
  1. 你能把你的车借我一用吗?

    Can you oblige me with your car ?

  2. 把你的车借我一个礼拜。

    Lend me your car for a week .

  3. 他只是把车借了出去。

    He only lent the car .

  4. 你的厢型车可以借我吗?n.正文;

    Would you lend me your van ?

  5. 你的车明天可以借我用吗?我要和这个女孩约会,明白吗?而且

    Do you think I could use your car tomorrow ? I 've got a date with this girl , see ? And

  6. 你想借我的车吗?就借几个小时。

    You want to borrow my car ? Just for a couple of hours .

  7. 他说根本没有这趟车。于是我借他本人的列车时刻表。

    When he denied the train 's existence , I borrowed his copy of the timetable .

  8. 如果明天车能还回来,他就可以把车借去。

    Suppose you were given a chance to get the job , would you accept ?