
chē piào
  • ticket;pass;train or bus ticket;ticket for a vehicle
车票 [chē piào]
  • [ticket for a vehicle] 乘坐公共交通工具的票

车票[chē piào]
  1. 凭本车票在七日内可自由乘车不受限制。

    The ticket gives you unlimited travel for seven days .

  2. 这张车票3日内有效。

    This train ticket is valid for three days .

  3. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。

    All passengers are required to show [ present ] their tickets .

  4. 只售沈阳以远的车票。

    Only tickets for Shenyang and beyond are available .

  5. 车票上写明经上海到北京。

    The ticket reads to Beijing via Shanghai .

  6. (列车)乘务员用剪票夹在我们的车票上打孔(验票)。

    The train conductor punched our tickets .

  7. 你能为我订购一张直达那不勒斯的车票吗?

    Can you book me a ticket through to naples ?

  8. 只售济南以远的车票。

    Only tickets for Jinan and beyond are available .

  9. 你真好,为我的旅行提供车票。

    It was very good of you to accommodate me with the ticket for my journey .

  10. 我把车票和钱给你,你就可以走了,我乏透了,想睡觉。

    I 'll give you the tickets and the money and then you can take yourself off ; I 'm all in and I want to go to bed .

  11. 我的爱好没有你的花费多——我收集车票、公共汽车票和火车票。

    My hobby doesn ' t cost as much as yours — I collect tickets , bus tickets and train tickets .

  12. 马克·吐温翻遍了所有衣服的口袋,也没有找到车票。

    Mark Twain looked for the ticket in all his pockets , but he didn 't find it .

  13. 我预购了下铺的车票,如此一来,火车向前行驶的时候,我就可以欣赏窗外的风景了。

    I reserved the lower berth , so that I could enjoy the beauty of out side from the moving train .

  14. 他到一个售票窗口对售票员说:“我要一张去斯普林菲尔德的车票。”

    He went up to a ticket window and said to the conductor , " I want a ticket for Springfield . "

  15. 一证通行、无接触服务保障春运安全全国大部分火车站均可使用电子车票,乘客可使用身份证或刷脸进站乘车。

    Electronic tickets are used in most railway stations across the country , and passengers can check in with their ID cards or through facial recognition .

  16. 正好列车员认识这位作家,便说:“真的没什么大不了的。回来时你把车票给我看看好了。万一找不到,也没有多大关系。”

    At last , the conductor knew the writer , so he said : " It doesn 't matter . Show me your ticket on your way back . And if you don 't find it , there is no trouble . "

  17. 我让萨姆(sam)帮我预订了车票,决定自己坐一回火车。

    Having got Sam to book my ticket , I decided to try the train myself .

  18. 你可以买到XX的车票,到了再转别的车。

    You can buy ticket to XX , then at there change other bus .

  19. 基于TWAIN标准的车票图像采集

    Acquiring Ticket Image Base on TWAIN Standard

  20. 自动售检票系统(AutomaticFareCollectionAFC)是城市轨道交通的一个很重要的组成部分,能够在无人值守的条件下高效准确地完成车票的售卖和进出站检票。

    Automatic Fare Collection ( AFC ) system plays a very important part in the track transportation , saling the tickets and checking in or out efficiently and accurately without personnel .

  21. 如果你打算只乘坐地铁或JR的铁路线,也有那样的车票。

    If you 're planning to use only the subway or JR lines , there are passes for that .

  22. 但把两家公司结合起来的车票(可以在JR的各个车站买到)更划算。

    A combination ticket , though ( which can be purchased in JR stations ) , is the better way to go .

  23. 而自动售票机作为AFC系统中最重要的设备之一,真正完成对车票的发售及对交易的记录。

    And the ticket vending machine as one of the most important equipment of the AFC system , really complete the sale of tickets and transactions .

  24. 共和党参议员LindseyGraham称现在美国和北约在阿富汗的模式是美国军队“回家的车票”。

    Republican Senator Lindsey Graham last week called the current U.S. and NATO model in Afghanistan " the ticket home " for U.S. troops .

  25. 所以她用了紧急基金里的一点钱买了一张到纽约市的车票。车上有WiFi,还有插座。

    So she spent a little bit of her emergency cash on a cheap bus ticket to New York City that came with WiFi and a power outlet .

  26. 之后Rule又在Craigslist上遇到一位想要免费出让一张去威斯康星州麦迪逊市的车票,Rule得到了这张车票并继续她的旅程。在威斯康星州里,她遇到了一位沙发客,最终载着她抵达明尼阿波里斯市。

    Soon Rule discovered a woman on Craigslist who was giving away a free bus ticket to Madison , Wisconsin-Rule accepted it and continued her journey , staying in Wisconsin with a couchsurfer who later drove her to Minneapolis .

  27. 选择何种车票发行方案,对票务收益的安全以及乘客使用AFC系统的便捷都有较大的影响。

    The proposal of launching prepaid card will have great effect on the safety of the ticket income and the convenience for passengers when they use the AFC system .

  28. 据NPR新闻的茵娜·杰夫报道,这个案子涉及拉斯维加斯精神病医院的一个病人,他得到了一张去往加州萨克拉门托的单程车票。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports the case involves the patient at a Las Vegas psychiatric Hospital who has given a one-way ticket to Sacramento , California .

  29. 我想买一张周三的D207的车票。

    Can I get a seat for the D207 on Wednesday ?

  30. 大连快轨交通3号线AFC系统是国内第一个自主研发并投入运行,完全以非接触式IC卡为车票载体(单程票用薄卡型)的自动售检票系统。

    The AFC system of Dalian rapid rail transit line 3 is the first of its kind independently developed by China itself , which employs contactless IC card as the carrier of tickets .