
  • 网络Conversion site;switch site
  1. Ⅲ类,主控断层扭动转换部位的断鼻断块;

    Type ⅲ, faulted noses and blocks developed on the shearing and transforming position of major faults ;

  2. 东帕米尔“层控碳酸岩型”铁铜金矿,形成于中元古代裂谷构造环境,产于中深变质相与中浅变质相转换部位,塔昔达阪群底部。

    The stratabound carbonate iron-copper-gold belt in the Eastern Pamir was formed in the Lower Taxidban group in a Mid Proterozoic rift .

  3. 拟建的马1井场公路位于通江县北部四川盆地与米仓山构造带的转换部位,工程规模较大,地质条件较复杂。

    Ma1 well field road is located in the northern part of Sichuan Basin Tongjiang County and Micangshan tectonic belt conversion parts with engineering larger and more complicated geological conditions .

  4. 有机矿产包括煤、油气、煤层气等,分布于盆地内部,无机矿产以铀矿为主,处于盆&山转换部位。

    The organic resources include oil , gas , coal and coal bed methane inside the Ordos Basin , and the inorganic - ( resource ) is mainly uranium deposits distributed at the transitional zone between basin and mountain .

  5. 最富化的玄武岩产在西部洋脊与转换断层交叉部位,其MgO含量较低,成分变化大。

    The most evolved samples with lower MgO content were collected from the western ridge-transform intersection .

  6. 汽轮机基础是火力发电厂的心脏,是实现能源转换的要害部位。

    Steam turbine foundation is the heart of coal-fired power plants , and is the key part of energy conversion .

  7. 转换层以下部位的剪力和弯矩值,应参考三维有限元分析结果进行调整。

    In addition , the shear force and moment of flexure under the transfer story should be adjusted with reference to the findings of 3D Finite Element Analysis .

  8. 为了满足建筑功能的特殊需求,一小部分短肢剪力墙不可避免的需要布置在转换梁跨中部位,由转换梁独自承担。

    In order to meet the special needs of building function , a small portion of shortlimb shear wall need been arrangemented in the middle of the beam .

  9. 预应力减小了转换梁跨中截面受拉区的拉应力,对转换梁其它部位拉压应力影响不大,在转换梁开裂的情况下预应力筋对裂缝的开展有限制作用。

    Pre-stress reduces the tensile stress in the middle section of the tensile area , but has little effect on the stress in other parts of the transfer beam , the crack developing in tendons part have limited effect with larger vertical deflection .