
zhuǎn zhànɡ jié suàn
  • settlement by transferring accounts
  1. 第七条转帐结算凭证在经济往来中,具有同现金相同的支付能力。

    Vouchers of transfer account settlement shall bear the same disbursement capability as cash in business transaction .

  2. 信用卡具有转帐结算、消费信贷、存取现金、自动提款等多种功能。

    It has many functions such as transferring and accounting , consuming and loaning , depositing and drawing cashes , and automatic drawing , etc.

  3. 在银行结算往来中公民、法人、社会团体作为存款人将其拥有的货币资金通过直接存款或转帐结算方式存入或转入银行,这些存入或转入银行的资金就形成银行帐户资金。

    During the course of settlements of accounts , individuals , legal persons and social organizations , as depositors , deposit or transfer the money-capital by way of settlement of direct depositing or transferring .

  4. 除国家允许使用现金履行义务的以外,必须通过银行转帐或者票据结算。

    Except for cases in which the State permits the use of cash to fulfil obligations , settlements must be made by means of transfer of bank accounts or bills .