
tiào sǎn
  • jump;parachute;bale out;brolly hop
跳伞 [tiào sǎn]
  • (1) [parachute;bale out]∶借助降落伞从空中跳下;从损坏或失灵的航空器上借助降落伞跳下

  • (2) [jump]∶从飞行的飞机上借降落伞跳下

  • 定点跳伞

跳伞[tiào sǎn]
  1. 我第一次跳伞的经历很令人激动。

    My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience .

  2. 例句虽然我恐高,但我还是不顾一切地参加了慈善跳伞活动。

    Even though I am scared of heights , I 'm throwing caution to the wind and signing up for the charity parachute jump .

  3. 跳伞给你一生难求的刺激感觉。

    Parachuting will give you the rush of a lifetime .

  4. 飞行员得以跳伞脱险。

    The pilot was able to parachute to safety .

  5. 飞行员从着火的飞机里跳伞了。

    The pilot jumped from the burning plane .

  6. 我想尝试一下跳伞,可到最后关头却没有勇气了。

    I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute .

  7. 一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。

    A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today .

  8. 他是个经验丰富的跳伞者,已经跳过150多次伞了。

    He was an experienced parachutist who had done over 150 jumps .

  9. 里德不得不从严重受损的飞机上跳伞逃生。

    Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft

  10. 他的业余爱好是自由落体式跳伞。

    His hobby is freefall parachuting .

  11. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。

    Parachuting is a dangerous occupation .

  12. 飞行员安全地跳伞逃生。

    The pilot bailed out safely .

  13. 跳伞员的目标是运动场,却降落在附近的社区里。

    The parachuter was aiming at the playground but landed in a nearby community .

  14. 他们安全地跳伞着落。

    They parachuted to the ground safely .

  15. 我会像你一样跳伞。

    I 'll parachute like you .

  16. “我知道。你想知道盲人是怎么跳伞的吗?”盲人高兴地说,“这并不难。”

    I know . Are you wondering how a blind man can parachute ? the blind man said cheerfully , It 's not difficult .

  17. 10.getcoldfeet突然退缩,裹足不前莎莉让我试试跳伞,但我不敢。

    Sally said I should try skydiving , but I had cold feet .

  18. 遗愿清单并不都是高空跳伞和蹦极之类的活动。

    Bucket lists aren 't all about skydiving and bungee jumping .

  19. 跳伞、随便跟一个陌生人讲话、学一种外语、挑一本没看过的新书、上阿根廷探戈的课、攀岩、学习缝纫…今天你要挑战哪项新事物呢?

    Skydiving , talking to that random stranger , learning a foreign language , picking a strange new book , taking Argentinian tango classes , rock climbing , learning how to sew ... What new things will you try today ?

  20. 来自萨拉托加跳伞队的迪恩·麦克唐纳(DeanMcDonald)说,目前为止,坎宁安是他最年长的跳伞搭档。

    Dean McDonald of Saratoga Skydiving says Cunningham is his oldest jump partner yet .

  21. 方法:应用心理健康症状问卷(SCL-90)、跳伞心理应激问卷对165名空降兵新兵跳伞员进行心理测评。

    Methods : 165 recruits ( parachuters ) were measured with SCL-90 and questionnaire of psychology stress reaction .

  22. 不同年龄跳伞运动员SCL-90的躯体化和恐怖情绪差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);

    There were obvious differences in the somatization of SCL-90 and horror ( P < 0.05 ) among varying-aged parachuting athletes .

  23. 2003年,澳大利亚人FelixBaumgartner成为了第一个通过跳伞跨越英吉利海峡的人。

    In 2003 , Australian Felix Baumgartner became the first person to skydive across the channel .

  24. 跳伞不同次数、男女运动员SCL-90的恐怖情绪差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    In the meantime , horror of SCL-90 among parachuting athletes with different parachuting times and different sexes had significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 示范伞兵的SHG水平在跳伞前24h与着陆后即刻均较非示范伞兵低(P<0.05)。

    The level of SHG 24 h before parachute jumping and immediately after jumping for demonstration parachutists were significantly lower than those of non demonstration parachutists .

  26. 跳伞之前的影片由DannyBoyle在白金汉宫东面的画廊与接见室拍摄。

    The video sequence that preceded the jump was directed by Danny Boyle in the palace 's east gallery and audience room earlier this year .

  27. 雷·奥尼尔(RayO’Neal)是锡安国家公园的老巡护员了。他说,禁止在国家公园里定点跳伞不一定是像许多跳伞者想的那样,是出于安全或是搜救成本的考虑。

    Ray O'Neal , a longtime ranger at Zion , said that the problem with BASE jumping in national parks was not necessarily one of safety or rescue costs , as many jumpers presume .

  28. 跳伞运动也称skydiving。国际比赛包括3项个人项目和1项至两项集体项目。

    Parachute jumping is also known as skydiving . International meets generally include three individual events and one or two team events .

  29. 天空中可以看到降落伞,他们想用跳伞活动来纪念D-Day。

    Am Himmel sind Fallschirmspringer zu sehen . Sie wollen mit der Aktion an die Abspr ü nge w ä hrend des D-Day erinnern .

  30. 其次,估算了JJ5飞机中空意外尾旋各阶段的高度损失,计算了尾旋最低安全跳伞高度。

    Then , the altitude loss of JJ5 airplane medium altitude accidental spin in different phases is estimated and spin minimum safe parachuting altitude is calculated .