趣。

    In 1863 , the Football Association was formed to draw up rules and promote the interests of the game .

  30. 2007年韩国大韩足球协会发行了《足球理论教材》,这是韩国指导足球运动的纲领性文件。

    In 2007 , the korea football association issued Football Theory Textbook . This is the programmatic document for korea football .