
tiào pí jīn
  • rubber band skipping;skipping and dancing over a chain of rubber bands;jump the rubber band rope;skip and dance over a chain of rubber bands
跳皮筋 [tiào pí jīn]
  • [rubber bands skipping;jump the rubberband rope;skip and dance over a chain of rubber bands] 儿童尤其女孩爱做的一种跳橡皮筋活动,跟跳绳有些类似。也叫跳猴皮筋

跳皮筋[tiào pí jīn]
  1. 游戏目标是把你的腿钩在皮筋上,按一定顺序钩出圈圈和图案,跳皮筋同时通常还会念一段词儿或唱一首歌。

    The objective of this game is to hook your legs into the rope to form loops and patterns in a certain sequence . This is often accompanied by a rhyme or song .